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Beautiful Coat

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Is the wonderful red dyed fox pictured in the gallery by furelli in pictures mod 70-2 and mod 70-3 for sale somewhere? Thanks


Wish she would just wear the glasses instead of that stupid black bar.


Like you wouldn't recognize her on the street???


Give us a break.












Wish she would show her eyes. I love this coat, but the model or seller makes me NOT want to pursue it based on the "annonimity" of her



Perhaps you're all right in that she does not want her identity known but I'd bet it would be more to do with "unauthorised" pics popping up on the net.


How many times have we seen women modelling furs in eBay ads pop up elsewhere (sometimes numerous times) on the net ? Heck, we have a section for it in the gallery here in the Den !


I know if I were in her position and there were a possibility that numerous pics of me would appear on the net totally outside of my control, I wouldn't want my likeness plastered everywhere as well.


Then again, I could be totally wrong...



Welcome to the Fur Den!




I second that, Linda! I know you've been around since February, lafur, but I must have missed your first post. We hope to see much more of you in the future!




I know this listing is from Germany.....but am I the only one here that thinks the model looks like our own Maribeth in the face?




and for what it's worth, I love that coat.


We could have Tweety put Maribeth's face on them all















This amazing girl has been modelling furs on ebay for years. I have bid on loads but never got one. the quality of their stuff is exceptioal.

She din't used to have a bar across her yes. She always wears great thigh boots and stuff and actually i am surprised she doesn't feature in more posts.


I would imagine she had some s*** off the german young greens. They are mouthy little t***s but they go down like a sack of s*** when you whack them. But you do have to confront them or they just keep going.

I find an ear grab and a lecture works well. But she probably doesn't want the aggro.


She is very nice though.


And the coat is amazing. If anyone wants to buy me anything for christmas I will accept that and in return do a customized photo shoot with my models and some other goodies in kind!


One can live in hope.


It seems to be a misguided habit for a lot of folks to post pictures of furs for sale with womens' heads cut off, or blurred, or eyes covered. It distracts from the fur and is what the salesfolk call "negative sell." I once sold a silver fox coat on eBay. It was modeled by my wife who, in my opinion, is an attractive woman. I did not cover up her face. If people want to slap her face all over the internet, what difference does it make? Anyway, the coat sold in a snap, maybe because it was a very fine coat and a good price, but maybe because it looked swell on the model too.


Well nice argument & reasoning elfnum, I was with you upto I saw your avatar......... where's her HEAD!!!!


I don't know if he is still doing it, but Oliver Furs WAS at least a good example of this. He had that stupid white dummie with sunglasses plastered over it. That was the most disgusting thing I had ever saw! I could barely look at his product when he used that, let alone buying anything from him. I just cannot believe that he would actually use that thing on purpose! Yet he used it almost completely for an almost unbelievable long number of months. Have just not been on lately to see if he is still using it.




Well nice argument & reasoning elfnum, I was with you upto I saw your avatar......... where's her HEAD!!!


Good point. But I'm not trying to sell anything here. I just thought the coat deserved recognition. I will change my avatar to something with a face.

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