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The Diva has arrived!

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Linda , 3 days ago we already warned White Fox by pm about member katja. I told white if we have full proof we go remove the same user katjabont and all his postings from the FFG forums and that it is up to him what the furden is doing with this information. In the mean time user katjabont and all other usernames he used tried to login 15 times on the ffg, and we give him 3 days to tell his story. Ofcourse we get no reaction from him. wondering why?


katja is just a frustraded freaking boy from Holland who is trying to fool the Fur communnity with misleading information.


let white fox contact me, and i will show katja real ID.




WTF is this??????


Is Katja and anti????


If not, then its okay by me. If he/she is trying to use a fake identity to try to purposely mislead people into a relationship/extrortion etc then no, agreed.

However if Katja is a 19 year old boy who wants to be a 19 year old girl and this is the only place he/she can express himself/herself then that is fine by me.


Expression of any sexuality...whether it be gender identity or any kind of legal fetishism, necessitates tolerance on our behalf.




That is the key here for all of us....if we show intolerance then what hope have we to expect tolernace for us in society?


people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


So Katja....you still have a welcome from me, male or female.



exuse me


Can you explain that to all members who been fooled by him?


Katja has fooled and upset many members of the FFG forum, sending pm's,mailing and chatting as a girl, and misleading other members from our forum. Giving them false hope. Breaking some hearts that she is a fur diva.


It's our duty to warn other siteowners and members about morons on the net, and we did. It's up to the admins of the Furden what they do with our information and members like this.


We at the FFG have a zero tolerance for morons and cheaters. period.


my opinion: If you let allow this kind of morons to your forum and don't stop them or delete them , the furden will lose credibility to all his wonderfull members.


anyway, case closed. I did my duty.........


Back to my xmas dinner


. . . and we thank you for your diligence and concern, Cookie!


Denizens, I think it's time for me to weigh in on this - and then lock this thread. I have a couple of reasons for doing this, not the least of which is that I have already had to delete a post that was an all-out attack on one of our members (a flagrant violation of our Code of Conduct) and my experience is that when the flame-throwers come out, it's time to put an end to it. For the record, the thread has wandered off the topic of fur.


If, indeed, anyone is a male who wants to be a female, then I absolutely do not have a problem with that. My concern and support for the transgendered community is, or should be, well-known by now. Where this becomes a problem, though, is when anyone decides to become a member of this community, posing as a member of the opposite sex - and leads the membership to believe this to be a fact. This is where the line must be drawn. If a TV/crossdresser wants to be a member of the Den, that is absolutely OK - as long as that member lets us know that he - or she - is expressing his/her full personality. That way, no one is deceived. No one is mislead, no one is disappointed, no one is given false hope, and therefore no one is heartbroken. (C'mon people - "boys will be boys" and the nature of boys is to pursue the girl!) There aren't that many "GG's" (Genuine Girls) in the Den, and when a female personality appears on one of our boards, she is going to attract a great deal of attention - especially the attention of the males in our community. What has happened is that the men have been deceived again and again by other men posing as females, and as a result, even the "GG's" that become members here are subjected to a great deal of suspicion and disrespect, and, for all intents and purposes, are "guilty until proven innocent." This is wrong! This should not happen - and that's why I must insist that we have a "no tolerance" policy in the Den when it comes to this matter. With all due respect to dissenting views, which arise out of the concern for fairness, I must acknowledge those concerns, but I have to make a decision that has the welfare of the community as a whole as my priority. If that means that I have hurt someone's feelings in the process, I sincerely apologize for that. That is not my purpose. I hope that we can have agreement in this very important matter.

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