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Another Great member and Mod...

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Folks, as you know we try to let you know when folks reach the plateaus for 1000 and 2000 posts. Well now am I embarrassed tonight!


Our great member and Mod has not only reached the 2,000 post mark, but he has left it well in the dust behind him!


FurLover is a member of our mod crew here as you know, and a very dedicated member indeed as well. I am oh so glad to have him as a member of our staff here!


F/L, I am really sorry that I missed it when you hit that plateau earlier. If we had enough money in the kitty, I would send you that new fox coat you have been asking ReFur about. But well - Maybe next time!


Welcome to the 2000 posts club! It is so great to have you as a dedicated member and mod here! And you know, this way I can tell folks that you are well on the way to the 5,000 post mark now though too!


White Fox



Way to go, FurLoverinFlorida!!!



...and, as a personal note, I hope you know how much your work as a fellow mod is respected and appreciated!!






Way to go, FurLoverinFlorida!!!


It looked so good I decided to take the easy way.


Congrats FLinFL.


always wondered what the FL stood for...I asumed it meant "Full length", so thought he was either referring to the types of furs he loves, or maybe boasting!


ANYWAY now he has something to boast abbout. Congratulations furlovin!


Thanks everyone - I appreciate the kind words. I was really hoping I'd get that fur, White, but I guess I have to just keeping saving those pennies!




...and ToS, you could always ask, I just take it for granted that those living outside the US know the abbreviations for our states. Hard to believe that 2 years ago I was using FLinNJ...


Well said by all above, and may I also add my Kudos. I enjoy reading your posts sir, please contineue well into the future.

Hard to believe that 2 years ago I was using FLinNJ...


I know what you mean. I actualy remeber when that happened too, Dave. It just about the time I found the den!!



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