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I believe that anti fur people have the same ethics for their platform.


Madison is just letting off steam and being sexy guys don't ya get it?


What part of LIBERTY don't you get? It is like us fur people rubbing antis bits with fur; and getting the same reaction lol!


She don't mean it. At the end of the day, what it is about is mutual respect and Liberty.


For example. OFF and Tryxie and Miss T are allergic or in some way have revulsion to smoking.

SO we respect that as smokers and therefore agree we should have seperate space. That is okay isn't it?


I tried to metaphorically reprodeuce that by having a smoking lounge in the den pubbe. OFF still come in lol and has agreeed, as a vehemnet anti smoker; that we should have some liberty and space.


And it works then.

If OFF had a party sure Madison and my girlf would smoke...but outside. hell he even invented a smoke remover in his buildings; so he even would maybe give them a inside space. Though I would persuade him not to so they have to go outside and therefore have to put their furs back on and I BET anything then you would all be outsde with them lol!


Give us our space; and we shall respect yours.


Do not give us our space; and we shall not respect yours.


Isn't that fair?


Madison feels sexy when she wears fur; sexy when she smokes. Partly because they are associated with traditional female elegance; partly because they are associated with Hollywood; partly because they are objectively sexy (ask Helmut Newton the master) ; partly because they

are both incredibly sensual for women; partly because they are now considered both "wicked".


So Madson is just having the craic wih you!


She is sick of being goody two shoes and wants to get low down good old fashioned feminine vamp! SMOKING and FUR go hand in hand for that! You cannot change that any more than AR people can. If they Admitted fur was sexy I would recpect their position a bit more. But no they go to fur sites to secretly jack off. SF sites are full of anti smokers begging all the CONSIDERABLY large numbers of female smoking fetishists why they are such naughty girls! hah we even have a prominent Labour MP there who deosn't get it; voted in favour of smoking bans but goes weak at the knees for such bad girls. I dare say fur forums are full of AR people who think the same about fur.


She wouldn't REALLY do it......unless of course we wanted her to


Give the girl a break! What we want is more girls who aren't drones of political correctness! Ask 1000 smoking fur wearing suprmodels why you won't stand by their liberty when they stand by ours?


You don't get it ToS - I don't care (and if I can speak for JGalanos - I'm sure he doesn't care) if anyone smokes. If you want to, enjoy and god bless.


Having said that, I do not want to be subjected to smoke. I've spent many nights of my life in New York City. The best thing that ever happened to that place was banning smoking in bars and clubs. Period. End of Discussion.




Galanos suggested ankle bracelets for smokers lol! Incites discussion lol!


As I said. Women who smoke get turned on by smoking. That is the truth; and why they find it hard to give up. Being invaded by smoke and feeling the caress of nicotine is sensual; same as fur. They ain't turned on by image lke us but sensuality and concept. Hell if Madison can't fantasise about that here where can she? Read my story; it may give you an insight and words don't get your furs smelling of smoke. Letting them fantasise here does NOT expose you to their smoke. End of discussion


Alley of No Return in the "special members" place.


soon be 1st July!! enjoy it while yer can!!


I don't have any problem if you and MAFP and any others enjoy smoking. The simple fact is that I don't. And I do not think I need to subject myself or my furs to smoke no matter how much *real* or *fantasized* enjoyment it may bring to some other person.




We are here to talk about Fur so I am going to make the Smoking Stance Quick. I believe that Smoking is a Personal Choice. I believe that people who PAY to eat, drink or congregate somewhere have the right to enjoy thier Cigarette. I also believe that those who don't choose to smoke have EQUAL RIGHT to have a place free of SMOKE. By the way my Furs are cleaned regulary so the Smoke does not affect them.When I made my comment I was angered but Legalistic People like the NYC Mayor who are taking away a product from us we have a right to have. I would blow smoke in HIS FACE and put ASHES on HIS FLOOR. As for my Denizons I love and respect you and would honor your CHOICE.


There will be no smoking in the New World Order.


Gordon Brown has decreed it.


There will be no burkhas; no smoking; no foxhunting; no furs.


Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.


can't be arguing with 2 outta 4 meself, being a country lad I'd vote the pesky foxes cop it so yer can guess the other 2 no-votes.....


You are correct furelli but I am not 2 of 4 I am 8 of 9. But there is no arguing with us. All shall be banned in the New World Order.


I support the right to smoke.


I don't support touch using the logical fallacy of guilt by association. Just because the Nazis did something does not make it bad. He also lied that Nazism is based on Hinduism and Buddhism. Yes, he did. It's right there is some old posts.


Heinrich Himmler was the architect of the new morality in Nazi Germany; if they were to break the power of the Christian church they needed a new moral authority. They found it in Buddhism, and Nietsche's idea of man being superman; enlightened and in charge of his own moral destiny. Himmler was a Buddhist. Its right there in the history books.


They also banned smoking based on a series of erroneous statistics; EXCATLY the same ones that are being used to justify it now; exactly the same ones that have just seen the ASA pull millions of pounds of taxpayers money wasted on propaganda that is erroneous: passive smoking is NOT a health hazard. That is now proven; and because of the false claims the ads have been banned from air.


Smoking bans and false evidence? Right there in the history books.

Hitler also banned foxhunting; and the cooking of lobsters in pots, and they coined the term animal rights.

Its right there in the history books.


Just in case you still doubt it, let's see what Mark Almond the most senior professor of Modern History at Oxford has to say about it shall we? Seen as I keep linking you to the authority on the matter and you keep ignoring it; this is




Apart from their opposition to hunting, what Hitler and some of the most extreme contemporary animal rights activists tend to share are an implacable self-righteousness and misanthropy. Advocates of


Isn't the governor of California an Austrian an all..... Oh err


yes but ironically it is he who is anti the pc culture there. He is Libertarian.

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