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Posted (edited)

In the last few weeks we have had two attacks. We just had one an hour ago. Worker was right there to rid us of them!! Thanks, Worker!!


BUT!! The reason for this post is really to encourage you to use caution before you open a link from a new member. You might get to the bad post before we do.



Edited by Guest

I have deleted all the posts that had virus links in them and the administrator(s) here have blocked the user account.


Casual browsers here will notice little if any problems. But ReFur's advice is sound, no matter WHAT website you visit.


ALWAYS THINK TWICE about the links you intend to click!


Spammers and virus terrorists like to trick you into taking their bait. You will often see them post links that say things like "Brittany Spears NAKED!"


Long-time members of The Fur Den will know that we have strict limits on the nudity posted on this site. We actively search out hardcore porn and other inappropriate material. If you see a link that promises "hardcore sex" on this forum, it is very likely a trick to get you to load a virus onto your computer.


We will do our best to remove this kind of content from our forums and neutralize the user accounts of those who try to spread it to this forum but it is the wise person who is wary of links to unknown sites that promise things that are too good to be true.


Thank you, Worker! Terrific job in ridding us of the potentially damaging virus. Thanks too to the admins for banning the user. Hopefully, everyone here will take note of your comments and act accordingly.




Yes indeed thanks ....its nice to know that your vigilance protects us. Thanks


Believe it or not I just caught another one of the bastards in here. All messages but one were gone in less than 4 minutes, and his membership was terminated. I am hoping he was still on when I shut him off so he would get the message. Howver, I did not take the time to check on that.


As for the one message, the data was removed and the post left so we can trace it's origin.


Hopefully this is over now.




I for one say the people i call them it under grinding teeth should be chucked of the forum and reported to the authrotites or worse still dend there mail back. there is a old saying revenge is a dish best served cold it is very cold in cyber space(a got it from star trek2) . but some of us have programs that detect them i feel sorry for members that do not have.


Another attack just occured and three members stated they had opened these files!!


PLEASE watch for new member posts. We have been having regular attacks!!




Everyone. We need your help.


Please watch for new members in the who is online. If they make posts to porn or *.info sites please warn members to NOT open!! Then send mods a pm.


Thanks, spread the word where you can. Apparently many have not been reading our warnings.






The stuff that can get onto a computer is absolutely unbelievable these days. Not so long ago, I had computer specialist come to my home to completely clean out both of my computers, put in some serious firewall and other safeguards, and now both machines are running wonderfully again. Luckily, the one I use for my writing...an Apple...is not so much affected as it is rarely on the net. I have to say though, that it was well worth the money spent both for current needs and future peace of mind.


What happened to the Gallery?? I can't see the thumbprints


Re: Gallery thumbnail problem -

I goofed minor oversight due to a different way many recent additions were loaded. The thumbnails and intermediate images are being restored.

Posted (edited)

Thanks to all who are vigilant and protect us from these low-life threats.


Worker's remark about "Britney Spears Naked," really got me going, however. I would think that a link to that particular end would be the last place to go.


The really strange thing about naked people is that they exhibit a tremendous tendency to look like the rest of us with our clothes off. Think about that.

Edited by Guest

I had to laugh at your post, MadameTR!!


Yes, I think there are few who's appearance is not enhanced with some clothing. Some of us more than others.




Whats strange is I got hate mail from a peta nazi today and they said they discovered me through this website. Of course they sent me the same old bs film clip links they recite like the holy word.

Has anyone here with a website been getting a bit more trash from those idiots?


Thank heavens no, and I am very sorry to hear that you have beautifulfurs, no matter what the source or reason.


From another site i belong to the furfashion guide dragons&cookies group had a spite of these posts it appears these people are everywhere and the posts are in peoples personal mail their was a alert on the web about a post about the eruopean weather i think these people should have there computer fryed by a provider spike


Fur Fashion Guide wasn't the only one. There were hundreds of websites getting hit.


Just google the exact phrase "custom-adult.com". (all dashes and dots significant.)

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