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TV show looking for fur enthusiasts

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My name is Samantha and I work for a TV company in England. I am looking for people from the UK to be involved in a BBC2 pilot about guilty pleasures, in particular with a passion for fur.


Do you have a wardrobe full of fur coats and are you out and proud about wearing them?

I would like to speak to people with big personalities who love anything fur!


This is for a brand new game show pilot.


If you are interested and want to find out more, please call me on 02078456850 or email... [email protected]



This message was edited, but the deleted information was returned when the person's ID checked out. We are now pretty much certain that the person is who they say they are. We do though have no idea on what questions would be asked of the person on camera. We do not know if this might lead you into embarassing situations that are recorded on camera.


Hi Samantha. Welcome to the den.


However re your request. While people in the UK can wear fur much more freely than some people ever imagine, there are the very tiny minority of absolute nutcase animal rights activists out there . To appear on a programme such as you are suggesting could involve these nuts persecuting people.


Good luck though; and while you are here please look at some of the links to check ot that in fact there is nothing to feel guilty about in wearing fur.


You snook in and posted whilst I was composing a reply, bad boy. On the upside you were certainly more civil than i was going to be.


But to be honest, anyone who wants to make a game show out of fur wearing, and what ever other fetish group that has been contacted, just serves to trivialise the matter and does none of us a favour. And why would we join a programme aimed at our embarrasment, for viewer entertaiment and your commercial gain?



Apart from which, if you did any research here, which I doubt, you would have found that very few people, including yourself have the courage to offer any profile information, and you expecxt that they will appear on TV? Over 50% of the memebreship have never made a post, and for most of the members fur is a fetish, and they don't wear it in public. Those of us that do in the UK have more sense than to enter into a game show.


Now if you were offering an open forum debate, that might be a different thing.



Thanks for the post. However, I must caution on one thing. To allow this message to stay, I need more proof from you as to who you are. If you could email me or one of the other administrators from your work place (FrBrGr, or AKcoyote) with an email that includes your work name that would help. Then we can cross check by emailing you back. We also need more information on your TV station, the program, what you are asking here of our members, etc.


For the moment I am locking this thread until you provide us with that information to prove that you are who you say you are.


Please realize that we are doing this for the safety of our members. If you are legit you will still I am sure realize how many people make posts on these sites such as this who are not. And we are very concerned with the safety of our members here.


Once you provide us with the information we have requested, we will open this thread and either leave it here or move it to our Product Mart Forum depending on the information received from you.


Thanks in advance for your patience in this matter. We will be looking forward to more information from you in the very near future so that you will be able to post on site often as a new member.


White Fox

Site Administrator

The Fur Den


Checking of Samantha's IP proves that she may well be legit, so I am unlocking this thread and replacing only some of her ID's. However, I am still looking for her to provide some info on this project in the immediate future! Until then, please realize that we do not know if this is legitimate.


White Fox


Folks, please remember that we here at the Den have nothing to do with this project, and the Den is not responsible for any of its contents. If you decide to proceed, you do so at your own risk.




I think you are right Tryxie T. It sounds as though this could be a monumental set up for a heavy fall to the amusement of the baying public!!


I think there needs to be a LOT more info available before anyone even thinks of applying


Moi? Paranoid?? noooooo!!


What I'd like to see is a little dialog from Samantha.


There's nothing wrong with her request, per se, but I find it a bit indelicate for her to just walk in and announce that she is looking for people to interview on her very first post.


We don't know what the show is about, what the producer plans the show to be like, nor how the producer or director want to portray fur wearers. For all we know, she could be out to demonize people who wear fur as bloodthirsty kooks.


Why doesn't Samantha tell us a bit about herself, her company and what she thinks about fur?

Why doesn't Samantha tell us a bit about herself, her company and what she thinks about fur?


Possibly because Samantha herself has no interest in fur, maybe doesn't own one, and is merely a researcher tasked with finding fur wearing members of the public up for a laugh.


I agree she could have provided more info about her show, but she left contact info if there were any interested parties. It only takes a Google search or a bit of inventiveness to get her company URL for most of the info you are asking for.


I'm not offended in the manner of her request just the fact she seems to think fur wearing something to be guilty of.


