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London - trying....

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Ok Ok, not one to be disappointed. Had a weekend in London. Weather cool not freezing. Highlights were small but convincing - we must put into action the anti RSPCA stuff cos the furs were around:


Portobello Road - yes the second hand stalls selling all sorts, but 2 full length minks (beautiful) on some tourists, and some shorter jackets.


Convent Garden - Hints of real fur on jackets but a stunning wool cape trimmed in the thickest edge of Crystal fox on a lady to be described as no less than stunning and young.


Out and about - fur scarves, gloves and lots of edging. Have to wonder about all the fakes - seem to be on English girls saying loudly - 'I wish this was real'!


Never made it down Bond Street at busy time but windows with fur rugs and fur as decoration for other articles....


Com on us Pommies (ooops - English) lets stand and fight for our rights - I'm doing my letter to the paper today...




Cheltenham races on the weekend (fir and sat). Will be loads if its cold.


Why not come azuremink?


And yes get your letters off! Don't forget to use that young model's link about fur farming welfare and how the scientists findings were sabotaged.


You were in London and didn't go to Harvey Nicholls? The 5th floor cafe is good for fur.


Ahhh TOS, thanks for those pointers.

Unfortunatly, Kids birthday party this weekend so stuck doing the 'games meister' thing. Will remember. Have our own races here in Notts so hoping to visit some and witness furry views.

Did HNicks in Leeds recently - lack of furry views though. Will try the London one next time...




Newbury races was always a good day out as well Auzmink as I recollect..... OR did I jus get stuck in the "Irish tent" for the day


Plenty of well heeled folk from Berks & the home counties normally attend & jus a short nick down the M1 for you


PS well done in the cricket

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