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I'm Marianne,i'm 24 Yaers old and new to your site, but also kinda new to furs...It starting to get cool up here and I'm looking for a good fur coat recommendation . I see two two types, one very beautiful blue fox stroler but perhaps abit more heavy and thick and an other, an elegant mink jacket more thinner, I think the first kind will look lgraet on me but it is not too much for a young woman---

Any recommendations?


Where is 'up here'? Oh, get both jackets if possible - you won't regret it.




Welcome marianne! Where are you from? Apparently you're considering the purchase of your first fur - I do not know what forums you've explored on this site, but suggest that you check out Furrier's Corner. Perhaps our resident panel of experts can give you some helpful information.




Hello Marianne, and welcome!

I am not sure where you are located, but I would say this first and foremost: get the fur that you feel is going to make you feel happy and comfortable. This is oh so especially important when it comes to one's first fur. Look for the best condition/quality you can afford in the style/type/length that is most appealing to you. I am all in favour of FurloverinFl's advice about the more the better , but one's first purchase is special and will set the stage for things to come. The advice to check out Furriers Corner is excellent as well. Just browsing the posts may help, and if not you can ask questions.



First off, just wanted to say a quick "Hello" and "Welcome to the Den". It is always great to see new members here. We really hope that you will love our site and that you will post often.


Secondly, as to your question. I would say that you should generally buy what you like and what looks good on you. Often we have furriers mention that women with larger measurements should stay with flatter furs. BUT, I have seen some larger women who look really good in fox, etc.


In short, just look at each and say "Do I like this one best?" "Does I look good wearing this one?" And I think that you will soon come to the right answer.


There are of course times when both will come out with high scores, and then the decision is difficult.


Only one comment I have and it is not a huge concern. You will find that the colour of the blue fox will become yellow with age. You can retard this by keeping it in the dark when not in use and keeping it stored professionally. But, it might be one thing to think about when making your decision. That will just cause the colour of it to be more yellow, and not quite as "Vivid".


Also, mink will wear better. However, Fox will give you great wear for a long time, and probably until you decide that you would like something different or an additional one.


Have a great time making your purchase. Just looking and trying things on is a great part of the fun of owning that new jacket or coat.



Welcome marianne


Nice to have vocal women in the group.


As a male who wears fur daily, all that lynxette says is true.


Being 'comfortable' and loving the fur you wear regardless of what others think is all important. Others will perceive this from you and you'll find they will respond quite favorably regardless of the fur you choose.


Again welcome.








Marianne, there's nothing more that I can add to what my esteemed co-Denizens have already said, other than a personal welcome to The Fur Den!! We hope the time you spend here will be enjoyable, and that we hear from you often!


"But I do personaly enjoy my furs for other reasons too. I love fashion and I do wear very chic clothes. It gives me a lot of pleasure and I feel like nobody else when I'm dressed with beautiful furs. I get a lot of admiration when I wear them and don't care about these animal right peoples"


"I have known many women who said to be against fur but who can't hide

their admiration when they see me with my furs . I have also one of

my best friends who was anti fur . After to have try my furs,She

received a nice blue fox from his boy friendand and is now proud to

wear it ."



Quotes from Mariana (marianaska9) in the yahoo fur club "Aboutfurfashion2" message posting..


Quite strange she says now she is "new" to furs...


Welcome Marianne.



Martin. Are you sure this is the same person?


Would be nice to know that you made the effort to find out before you started pointing fingers.


Maybe you could PM.

Posted (edited)

Bienvenue Marianne.


Reynard ou vison ?


Hmmm...c'est dificile.


I will speaak English now as my French isn't good!


It depends on your personality. Are you a fashionista, or someone who is more intersted in elegance and luxury?


As far as fashion is concerned, the big statement this year is the Viktor and Rolf racoon; it has brought the power fur back to the forefront. Attempts by Prada Gucci and YSL to bring back structure and shoulders and sleeves have had an impact, but only with real fashionistas. Now the look will become more mainstream I think. It is something designers despertely want, as the shape of shoulders and sleeves, actually flatters a awoman; but often when they put the coat on, it feels so large psychologically they can feel bigger. Hence many women don't like power foxes etc. HOWEVER ask any man and you will get a diferent response.


