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happy new year

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It took a while to find my way to this site - I lost touch and found the old site was empty! I'm back from the northern hemisphere but unfortunately didn't encounter much by way of fur. Anyway happy new year all.




Welcome back to the site! When I get a moment I will update your post count to include your posts on the old site.

Happy New Years to you as well!

Sorry that you did not see any fur in the North. Unfortunately this has been a very warm year, and there has indeed been little fur. Hopefully that will change yet for the rest of the year.




Hi, furlickle. Welcome back. Hope you like our new site!


... And, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!




Welcome back to The Fur Den, furlickle! We're happy you found your way back, and we hope to hear from you often!


Your screen name reminded me of a picture I had stored away that I hadn't seen in awhile. What about it, Denizens? Think this would be a good avatar for furlickle . . . ?




unfortunately - silly me - i didn't have my stories backed up so I think they are lost forever. It's great to be back and rediscover the forum.


I just looked at you ebay store... wish i had some more $$


a most interesting avatar FrBrGr... i tried claiming it as mine but the site said it was too big!! drats


furlickle, maybe someone here can help you fix it. FrBrGr, is right! That is just too good to pass up!


Plus, thanks for the compliment. Know what you mean. I wish I could KEEP them all!!




There was a downloadable program that some used to 'shrink' photos without losing quality. Does anyone have the link to it?




You can shrink it down by simply copying/pasting it to Paint (almost every Windows product has it), shrink it down to size and then saving the new pic as a more accpetably sized jpeg.


On another note: another Aussie joins here ! Including Auzmink's "defection", that makes 4 of us here now ?



You kind of lost me on one thought in your post there. You mentioned your "Stories". Did you mean that you had stories on the old site? it is so hard to remember who did and who did not.


If you did, you will be pleased to know that most of the long stories still exist. Only a very few short ones do not. Some are on Fur Babe's site. and most others are on the French Fur Site. If you look in our links section (under the stories heading I believe) you will see the link to their stories area. They now have an English area as well as a French one, and the stories are saved there. Unfortunately our server here makes having a stories area very difficult due to content rules. Also, other people do it much better than we can so we figure we should let them do it.




I've tried to do that in paint, but the photos lose so much quality (see my avatar). I remember the mentioning of a freeware program that did a good job on shrinking photos...




When I have a few extra minutes, I'll see if I can shrink the pic and email it to you, furlickle. It might be a few days - I've been back to work full-time for only two days, and I have a lot of catching up to do . . . !


Hey oz good to see this part of the world has some representation... though the climate doesn't lend itself to much fur around the place.


I will have a look on those sites. They were only short stories so they may not have migrated to another site but that's OK.


given the enthusiasm for this potential avatar we will hopefully find a solution!


my story Winter still exists on that french site.. thanks whoever did that




I tried to do the avatar for you yesterday. My limited knowledge gave poor results, like FLinFL stated. There is a way to fix it, I know someone here knows how. We will find someone. It literally will take 5 minutes for the person who knows how to do it.


Glad you found your story! Two of our mods, OFF and Worker both are authors as well. There are several threads by both of them on this topic.


White Fox was a major reason these stories were saved. Rather than let them fad away, when we closed the old Fur Den, he worked with several members who were connected on other sites to save them. We all owe them a big than you.


In fact, there are so many things that go on in the background by many of our members and mods to make the Internet fur community better!




I put your Avatar on today. Let me know your thoughts. For instance I could make it narrower if you wish.


Just give me a pm of any changes you want.




P.S. Used Adobe.


My abundant thanks for your efforts with the avatar. I think it's rather pleasurably provocative and leaves me enjoying the sight of my own posts.


your attempts with the avatar are much appreciated. The efforts to preserve the stories is certainly appreciated by me. Looking back at what I wrote I can see that I rushed it a little but still its fun. I've read some of the members stories on the various stories and some are perennial favourites. By the way I love your avatar - is that you wrapt in that gorgous white fur?


Yes, Furlickle that is White Fox!!


And, yes that is me in the White Fox, too. One of my all time favorite furs!! Was so big on me, I had to let ir go and sell it. It was one of those furs that was so beautiful, no picture did it justice.




It's a beautiful warm photo ReFur. It must have been hard selling such a beautiful coat - you look so happy wrapt in it.


Yes, as Linda says, that is me. She has saw me wearing it in fact. It is indeed a really great coat to wear and I get compliments on it pretty much where ever I go. I am always having people come up to talk about it. The biggest problem with it really is not wearing it too much. So I don't wear it out too quickly.


Indeed I wish that I'd had more money available when Linda was selling that one she is wearing. She would probably have sold it quicker if it had fit me! I always just find winter is a bit of a depressing time of year with so many clouds and such, and a light coloured fur like that helps make it less so.


As you mentioned, she really looks great in that Avatar!


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