I'll have to agree. Even if a network were to pay what most of us would consider a wild chunk of change in exchange for our coming on the show, the damage it could do to our community might make that cash wad look more like Judas' silver.


I'm not eligible anyway as I don't live in the UK.


So I wonder why Samantha hasn't come back to update her post or see the response it's gotten.


frugal furguy


He/she is on line right now so if this is a legitimate venture we will get an update.




The company has a website, but I can't find the person on the pages. You just get a bad feeling about this.......




I would beware. In the UK we have a generation of so caled journalisst who have no interest in truth and every interest in contentious issues as they sel tv.


To me ....if samantha does not respond....and gauarantee a platform to launch why we think fur is not bad...then she is nothing more than a hooker for a tv company that are pimps.


HOWW DARE she accuse fur of being a guilty pleasure when I for one am here to defend it

1. on libertarian grounds that a designer has he right to use the finest material ever invented...becuase it was invented by nature and ou whole civilistaion is based on it; and the fact that those of us who appreciate that have the right to wear it...or our partners wear it

2. becuase I believ it is a manifestaion of the finest consevation idelas: if you value a species it will be conserved. Fox and mink for example are the most plentifil mammal predator on the planet....that is BECAUSE we hunt it and value it for fur.


Represent us Samantha in fair light with a chance to speak and we will rally to a show. Ridicule us as bizarre and we will not respond to your request. WE HAVE FAR MORE ETHICS THAN YOU OR YOUR COMPANY THAT IS FOR SURE.


Actually, Samantha contacted me yesterday about the possibility of participating in the show, and asked that I contact her for further information. It's a matter under consideration.


HOWW DARE she accuse fur of being a guilty pleasure when I for one am here to defend it


You had your chance and blew that with your first post, intimating you were hiding from nuts persecuting people, and again in your closing paragraph in your last post. So I don't hold out much hope of you putting your money where your mouth is on this, so far all you've managed is to get your foot in it.


Nope. She did that with the expression:


"guilty pleasure" which I find offensive. Good luck though!


As you know tryx I do not hide from the world in my real identity, I make no apology for being here when I am not technically a fur fetishist, and fear no one. In my real ID if she contacted me no probs. But the media have a way of stitching people up....and fish for people in this way.


Actions speak louder than words; I engineered a large fur action last night...but it was some models who also believe in the right to wear fur also in their real ids that did it.


I just do not like Samantha even if she is kosher coming here trying to lure a freak. If she comes here and answers our questions then it may be okay....I am just erring on the side of caution for other here who may be naive of media intention.


I also have had further contacts from "Samantha".


Folks at this point I am considering this to be legit. If we find differently I will let you know. As always with these things I certainly suggest you be careful, but until I find differently, I am now considering this as a legitimate post made by a person trying to be honest.


It is as always almost impossible to see if a certain interview will end up making fur look "Positive" or "Negative". However, I do not at the moment see anything to suggest that this is a huge negative.


Thanks all

Also, Sorry Samantha for putting you through this, but I am sure you see why we did it.


White Fox


It's really very simple. I've got nothing for or against this simply because there is not enough information. I am sure Samanthat is just trying to do the job she has been assigned to do


However, I'm not going to contact someone, possibly compromising my computer's integrity, just on the basis of an invitation, which I've no doubt might be genuine, but which gives minimal information and from a person who only gives her first name, thereby making it more difficult to check her out before contacting her.


She could possibly be losing a lot of usefull contacts simply because she hasn't said enough. It's just basic communication skillls. Word things in the right way, you gat a response.


I get loads of emails conected with my business, but I am not going to reply to any that are "cold call" unless the sender gives some info that I can check to see if it's worth spending time on.


Give more info Samantha, I might respond




We do have her full name, etc. here now. I would give it to individuals if they wish it, but I do not want to "publish" it here now since she did not do it.


I have little doubt now that the invitation is genuine. However, I have no idea where an interview would land up. Would you be facing many old stereotype questions based on PETA information that is years outdated, and yet assumed by most to be true for instance? I don't know.


This does remind me though that she left her phone number and I took it out til she could be checked. I will replace it shortly so members have it if they wish to reply.


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