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there is a film with a russian mistress..

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There is something on my mind since many years. There was a time, maybe 10 years ago, where a movie preview was shown on a strange non pornographic channel. I can


WOW, interesting.

On this topic, I have a question...I have noticed many pictures, stories, etc since I have been exploring furs on the web that relate to this sort of thing. I am wondering what part the furs on the domineering woman play in the fantasies that seem to be being played out. In other words, is having the woman in the fur coat whilst the male is freezing a turn on for some, and if so, is this a reflection of fur eroticism, or something else. Sorry if this sounds incredibly naive to some readers.


Well I dont know about the other guys in the den, but personally the idea of mild domination from a girl in furs is kind of exciting.


I do stress (for me) mild - I'm not sure I'd want to go as far as being dipped naked into freezing water, but then I suppose in that case it wouldn't be up to me , which I suppose is part of the fascination. The girl in fur being in control.


If I was to be analytical, I would guess it is something to do with the excitement of seeing a girl wearing furs, being in control of a helpless man and being excited by it, and yet at the same time enhancing her femininity through the softness and sensuality of fur.


At her whim she can either dish out the discomfort of pain, or the pleasure of soft caress. It's the age old pain/pleasure thing. Fur increases the sensuality to it, which therefore makes it highly erotic


I would love to know if any of these kind of thoughts pass through a girls head when she wears fur amongst men, is there a control thing at all? or an erotic aspect as well, or is this just a man thing?

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Well the other day we stayed at a non smoking friends house. So she said we could smoke if we opened the window no problem in our rooom. SO we didn't want to smoke the room up so in the morning, my girlfriend was stood at the window in a long black mink with fox sleeves.


Beneath the coat she just had a slip on. So it was cold, and therefore the coat was very needed. So I wake up and see her stood with her back to me in the coat, with bedroom hair all sexy, and smoking. So I immediately joined her, but I was naked. It was freezing. So I hugged into the fur and asked her for a drag on the cigarette as no way was I going to stand there naked on the balcony. She turned towads me, and raised an eyebrow.

"No" she said firmly "you will have to beg; and did I say you could snuggle into my fur?"

Of course I play along a little for a while "sorry Miss" I say; but had to reverse it at some point.


Of course when a horse rears up on you you have to reign it in a little bit; so it was her that had the bare ass slap not me; and there I am naked on the balcony holding a gorgeous girl limp in long mink/fox in my arms while keeping warm myself and her giving me drags on her cigarette on my command lol!


So the idea of being dominates in this way is nice; and certainly the image. But some of us can't play sub for long; and certainly the idea of pain(apart from nails in the back that's nice) is not interesting. But the look and a bit of play yes definitely.


You old dog you!!


Jealous? me?...........................


A little d/s - especially with furs involved - is a huge turn on for me as well. I think it has a lot to do with that surrender of power to your partner, who just so happens to be dressed in your favorite fetish-wear. Personally, I've got tons of stuff going on (especially at work) and to totally 'slip-out' of that persona and give myself to someone is a wonderful release. That being said, I'm pretty confident that I'm not going to let myself be dipped in any frozen lakes... not that there are any here!




Was it Iwanna Humpalot from Austin Powers?


I think I know what it is............................


You guys wanna know?


ok! ok! but I only have the french name of it.....................



" Elsa la louve des SS"


translation would be something like "Elsa she-wolf of the SS"


I hope thats what it is otherwise I have no clue.




Damn! The one Ilsa movie that's not in my collection!!!


Oh, a quick check at amazon.com finds that this flick is available on DVD for PAL (for all of those 'across the pond') and on VHS (for us in North America).




..just grabbed a US-compatible DVD off eBay!


Wow, this is what I love about this place! A question about an obscure film almost 30 years ago gets answered by the collective experience fo the den members!


Do I now expect a run on e-bay for Ilsa films???


OK.......how about this one: I saw a box cover in the adult section of the video store back in the late 80's titled "The Fur Trap". Unfortunately I never got to rent it or see what it was about.....and I always regreted that and have been left wondering for all these years. Anyone heard of it?


As far as "what part the furs on the domineering woman play in the fantasies"? Speaking just for me, I think FurLoverin FL has it when he points out that it's great to surrender...and then add to that your partner is dressed in your favorite fetish wear. In this case two unrelated turn-ons are combining in one fantasy. However, if anyone has read the book (or an analysis of) "Venus in Furs", I think the general concensus is that the dominance and the furs are inexorably linked. In this case they the same turn on....the furs representing the power and prize the woman has over helpless creatures.


As far as the Hot / Cold thing goes.......I don' get it!


Thank you for the input guys...this dose shed some light on the subject. As to the question as to whether any girls have a sense of power around guys whilst wearing furs I had to think on it a bit. My initial response was no, I do not feel that way, but upon further reflection...

There are times when it is really cold out (like today!) and I am the only one I see out and about in a fur caot that I have a tiny sense of "boy, I have it better than all these people shivering and not dressed warmly enough." I suppose one could say that is a small sense of domination, but mind you it is only for a moment and in no way reflects any snobbery on my part.



you may not feel dominant while wearing a coat, but for some of us, at least me, a woman in fur is power. I've always been in attracted by domination and submission. And fur as always been part of my sex life. If you combine the two.....for me its an explosive mixt.


If i see a beautiful woman wearing fur, I feel submissive to her and I want to feel that way. But thats me! Not every one is like me.


Thanks anyway for your thoughts on the subject.




P.S. where are you from to say its cold today. I'm in Montr

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You guys are cool! Thats the movie! Thanks


Which of the two titles is it? "Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS" or "Ilsa, Tigress of Siberia"?


Do all the Ilsa films involve fur, or is it just whichever of these two Jekyll remembered?


Here's the thing - I thought all the Ilsa flicks involved fur. They do not! The only one that does is 'Tigress'. Don't get me wrong, I love 'sexpoiltation' flicks like the Ilsa series, so personally, I'd get those movies regardless of whether or not fur was involved. Fur me, fur is a bonus!




...by the way, 'The Fur Trap' has been discussed here in the past. I have not seen the film, nor have I been able to find it, but I'm still looking. As far as I can remember, it about 2 girls who get locked in a fur vault????????? Perhaps someone can help out here...


From what I remember about the review, the girls are kids, and the title bears little relationship to the storyline, apart from the kids being trapped in a cupboard of furs or something. It's not a film to celebrate furs.


But then I haven't seen it , and may be wrong, so you can probably ignore this post




"She-wolf of the SS" is only my personnal translation of it.


So I would think that the real translation name is "Ilsa, Tigress of the SS".


Althought I have to worn you about the movie, its pure sadistism. Not a strong story.


Anyway, hope it answer your question.




Furslave, I am from quite a bit further west of you and believe you me it is coooooold outside and getting colder over the weekend. Shiver

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