Worker 11811 Posted January 22, 2007 Posted January 22, 2007 Just to keep everybody up with the latest headlines... When this link breaks, you can find a copy of the writeup in our Library here -
Guest Posted January 22, 2007 Posted January 22, 2007 Thanks Worker you beat me to it. Thing is, if these workers have any sense, they wil shop PETA and expose it for what it is; an organisation who stand for the extermination of ALL domestic animals and are clearly already embarked on such a course. And if the trail leads back to Ingrid Newkirk, a former animal exterminator herself allegedly, then the organisation should face closure for mass killing of rehomable animals as policy. I hope then the RSPCA in the UK are looked at for following a similar policy: they make PETA look like amateurs; killing up to 100 000 animals a year for NOTHING. It should send a clear message to all such organisations that if you raise money on the pretence of rescuing animals, then killing them should be seen as a fraudulent crime; unless that is clearly stated in ALL advertising/fundraising as the policy. Of course, PETA's power make this unlikely; but you never know. I think a scapegoat will be made of these people, and PETA will come out of it clean. IF however the record of the organisation at thhe centre is looked at over the years, then it is esay to see it is company they should not get away with it. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, how anyone can criticise fur when the people they support have done this is incredible hypocrisy. One is a companion animal, the other an annimal used fo fur by man for thousands of years. One is used, one is wasted, etc.
Guest Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 It seems to me that there is historical precident for "euthanasia". PETA may have raised the consciousness of others and sopport a policy that history has been roundly condemmed. Maye they should volunteer for such euhinazia themselves They raised the subject and now they are having to live with the comparisons. OFF
Guest Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 Indeed OFF well said. Make no mistake about it. Ideologies and moral sanctitude will always justify final solutions. The idea of exterminating every animal on the planet that is domesticated is PETA's. On the grounds they are better off dead than exploited. That is a perversion of morality that beggars belief. But waht is more, as in that other time, there are people who support such actions not because they believe in it, or are unaware of the end result scenario, but because it suits their own prejudices. "And if you tolerate this; then your children will be next". An exageration? You think? Remember New Labour's banning of fur farming and anti native fur policies, and anti hunting legislation and their
Minkman Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 To be quite blunt, I really dont think PETA even knows what it wants anymore. One moment their saying there is no reason to kill an animal, and the next their killing them or giving coats to the homeless. They need to pick a stand point and stick with it. Wait, scratch that. They need to just go away >_>
lynxette Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 I think hypocracy is certainly the byword here, and it is really great to continue to see the tables turned on this organisation. As they continue to be exposed for what they really are...a bunch of hypocrits and in a sense terrorists, I think public support for them will continue to decline markedly as well it should. Thank you Worker for the heads up.
Guest Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 To be quite blunt, I really dont think PETA even knows what it wants anymore. One moment their saying there is no reason to kill an animal, and the next their killing them or giving coats to the homeless. They need to pick a stand point and stick with it. Wait, scratch that. They need to just go away >_> No; they are quite frighteningly clear in what they have always stood for. They do not advertise it in their forums directed at youngsters who they know damn well have "companion animals", but they are proofoundly anti all domestciated animlas when you get to their higher echelons. SImpley they do indeed stand for an ending of all animal domestiction and when asked how they would achieve this its always a very clear solution: EXTERMINATION THROUSH MASS ENFORCED NEUTERING In other words; that is profoundly fascist and will require millions of human deaths in the processs because those of us who truly love animals will not allow it to happen.
auzmink Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 TOS, We all have to live with hypocrisy in some way, its just some people can't handle it and so become fraught - PETA might know its objectives but its operatives have to live with the hypocrisy as part of their lives! This forum leads all to feel happy that the PETA organisation is having a struggle and when we all post little items of info showing the hypocrisy, anyone else who taps into us must feel more comfortable in joining us - so all those of you watching but keeping quiet, do not be afraid, the PETA monster is slowly cutting its own throat and you can now shout about your fur appreciation... Auzmink
lynxette Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 You know, we need to organise a REALLLLLLY big party when the monster is well and truely dead...hopefully not too much longer now though.
ticklefur1 Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 The alleged PETA incidents took place near my neck of the woods....In spite of all my other obligations (why I lurk too much and hardly ever post) I'm going to try to keep a close eye on on things and will post links if anything special occurs. Happy furry new year everyone. tickle
lynxette Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 Yes please do ticklefur 1. Would appreciate the insight of a local as opposed to the spin from the mainstream media on the subject.
Worker 11811 Posted January 27, 2007 Author Posted January 27, 2007 Oh! By the way, I hear through the grape vine that P∂TA is under official investigation from the IRS and the FBI. It seems that they gave $1,500 to the ALF in support of "program activities". But, since the FBI officially classifies the ALF as a terroritst organization, donations to that group are forbidden as activities that support terroism. If the IRS finds that these allegations are true, they are in danger of being prosecuted as having contributed to terrorism. If that happens they could have their status as a non-profit organization revoked!
lynxette Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Ooooooooh goody Things just keep getting better and better on the anti-Peta front. I think they have mangaged to upset some people now in very high the governor of Colorado..., and if that is all it takes to cut it down to size I hpe they continue to do so.
ReFur Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 One of the things I seldom do is post about PETA. I feel when you discuss groups like this you give them power. For instance Mother Theresa was asked to march against the Vietnam war. She said no. She said, "When you want to march for Peace, I will be there!" But, there was an article on this in Fur World, an industry magazine I get monthly, that discussed this issue. They stated that PETA had killed 90% of the animals they had been given in Virgina! What creeps they are!! How can one group of people be so full of hate and meanness? ...and, in the end, it is all because of greed and evil! One of the things I have learned being a former Merrill Lynch stock broker, big frauds are easier to pull off than small ones. If this isn't one of the biggest frauds pulled off on poor mislead, uninformed people, I have not seen one! I feel really sad for these people who have been convinced to be part of this horrible terrorist group that murders animals without any hesitation or remorse. Linda
ticklefur1 Posted January 29, 2007 Posted January 29, 2007 Okay y''s a start. The link at the bottom of the tv-station weblink is unrelated to the case but describes an anti-fur protest in Hong-Kong. Local TV News links local paper - PeTA foes excited over trial local paper- PeTA trial opens Have a good week everyone. tf
Guest Posted January 29, 2007 Posted January 29, 2007 Thnaks for keeping us up to date everyone. I am most interested to see what happens because the British RSPCA make PETA look like rank amateurs at the extermination solution. Thye kill over 100 000 animlas a year mot of them rehomable. And they are starting an anti fur campaign this year? How the hell have the got the nerve? RSPCA shelters SUCK next to fur farms too from a welfare point of view too btw. If PETA get done for this it could actually change the whole way in which AR organisations carry on....someone needs to do the RSPCA for FRAUD because they advertise for donations suggesting they help the animals not kill thmem.
auzmink Posted January 29, 2007 Posted January 29, 2007 Linda, The Industry magazine Fur World, is it interesting? Would the group like some of the articles? Would we be able to publish the articles here if we got copyright permission or would we get access if we applied? Is it worth it? Auzmink
lynxette Posted January 30, 2007 Posted January 30, 2007 Linda, I agree with you to an extent that to acknowledge something is to give it power, but sometimes you have to face a cancer so to say head on. I am very happy that it looks as though the tables are finally beginning to turn, and the full hypocracy of these organisations are being brought out. The depths to which they will sink were even beyond my imagining.
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