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And to you too Boss.


From the Land Down Under.... where, believe it or not, SNOW is actually forecast to fall on the Australian Alps.... in SUMMER on CHRISTMAS DAY!!!!


To what is the World coming?


Merry Christmas... a belated celebratory Chanakuh and a prosperous and safe New Year.


And may the Fur Goddess smile joyfully and playfully upon you in the coming twelve months, removing all pangs of guilt and anxiety, and replacing them with a warm furry glow within.



Indeed BrGr it is so great to have you back here and able to send that card to us! Merry Christmas to you as well!

White Fox


Merry Christmas, FrBrGr!


A year ago I thought I would not see my next Christmas.


This year it happened to you.


We are both very lucky!!


.. and, you too Eric!




Right back at 'ya FrBrGr! And has Madonna has sung (and has been mentioned in prior messages): here's hoping that Santa slips a sable under your tree!





As long as you don't steal that fudge that Bob leaves out for Santa again this year you will be ok!



FrBrGr, White Fox, Coyote, Moderators and all visitors of the Furden; Thank you all for your help and support in the last year,I hope you all have a lovely time over the festive period.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Also i would like to offer a heartfelt volume of gratitude to FRBRGR and White Fox for all your help and support, mending fences, and making us a peacefull fur community. Please pray for FRBRGR's health (although hes kicin ass! LOL).....




A very furry merry christmas to all in the fur den and also to the boss man.


merry Christmas everyone!!!!!


Lets all make a deal that wherever we are over the next three days we ALL ...oursleves and partners....brazenly wear fur when we venture out.


I saw maybe 30 or 40 real furs in Cardiff today (including big fox collars/ pashmina fox trims and old and new coneys), and maybe 20 faux. That is the first time that has happened for like 10 years I am sure. FIVE black minks, and even two full fox jackets...one blue, one crystal 3/4.


So come on...if the general public are doing it we must!!!!!


Don't forget to suport the boxing day hunts and racing at Kempton, Cheltenham etc over the period. Ideal fur wearing opportunities at the races....no antis.



I agree. If even 50% of the people reading this (including men!) wear fur often this winter then many other people will see those furs being out in public, and others will begin to wear them as well. You don't even need to wear them near home if you don't want to. Drive 50 miles and wear them if you must.


Many times have I heard someone say to me "That coat is absolutely Georgeous! I think I will go home and get mine out of storage and wear it too. It has been stored away for five years but I am going to go to get it to wear it!"


Folks, the keys are in our hands. Let's use them!


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