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Alie express


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I haven't used aliexpress, though I have looked for fur there a few times. The general risks as I understand them are

1) you cannot be certain that you will receive the item as advertised, sellers often use stock pictures that don't represent what your item will look like. Or they may blatantly lie and give you faux instead of fox.

2) the farms they source the fur from often do not treat the animals humanely. The animals are stressed and live bad lives, and even if you don't care about the animals, that leads to lower quality fur.

3) the pelt processing in Chinese garments often leads to thinner skins and more fragile furs.

I am not an expert but that is what my research returned. It is not worthwhile to buy from aliexpress for me.

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if your budget is not on the high side, you can also go for chinchilla rex. Many different length, shapes, colors are available. Price wise this is also more attractive and also really soft, but the look is very different.

What joel.leon said about the differences between the pictures and the actual product is correct. Quality is on the lower end, but you pay for what you get 🙂 Bought a few mink fur caps on ali express. Delivery is on occasion also failing and returning is a disaster. I think Ali express has been discussed already on multiple topics if I am not mistaken.

Ebay and Etsy have plenty of rex scarfs and shawls. 


https://www.etsy.com/nl/search?q=Chinchilla Rex fur scarf&ref=search_bar

Search and find, even the ever existing banner in the top of website sells them


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1 hour ago, paul2809 said:

Only two big ticket items i want for my self..fox fur stole and a soft pair of fur massage mittens, that would make me happy...

Just buy from the high rated stores. Don’t go too cheap too. 

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