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Imagefap : Crepax: venus in Furs illustrations

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Crepax's pics from his illustrated venus in furs are on image fap.

The damn furries have buggered up the search for fur so its unsearchable.


here is the link for crepax:


Sorry ToS, but on a couple of occassions I got "naughty" pics... not to furget text that is none too subtle. However if you click on the following link, you will be able to find that comic, PLUS many others at the following:




This blog has many comic books and it is "nice"?? to see that even comic books can hold false front covers... search and you will see what I mean *grin*


As you say ToS, the damned furries have made life difficult to find other fur images/cartoons at the mentioned site.... I did a search using 'fox fur' and.... well, after three pages had found one (known to me) link. BUT can't use it as It does break CoC.




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