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Hi all, I'm new here ...


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Hi there all,

I'm new to this site, and have never joined a forum before, although do remember looking at this site a few years ago in the infancy of my appreciation of furs.

I do not own any coats, but have recently bought a white fox boa, about 6ft long, which is beautifull.

I don't wear it out much, maybe once or twice to walk to the post box, but no more. It has snowed here in the last few days, and I really appreciate it's warmth then!

I look forward to seeing more things on here and exploring.

love 999

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Thank you, I am enjoying it already, and does it get any less addictive.

I'm sure i'm not alone in wishing I had more disposable income to spend on this the most addictive of hobbies.


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Indeed Welcome to the Den, 999. It is always so great to see new members posting here. You will find that all of us are just like you! Folks with a common love.


We hope to hear from you often here.



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Welcome 999.

As you look around this site it wil give you the confidence that fur is a wonderful thing that is deeply embedded in man's (and woman's of course!) psyche. It is only a warped sicknes in the history of mankind that anyone could regard it as cruel.


So now you are among intelligent people who will be a supportive community.. Welcome

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Hi fur999 - welcome. Guess winter's here in UK at last as Tryxie says. No snow in the south yet but cooold!


Not sure it's set to last though, so make the most of it everyone.


Sounds like the US is getting cold at last too. Is this correct? Has NY had a hot winter? or do we just get fed misinformation to scare us all into paying higher taxes for carbon trading , or whatever the latest idea is,dreamt up by the Head Cronies to steal our money to line their pockets with.


Whoops sorry, got carried away - This meant to be a warm welcome message to 999 which it is.

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Let me add my own welcome as well, fur999. You've found a wonderful bunch of fur wearing and fur loving fanatics! Post often!



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Woo, thanks for all your welcomes! I do like it here already. Had snow y'day, and a frost overnight, but rain today, poo. I can see the white tops of the Peak District from where I'm sat, and it looks lovely. Keeps us busy at work too!

Auzmink, I'm suprised you don't have the snow too. Have you been out and about wearing yours in this freezing weather?

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