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Model Joanna Krupa New Face of PETA

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This model is the new face of PETA. So, I decided to write to her agent, informing her that PETA is considered a terrorist threat by the Dept. of Homeland Security and that her association with that group could have negative effects on her career and future bookings.


Lets turn the tables and put it to those models that they are actually associated with a terrorist group and that it can have a negative effect on their bank balance.......


email the agent: [email protected]


and tell her that you would boycot all of her products and that one does not want to support a woman/model associated with such groups.


way to go Ramon! I have done the same. If we all do this as Ramon suggests it will make a difference.


Great work guys! The reason that many of these people go to PETA is because they get large numbers of emails from them, and they think they are going "Where the action is" and thus getting publicity. If they receive the same "Flow" of emails from the opposite site, it will make them think. Add the fact that PETA is a terrorist group, and it should clinch the arguement totally.


***For those of you who look here but are not members, but seldom post...

You do not have to be a member here to post an email to these people. Please join in. It will help the "Fur Cause" greatly. And you will be doing your own little part to do just that!




Well done Ramon, may I suggest that if either of you two fellahs (possibly more in-tune to this subject matter than others of us) has a template letter with the relevant facts, figures & links that others could "borrow", tweak (so it doesn't look an exact copy) & forward to Joanna & others on Peta's list? then maybe more will actually make an effort & send an e-mail if a little legwork was done for them...? Jus a thought


it's a good thought furelli, but I suspect that even a template might lead to people inadvertantly, or subconsciously using phrases or common words that might the receiver of the email, think that lots of emails were coming from a common source.


I personally think it would be better if individuals composed their own emails seperately. Any similarlarities would then be less likely to look like a pattern of any sort.


maybe that's just my view. But I think people in general tend to subcosciously follow patterns


you're right about the letters needing individual voices like the people writing them. take from the one i wrote already and go with ideas i've not used for a start. it's quite easy. i am adding a few other links with info so that there is more to choose from for information, but other than that my letter will go out this week. write away people!




There are links under information in the den . I have pulled some out and posted them above which have useful points on conservation and welfare.


then there is the www.petakillsanimals/petaTrial2.cfm to put in.


I agree everyone should do their own homework on this and pull out relevant facts ect to back up their aguments. It isn't difficult. Fur farming is not cruel, hunting protects habitats. It is all there in the furcommission link and friends of fur, with links to other sited from there. SAGA's site is also very good if you tap quality and then welfare as it shows the mink and how well kept they are.


But make sure you read everything throroughly first so that each link is specifiaclly relevant to your points.


The libertarian argument and the moral authority argument (250 000 years of human history and all of a sudden it is wrong?who says?)are both winners too.


The agency actually gets back to you very quickly - a few hours later - if you send them a letter. However, it doesn't seem like the model in question (as replied through her agent) has any open mindedness regarding the PETA debate. Reading between the lines of the reply, this seems to be largely about the publicity that Krupa will get from the PETA campaign.


Absolutely. That is all it is ever about. Furelli sent me a rather intersting article that he should post here actually.


About ill informed celebs taking upp causes based on unfounded and ignorant views.

Problem then is when someone ignorant is so respected in our "celebrity" rather than expert dominated society, things go woefully wrong.


Anyway I hope the Couture Houses crucify her, or at least show her to be a hypocrite by asking her to do work for them; as Gucci did with Stella Mccartney. She is anti fur, but happy to take money from a fur house.


Also there are 1000 models on the catwalks and less than 6 who won't wear fur.


Seeing as you asked so nicely TOS




was the article reviewed on Sky News "the morning papers" they then followed it up the next day during the Kay Burley show at midday & brought on a string of boffins to set the record straight. Basically it's all about celebs mostly wannabee's who're championing the next big cause, problem is a lot of people only know celeb culture & will do/follow whatever they're brainwashed to do (if) you let them get away with it......

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