Men....and especially designers...would love the look back. Structurs is better than sloppy foor flattering a woamn. The 40s and 80s were the best times for this shape, and also the times where females were most powerful through it.


This time, the power has been redefined with a modern twist: these furs are no longer for the businesswoman or glamour model: now its a sunversive, defiant confident look for the modern decadent lifestyle:




The coat has become iconic already. BUT its expensive. However, it is not the only power fur around, and you can see the same 40s80s shapes everywhere; its a reinterpretation of the 80s:



or the 40s:



so its a very versatile look. You can even go for an ethnic look with it with the right coat:




and then add some thing authetntic ethnic such as a horn pipe choker, and maybe some fox tails form sleeve or belt, with appropraite clothing, such as a Yakut double pelt fox hat with bob tail, and fringed leggings/bag; maybe mixed with some exotic like a leopard print bag.


For clubbing, a chubby power fox can make a statement:





This was the first I realised that the look was going to influence fashion eventually:



and it has been used in spirit by Guuci Prada Dior and other too. But note: the look is a renterpretation. Its no longer about full strollers: its belted and more 40s than 80s in many repects; but the look did have a few years both before and after dynasty in the 80s...especially in France. I have photoshoots from Jour de france form 1981 which have this same look. Sheared furs with big fox sleeves, belted power furs etc.


So thats fox. Racoos, coyote and etc are also thick and dramatic. Thing is, they tend to gou out of fashion after about 10 years because hookers and porn stars cathc on to the fact that men notice women in these coats. To wear them you muct be confident, foxy, and love a dramatic entrance; but equally you can slob in them, let them fall off your shoulder etc. The fox lures it prey by playing with it often. This is what fox furs do for the woman . She is a fox; fun, playful and quite dangerous. Racoon is the same...playful fun but don't underestimate: they can bite too.


Then MINK . The mink is a different animal. It is sleek, predatory, vicious. It is s more suitable fur for th casssy, elegant woman who is less "showy". but can kill with lethal speed and precision. The black mink is the epitomy of this dark classic look:




Brown or lunaraine mink is for the more natural look; idela for a day at the races and you will see many at Auteuil worn by trainer's wives ;though can be dressed up for a classy evening look too. For a younger look it can be a jacket:



This is a classic vampy mink shot:




But then white mink is for the more pure of heart; it is as the stoat sniffing the air as the snow falls gently. It is purity and serenity. It is for the prom queen or the prim and proper. Take a look at OFF's avatar. The 60s look greatly goes with white mink.


The best thing about whether you are a fox or a mink, is that BOTH are readily availbale in these styles on ebay; as for the most part it is a reinterprted look. The belt can be worn with a mink too. But it is better to let it move; sleek, elegant. It is a fall to the floor fur. The fox furs from the 80s on ebay are amazing and you can get the look witha smal budget. The silver foxes tend to be a tad more expensive because of thh Kate Moss berlin shoot and the Emina Culmijaj sloppy shoot. So its very verstaile.


So if youu are asking me? Well I don't know your parsonality; but with your hair colour certainly as silver fox 3/4 length would work. But so too would a long black mink. I can't see you as a lunaraine girl though. Too much of the night about you! However Blue Fox is always considered by men the sexiest of furs, and notable that Tryxie has a blue fox f/l, and Kate Moss has one in real life...so for the teens upwards yes they are ideal; and they go with all hair colour/skin complexion.


Linda her would be best to advise on fur from a sensual luxury point of viw...how furs feel nad make you feel.


Then Tryxie is our resident fashionista (Fashion student) and I know she has two power foxes, one jacket and one full length ....and a mink with power fox sleeves....so I guess that tells you a lot about the NOW look; and beleive me...she has the attitude to wear them too. Power fox is no longer for the dolly or the business woman...its for the modernist.


