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Folks, one of the pages that gets missed so often on our site is the Links page. There are so many great links there and I thought I would post one tonight.

If you go to our Links page and look for "Special Interest Sites", and click and look for Bogger's fur fan page. It is not a huge site, and some photos are repeats, but there are indeed some really terrific photos in there that I don't think you will recognize.


I went to see how long it would take me to go to links and find a terrific new site that I had probably seen before but could not remember. Well, I found that page in probably three minutes. That is just how many different beautiful links that we indeed have linked in our area.


I hope you will go to that link to Bogger's and have some fun! And indeed, I hope you will have a look around in our links area as well. Just see what terrific stuff you can really find there in the hidden back parts of these sites in a short time. There is so much fun to be had in doing that. And so many of these folks have put so much work into these sites with little recognition.


I would love to see some of them really recognized for the amount of work they put in there.


White Fox

P.S. If you should ever find a link that we should include in those pages please let us know by leaving a message for the Links crew on their page. Just click links and you will see how to get to the page to do it. You just type the message and click to save it. It is that easy. Also, if you should find a link not working please let us know as well. You can also send a pm to any member of the Links crew as well.


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