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Santa baby.....

Guest touchofsable

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....slip a SABLE under the tree for me...been an awfully good girl...."


seems to be the in christmas song this year....getting lots of airplay. It was a rare "hear" before.


Come on PETA have a go at dissing that; that will get more people's backs up !


I agree that song is prevalent this year. I almost used it as a ringtone cause they sampled those first few lines, including the sable mention. Ha! I think peta will overlook that as they do many things that they know they can't trod all over .


Not being terribly god fearing my trips to church for many years have been minimal, but went to the local large church for Xmas carols and was quite surprised to read a excerpt from Genesis about god clothing adam and eve in 'skins from animals' - seems to go back way longer than 'Santa Baby'!




This is also mentioned in the Torah, the Koran, the Book of Mormon and even the Manu Smruti! (AKA: The Book of Hindu Laws.)


I don't know of any major world religion that DOESN'T have at least one passage to this effect.


Oh! And, just to clarify... Hindus CAN eat meat if they want to. It is only the COWS that are sacred.

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