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a question to consider

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Here's a question for your insightful consideration: can you think of a particular situation which would be transformed through the addition of fur? Personally I'd love to turn on the evening television news and see a presenter wrapt in a generous fox performing her journalistic duties with her fingers lingering in a subtle distracted manner.


Great question!


Since it is a great fur topic, I am going to move this to the main den so more members will see it.




So, instead of "News in the Nude" like they do on the website, www.nakednews.com there should be "News in the Nutria"!


I like!


Remember when Lisa Guererro worked the sidelines at NFL games, working for one of the networks? (Can't remember which one . . . ) She always looked amazing in fur! The weather was cold, and I thought that Lisa made a couple of very loud statements about fur - It's something great to keep you warm, and you can look fabulous in it! If more celebrities grew spines and would do that despite the rants from the PETAphiles, you'd see a whole different attitude from the "general public" toward fur.




Pam Olivier wears the occasional furry tippet on her sideline broadcasts and, as I'm sure ToS will confirm, a couple of the female presenters of the race meets often wear real and fake fur hats and tippets when on camera (Alice Plunkett has a rather fetching sable scarf). But more real fur worn by presenters on outside broadcasts would be nice - even a few more fake furs would be a start.



Mr Mockle


In New York there is a newswomen named Lucy Yang. Quite often I have seen her wear a fur lined top coat with a mink collar. She also once did a broadway opening story in a full length mink coat.


Pam Oliver was wearing one of her furry 'scarves' on Sunday's NFL coverage.




I can confirm having sen Sian lloyd our weathergirl IRL in black mink, and also she has a f/l real quality black faux. Shame...never seen her on tv in either





Here is Alice plunkett. As Mr Mockle says she regularly wears the sable scarf but no pics:




Now this next thing did not surprise me, but it surrised a few. Shocked a few I would go as far as saying. Everyone in the Uk knows the amazing tv series Big Cat Diary, which follwed the fortunes...and misfortunes...of big cats for motnths. From my point of view it was a good programme because it didnt hold back its punches. Now everyone can see if they have a mind too, that cheetahs in the wild face extinction because normal wildlife reserves do no positive measures to control lion and leopard predation of cheetah cubs.

But my point here is that because Saba Douglas Hamilton the presenter is a reknowned champion of conservation, they would think her the last person to wear real fur. Not so. When I tell you Conservation and fur and hunting can go hand in hand, I am not spouting pro fur/hunting propaganda. I would think Saba was making the same point when she did recent programmes on the arctic and polar bears. She has also spent time with the Sami, so she would have sen that fur and conservation go hand in hand. Prepare if you dont believe for a shock:




That must measure as my most unexpected surprise nevertheless.


What personally would I welcome seeing? Well besides more people like conservationists and those in the know wearing fur as a statement, on a fantasy level....vampires. Yes; I like the idea of fur wearing lady vampires. Dont see it much.Would add to the gothic splendour of vampire tragedy.


Apart from ToS's Gothic vampire in fur. (I agree ToS, a strangely alluring image.) The rest of the posts seem to be a bit fixated on television.


I would love to be able to walk down King's Road in London again as it was in the early 70's. I've said this before, but you couldn't pass 10 girls in the street without there being at least one of them wearing fur. Many students had their coney jacket which would be worn everyday as if it was the most natural thing in the world.


Red fox, and vintage silver fox capes were abundant, and girls had a whole different attitude to fur then. Most wore them for their sensuality, as well as for the fun of it, and knowing it was attractive to the guys, and public sensuality was OK in those days.


Coney was cheap, and the nice thing about rabbit was it's softness, and the fact that it didn't mask a girl's figure too much......very exciting. Those were the days, and if they came again it would certainly make visiting London more enjoyable again.


(failing that, to go with Tos's vampire, I've always quite fancied the idea of seeing a ballet dancer, in a white tutu with a white fur stole or cape over her bare shoulders. Think she would go quite well with e vampire. White and Black, good and evil, soft and hard etc.)


Ah the Kings Road! Still see the odd ones there!


Saw many an amazing couture fur there too years ago.

Highly recommend 5th floor cafe at Harvey Nicks this time of year!



Hmmmm yes...I like the idea of a vampire ballerina in fur! Contradiction can be sexy.


I saw a girl in London wearing a fur scum t shirt with an amazing ful length fox last year which i thought neat!




Another furry appearance on morning TV here in the UK today. GMTV's Carla Romano reporting from the Golden Globes in a nice black furry jacket. I know that it's probably fake but could be real (slightly sheared perhaps) and at least it's something.



Mr Mockle


I have often wondered if the reason that more North American newscasters are not seen in furs is due to company policy of political correctness run mad, or personal pressure from co-workers along the same lines. I have definitely seen so many situations where there is not a chance in the world that I would not have been in a fur coat, (Well, okay, that doesn't not happen much for 8 months of the year anyway, but that is beside the point. ) and I think that there is definite pressure being applied one way or the other.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was an 'unwritten' company policy against wearing furs - I think it's the usual reaction of a TV network to cave as soon as a handful of anti calls come to a station or network 'protesting' the content of a broadcast...




Yes, especially when the entire livelihood is based upon the public's perception, or PERCEIVED perception of everything that is said and done. Sorta applies the same in politics I think.


I know that beauty pageants lost a lot of their glamour after fur coats were no longer offered as prizes. So a return to that may give them back the class they lost.


Yes, Mr. Barker is definitely one of the people I most love to "hate" for this very reason...he was instrumental in getting rid of furs from beauty pagents.


Following on the beauty theme, I saw about 5 years ago a girl in the street outside a furriers trying on a fulkl legtyh mink in the sun shine. The furrier was there with her, obviously explaining how much better the fur looked in the day light, and yes it did. She was about 6ft with long brunnette glossy hair, and her mother was with her, telling her how good she looked and was abviously funding the purchase.

This may not sound like a particularly unusual story to you guys, but it was in Corfu, in the height of the summer!

I was amazed, there are about 6 or 7 furriers in Corfu town, but it is a summer holiday place (for those the other side of the pond, Corfu is a Greek island).

So it would be wonderfull, and slightly a fantasy, to see those stunning model types that approach you in the street for surveys or to sell you crappy stuff, wearing full legth furs and hats too maybe.


This is my preference any how!


A furrier that I often work with does the same thing...has the customer step outside if it is a nice bright day to really see the beaty of the furs. It is absolutely stunning to see a new fur coat in the light of day.

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