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wearing fur in London

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the squirrels wanted some notice! and they're so cute i had to... 8)


Well, I am living in London and my wife always wears her furs, including her Silverfox Coat and Blue Fox Coat as well as her White Mink and Brown Mink Coat and I must say, that we have never had a problem and that even in the Supermarket, while wearing a full length Silverfox.


The only comments, so far, have been complimentary. I actually believe that a lot of people have just lost interest in the issue, except for the media and some die hard animal rights activists and groups.


yes london is a lot more fur tolerant than much of the country.


But the media folk devil/moral panic about fur kicks in in hicksville places

where people can have a parochial attitude. Having said that, there are still plenty of places to go where you will never get trouble.


I was in London today on business and boy was it cold I saw some amazing and some not so amazing furs, I only had the opportunity to comment on one coat and it was received warmly, I am like the rest of you frustrated with broad brush statements from journalists who don't understand and it gets them easy column inches, it wasn't column inches I got today much more enjoyable, anyway on the train back north and looking forward to a cold cold Christmas without you (journalists that is) have posted a couple of new pics in the gallery that should warm some peoples hearts, enjoy


I should say that most times when I go out here I only get good compliments... like last night two separate ladies commented on the black fox stroller I wore. Nice to hear again after a few days of antis being nasty. So, it isn't usually negativity that I run into in dayton, but the holidays seems to bring out all the "friendly" people in the world to do their business in a few heavily populated spots.


yes it is the season of the politics of envy .

it gets worse after christmas if they think you got something better than them. It isn't just fur.

It can be just ordering champagne in a restaurant or having a gucci bag.

It sjust envy...the dirty looks come. Fur gives them an excuse to comment, thats all.


There was a lady in the queue in the bank yesterday and these two other women commented just behind me....they said it was "bloody cruel". She was out of earshot, but I turned around and said

"who are you...the f***** morality police? You are wearing leather for goodness sake iits the same thing!"


They went very red and very quiet.


Right on ToS!


I find it so annoying when a someone is such a hypocrite.


Fur and Leather are the same basic thing, and people who wear one have no right to decry someone wearing the other.


Keep up the good fight!




Way to go, TOS!! If I ever need advice on how to handle idiots, i know who to call!!


I think despite petas efforts people still wear fur in london a month ago near st martins i saw a golden sable then a couple of minks and foxes i think because of the law of criminal damage is why you do not see the paint any more.

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