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PETA just struck out in my city!!!

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Down here in Tennessee, nobody really cares about fur/leather because it's not all that cold enough to wear it. Well....the other day a few PETA protestors decided to set up to attack people at a park located in our downtown area. They were all female and they were dressed to look like sexy/slutty police officers and they wrote fake PETA police tickets that they gave to passerbys. This all of course got local press in the news, but when I went to investigate what was going on out there, it turned out to be better than I expected!!! This particular park is often riddled with homeless minorities. And believe it or not they were out in full force harassing these PETA girls. They were yelling that the leather/fur they had on were the only ones they had. These women had the balls to write them these little fake police tickets....the homeless threw them right back in their face!!! One PETA woman wrote this black homeless lady a ticket for her fur scarf....she promptly threw the ticket back in her face. The PETA woman told her she didn't have to do that. The homeless lady calls her a bitch and tells her if she doesn't want her to wear it, come take it off her!!! The police had to come out!!! By the end of the day, people were going just to harass the PETA girls!!! Pretty cool, eh?


Awesome, this has totally changed my opinions on homeless people


Not to mention, itsn't PETA who try to get ppl to donate their furs so they can distribute them to the homeless and victims of war etc. How ironic!




Wasn't it the P∂TA-pukes who were the ones distributing furs and leather coats to all the homeless people in the first place?!


These people would have to get smarter just to be STUPID!


Morons... utter morons...




Wasn't it the P∂TA-pukes who were the ones distributing furs and leather coats to all the homeless people in the first place?!


Yeah, true, but only ones covered in paint, so as to emphasise it's only a homeless bum wearing it. It also deprives them of any resale value, to buy a hot meal. Such is philanthropy.


Sure, but if ALL fur is ALWAYS bad, ALL the time then there should be NO time when P∂TA should allow it for ANY reason. Right?


But then they go distributing fur to homeless people. If fur is so wrong then NOBODY should have it for ANY reason. Right again?


Well, now, here comes a bunch of P∂TA-pukes harrassing the very people they GAVE those furs to in the first place! It should be patently obvious to anybody that, occording to this line of logic, P∂TA can NOT have a rational agenda.


These are the very same people whose Vice President is an insulin-dependant diabetic but who condemns the very animal research that allows her to keep living. (Insulin was developed from medical research carried out on dogs.)


These are the very same people whose President claims to have compassion for dogs and cats but who takes PLEASURE in sending them to the gas chamber to WATCH THEM DIE!


This is the very same organization whose employees face THIRTY COUNTS OF FELONY ANIMAL CRUELTY... Laws which P∂TA helped push through... These people KILLED dogs and cats that they "promised" they would save then dumped their carcasses into a dumpster outside a grocery store!


If the whole of P∂TA could be conglomerated into a real person it would be a psychopathic criminal. No self-respecting policeman, judge or psychiatrist would hesitate to have a person like that locked up in a mental institution!


If you don't like fur then FINE! You don't have to like it. After all, we live in a free country. You have the right to make up your own mind. But for God's SAKE! STAY AWAY FROM P∂TA!! They really and truly are a bunch of crazy people! Kids who get mixed up with them are heading for trouble just as surely as if they hooked up with drug dealers and thieves!


If you don't like fur JUST DON'T BUY IT!

Tryxie Trash wrote


It also deprives them of any resale value, to buy a hot meal. Such is philanthropy.


PETA must know all too well that two marginal groups, homeless and people like us could form mutually beneficial relationships if they didn't degrade the fur before handing it out. Speaking of which, if you knew when and where PETA was handing out donated furs that hadn't been dragged through manure, would you buy a homeless person a night or two at a comfortable hotel and a servicable cloth coat in exchange for the fur the homeless person got from PETA?


Better yet, would you dress in your most outlandish clean-out-the-attic and change-the-oil clothes and go down and pretend to be homeless to get a free fur from PETA?


I should be knocking on pixels! Now PETA'll be sure to grind all donated furs into pillow stuffings before somehow recycling them.


Speaking of which, are fur donors allowed to take full market value as a charitable donation at tax time, even though PETA degrades these donations so that they'll have nothing NEAR donated market value? IRS ought to find that one really fishy. Say I donate diamonds to a charitable organization that'll just throw the diamonds in with the coal for their heating. The charity gets only the value of micrograms of coal, but I gave them a few carats of diamond. Should I be able to deduct what I gave or what the charity through such great wisdom gained?


More than enough said.


No. If you are a true dyed-in-the-wool fur hater you would not even want to look at a fur, much less TOUCH one. If the idea of harvesting animals for their pelts is distasteful for you, then it would be unconscionable for you to trade them for any reason.


Devaluing or destroying a commodity actually creates a market for MORE of that commodity. What P∂TA does is counter to its own stated goals. If they want to destory the fur market then the best answer would be to flood the market with cheap, inferior quality product, thus driving the producers of expensive, high quality garments out of business.


If P∂TA's stated goals actually were what they are trying to do they would not be using such silly tactics. But, no, they are actaully NOT trying to help anybody but themselves.


They are simply out to make money by bilking the unsuspecting public out of their hard earned money by using their 501c 3 "Tax Exempt" status to solicit donations.


A $100,000+ yearly salary before benefits would certainly be enough motivator for any criminal like those that work for P∂TA!


Whoa I needed a laugh this morning and that is a fantastic story punisherthunder - may the idiots continue to be idiots - every one is a hypocritical gem and just exagerates their problems!!!!






Thanks for this punishathunder .


A similar story in my town a few years ago. Three homelesses came to the rescue of an American tourist girl of about 26 wearing a gorgoeus

outrageous black mink with silver fox sleeves and tux friont whe she was harrassed by antis.


Also i bought a beautiful mink from a homeless on ebay two years ago who sent me a really great thankyou note. As did his christian worker who kind of suggested he sell it.

Best thing? It had been DONATED by PETA to the homeless and is now worn by a big UK racehorse owner!!!! Eveyone happy: PETA just look TWATS.


Glad everyone is getting a kick outta this story!


Like I said, the girls were dressed like sexy/slutty police officers to I guess try and tempt passerbys into their cause. With all the rednecks/homeless folk in this town, it totally backfired. Everyone was getting a kick out harassing/propositioning them!! These stupid girls were even writing those little pretend tickets for people who were wearing wool! That's right, wool. One guy interviewed on tv said not only was it about 18 degrees outside, but he wasn't gonna trash a brand new wool jacket he paid $400 for.


Sometimes this town really is good for something!


I expect such spunk from the state that produced a boy that killed him a bar when he was only 3, who later became a hero for Liberty for the whole world.


And that symbol is characterised by a fur hat. A fur hat which shows that the hunter/trapper's values ensure kinship with animals, conservation and valuing notions of freedom too; something the modern world doesn't understand:



  • 2 weeks later...

Hurray!!! Anytime PETA gets a black eye metaphorically is a good day in my book. It is just another fine example of just how lame and ill conceived the arguments fo this movement are.

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