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First Post ever - and on christmas ! What is your present ??

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Hello all,


I just want to show my respect to all persons writing here in this place. I hace been a "silent member" from the beginning on and I do my reading on a regular basis.

My present this year was a boxershort made of sheared mink !


What did you get for christmas ???


Best greetings from germany to the world



It is so great to hear that we have a brand new member here on the day of Christmas Eve. And even more that one of our "Lurkers" have decided to join. I do wish so much that more of you people out there would decide to follow Zaphod's lead here and come in and post. We are just regular people like all of you and we would really love to hear from you.


Also, Zaphod, I do want to say welcome to the New Den! We really hope that you do love it here. It may be a little quiet with Christmas right now, but it will liven up again soon.


White Fox




Welcome to you and your good idea for a topic.


As yet I haven't opened any presents but one of my gifts to Ms Mockle is a charming mink jacket which I collected from a lady only yesterday at a tremendous price. It won't be the most treasured gift that I've given her this year but I'm sure she'll love it and look forward to seeing her wear it before too long.



Mr Mockle


It's nice to see your post, Zaphod_bee! I hope we see many more from you! It's nice to have you in The Fur Den!


I wish someone would gift me with sheared mink boxer shorts! What a great present! 8) Of course, anything furry would be a great present!


Welcome up from the cellar Zaphod.


And that is definitely one way to make your mark with a first topic.....sheared mink boxers, eh?? Also a good way to make folks envious. Ah well... dems de breaks *grin*


Thank you all for your warm welcome !


Indeed my mink boxershorts are so fluffy to wear, they are more then heaven !


I hope you will all get what you are all desiring for on christmas.


I think I am now "gone to active" on this forum.


Regards to all




Hi Zaphod,


I am also a newish member, and so far this site's been great! Hope you enjoy it too1


It's not Christmas here yet, but I bought a sporty knit rex rabbit jacket for my gf.


Merry Christmas to you and all others as well




As for Christmas, I got a Nintendo Wii


My Mom and I don't exchange gifts, but I got a few presents from various assorted Aunts and Uncles and will be making a bit of a flight later on in the new year (another present) to Japan to visit family there.


I will be buying myself a fur when I get around to it. Which one is sort of up in the air right now.




Merry Christmas to one and all here in the Den!


Welcome Zaphod_bee!


Well, Santa didn't slip the sable under my tree, although he was nice enough to leave a couple of rabbit jackets and a pair of black fox leg warmers!



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