So are you fox or mink personality wise; are you fashionista or classic; day or evening ?


Answer those questions and find your perfect coat.

Edited by Guest

Tanks you all for your welcome and your advices. I've recently visted a graet fur salon at aris where my boyfirned and try lot of furs, there too much beaautiful thing dificult to make a choice,

Some of you wonder where i come from, it's right i've forgoten to introduce me, i'm from Kiev in Ukraina but live now Paris in France where I work as Pianist teacher. I'm also very interested in fashion and always love luury clothes, jewels and furs . I have to said that Martin aka Automag is right, i'm member of severals Yahoo groups including 2 yahoo furs groups but i'm very deceived about them because there not a lot of real interesting peoples but often these animals fanatics peoples whith their stupid arguments. I just wanted to play and provoke them a bit,that all. I hope is not a crime!


All of hugs and kisses to everyone






PS: Excuse me for my English, I know I have a lot of practice to do!


Hi, marianne!


Don't feel bad about your English. There are LOTS of members whose first language isn't English. We are used to it. Your English will improve as will OUR ability to understand your language. Learning foriegn languages goes both ways, you know!


We also know that many members of the Fur Den belong to other websites and groups. Just as you have discovered, you might even find some of your acquaintances from those groups here.


We like to be inclusive of all people, as much as possible...


Except for one type of person... Anti-fur fanatics!

If one of those people comes here and starts making trouble they will be kicked out before they even know what happened.


So, don't be afraid to tell us how much you enjoy fur.


We hope you enjoy the Fur Den as much as we do!




Suspected PeTAphiles are not treated kindly here and their 'stupid' arguments not tollerated. So you don't have to fear that aspect of conversation here.


You will find that the love of fur and those who wear it IS what this site is ALL about.


We do discuss other thingn [like in Ye OleDenne Pub] but mostly fur related.


Welcome again.










Off......what are you on about? PETA have no arguments; an argument can't be stupid if its non existent.


Marianne welcome to a beacon of light in a world of madness and ignorance; and good luck with buying your first fur.


merci pour ton petit message de bienvenue qui m'a fait plaisir. Heureuse de voir un site aussi sympa et acceuillant!


Thanks for giving the link to that fine shop you visited Marianne.. beautiful sables.. and did you try any of the featured coats or purchase one?


I have the joice to try some Sables, it's very wonderful on me, I love it but it'sa more expensive for me , i have also try some lynxes minks and chinchilla, it was wonderful they have a lot choice of furs there. A paradise!


I think that video is one of the best I've seen.


The model really knows how to bring out the natural sexiness of furs. (she must be to be French!)


Particularly liked the purple sheared mink and chinchilla........and the sables........and the bobcat...... and the full length chinchilla..........and the...............!!

  • 1 month later...

coucou, comment vas tu? merci de m'avoir fait connaitre ce groupe, vraiement sympa...a conseille à nos fiancés ou nos maris,ça peu leur donner quelques idées de cadeau!


Bisous a plus


Bonjour Maryse!




It is wonderful to hear and see that French girls are embracing the return of fur to fashion.

I go horse racing (les courses) to France often and of course like the UK the horse racing fraternity have worn furs throughout the period of antis fur. BUT now is a new mood in France I can sense it. To see sophisticated young women wearing fur in Paris and Deauville is wonderful!


It is a pleasure to have you and Marianne as members of the den.


It also revives in the UK but more slowly as next to France in fashion we are always a bit backward!


We have a great international community here and discuss many issues.


We hope you will find here interesting and informative discussions about fur and many other things. This site is without doubt the most well informed intellectual and sophisticated that I know of on a variety of issues. We don't always agree; but we have everyone represented here from catwalk models to designers to photographers to conservationists, scientists , architects; musicians ; indeed from all walks of life; and from over 30 nations. We hope you take the opportunity to use our knowledge, conversation and camaraderie; and offer contributions yourself.



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