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Hi Everyone!

Here's a good one:

Trying to determine the fur type of the lining vest in this old trench coat I'm considering... Chest and length of it will fit perfectly under one of my long coats... I'm just in it for the lining vest, but I've included the photo of the trench coat closed to give you an idea of the thickness...

What are your thoughts?


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Waiting to hear back from seller...

Conventional wisdom says it's Opossum, but it looks long for that...

The region where I'm buying it from is well known for Chat Sauvage fur, and it kinda looks like that---but you'd think the trench would look heavier/thicker as a result...


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Unshorn beaver would be pretty heavy for a lining. I would guess an acrylic that mimics real fur pretty well. 

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Bonjour  Je pense  que ses de la vrai  fourrure  sa a l'air d'être  du castor ou tu ragondins d'Amérique 

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