Mr Barguzin Posted December 28, 2006 Posted December 28, 2006 It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. Depending on your browser, you need to either drag and drop the link to the address bar, or cut and paste it to a new browser window... or just use firefox *grin* It is from the series " andrea/fotos346.html " The following is from " angi/fotos348.html " Same applies to get to the pic. (Original links found by longi66 and posted at FFG)
FurLoverinFL Posted December 28, 2006 Posted December 28, 2006 Wow a real lynx on SC! Who would have thought... FLinFL
ozfurlova Posted December 28, 2006 Posted December 28, 2006 Mr B, AS an "avid watcher" on SC, I must say the amount of fur content that has been on the site since the weather turned cooler in the north is definitely more than with the corresponding time last - whether that content is better or worse is truly in the eye of the beholder I believe I've also noticed of late the amount of fur pic series that have popped up with the usual commentary along the lines of "...a fan of mine wanted to see me in fur so he sent me these coat/s to borrow...". In some instances you can see it's the same person by the same coat being passed around from woman to woman. There's also one fan sending the same coat to different women asking them to wear it in the shower/bath/pool/spa/etc. (something I've never seen the sense in personally) but I can only suggest that maybe there's a few more fetishists out there that enjoy more than just looking at a woman in fur 8)
scott Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 I'm back..Been away for a while. Recovering from a pretty nasty accident i had while on the job.Fell thru the roof of a two story burning building.Broke some bones(leg,arm,both wrists,and four fingers)not to bad i Check this out from SC com/sexylynn/fotos340.htm Xratedwife has done a few nice sets with nice furs. Edited by PB: Language on main page a bit... anti-CoC
FurLoverinFL Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 As a former resident of the Great State of NJ to another, we're glad to see that you're back! Hopefully you're recovered or are on the way to recovering from your injuries! BTW... not a bad photo either. FLinFL note - I did not look at the main page and can't comment on the language. Please keep in mind that even photos that pass muster under our guidelines (real fur, don't violate our XXX rules) can still be banned if the captions are way to over the top (meaning coarse descriptions of sexual acts).
ReFur Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Scott, I had missed you. Glad you are ok. That sounds like a horrible accident. I am assuming you are a firefighter? Didn't mean to take thread off-topic, just wanted to send you my best! Linda
scott Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Thank you Linda, Yes i am a firefighter,been with the department for 22yrs.Started when i was 18....Boy i'm getting old. Healing pretty good,the only problem i'm having is with my fingers.Took a few srews,and pins to put them back together. Thanks all Glad to be back
Worker 11811 Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Fell thru the roof of a two story burning building. You've probably heard this old saw many times before: "When everybody else is running AWAY from a burning building, YOU are the only ones running IN!" I'm sorry that you got hurt but I'm also glad that there are people like you that do the job you do. You've got bigger cajones than I do! Even though you're more than 500 miles away from where I live I'd still like to say, "Thanks for being there!"
Earendil Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 >>>>> Southern Charms Thread <<<<< Please keep all SC-related material to the thread provided in the link above. No exceptions, Piotr. *Smack!* Locking this thread - Please feel free to continue the discussion in the SC-thread. Regards, E
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