Guest Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 I thought that would get your attention. Ok, gather round, gather round OI you at the back... PAY ATTENTION!! 2 things Firstly its been suggested by one member, who will remain nameless, (but there's 8 of them and they're big black birds.) that for one day only, coming to a computer screen near you, Tryxie should display her avatar in a never to be repeated performance. Secondly, I received a PM, saying that self image can be self-fulfilling, and that maybe I should drop the Trash from Tryxie, because it's not how I'm perceived by you guys. For my part I say a name is power, and Tryxie Trash has personal meaning to me, to reduce my name is to reduce my power and authority here (not that you listen to me anyway) but will it mean I have to get my big stick out more, to keep you in order? Maybe you would like that. I don't know. So, what are your thoughts. I promise there will be no repercussions, if I like your ideas. Tryxie
Guest Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 yes miss you have my attention may I carry your books? Or perhaps your fur coat?
Ravens8 Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 Erm!!........... Tryxie Trash sounds good to me - all power to you! How about keep the name AND get the big stick out? That's got to be the most masterfull way of gaining attention I've ever seen (or is that mistressfull?)
Worker 11811 Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 ...maybe I should drop the Trash from Tryxie, because it's not how I'm perceived by you guys. I'll be honest. That handle was off-putting at first. I thought to myself, "Why would she call herself trash?" It took a little while to realize that the name was ironic humor. But, now that we all know you, "Tryxie Trash" is okay. The alliteration works. Besides, if people think they know you by your username, they are pretty stupid! Look at me! "Worker"... I can be the laziest bastage on the face of the earth! (At least, that's what my wife keeps telling me! )
Guest Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 I think you should take a shot of you in thhe furs with sunglasses; maybe even a hat. Or waht about in your dress with black fox from behind?
Ravens8 Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 Oh i forgot to add (how could I be so stupid) Tryxie Trash Big stick AND blue fox (or maybe that goes without saying)
FurLoverinFL Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 Everyone's screen name has some kind of meaning for them - if it means a lot to you, you have your answer regardless of what others might think. Look forward to seeing the avatar - could swear that you used it a long time ago... thinking about you at a computer perhaps?????? Ah well, see what happens when the memory fails! FLinFL
FrBrGr Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 The alliteration works. I'm with Worker, even if I don't know what "alliteration" means . . . Oh - Wait a minute. Found it - "on scrolls of silver snowy sentences" . . . As for the avatar - I'm all for a reappearance! (I must have been in the hospital when it first made its appearance - ! Or maybe my memory is worse than I thought . . . Nah, I would've remembered seeing a pic of you, Ms Trash . . . ! )
Guest Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 The name tryxie trash is from a novel that tryxie likes thats all.
Ravens8 Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 I second that Off. That avatar is sooo seductive and cute. I guess it's the kind of look any man would be a sucker for. A girl could get anything with that look! Any chance of putting it in the avatar section of the gallery
Guest Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 Sure ravensB. It's what I imagine Tryxie Trash to be like OFF
Guest Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 I wish I hadn't started this. You guys are going to be sooo disappointed. Short, fat, bad complexion, dentures, balding. I'm no Venus di Milo, 'cept I've got arms.
lynxette Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 Keep the name Tryxie, but I would love to see the avatar...pretty please
Guest Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 are such a fibber Tryxie. Try Chic, slim, severe raven haired bob, fashionista, stern but cute, great legs, lovely eyes, etc etc . Gothic Lolita.
Ravens8 Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 For a minute there I thought my distant memory had really let me down, but yep! Touch, I think you are right, I certainly dont remember a Short, fat, bad complexion, dentures, balding, drunk sitting in a chair. "Rip your head off" look? ...maybe, but the rest.......................! But hey! Venus di Milo never did much for me anyway. - she looks quite pale, very hard, but I suppose quite 'armless too. OK ok ok I admit it that's the worst joke of all time, so I dont want any flack about it OK? ('cept maybe from Tyxie T and her stick)
Guest Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 Looks like you missed your opportunity Linda, ToS has spilled the beans, although he's not quite correct. Tryxie came into being in a throw away line in an email I received once. The contents of the mail long forgotten but the name remained, it wasn't till months after I was looking for a new Yahoo ID that I thought of Tryxie, the original name was trixie, but I have never been conventional so Tryxie was born. It was much later that I discovered she was a character in a Tom Wakefield novel "Trixie Trash, Star Ascending" She reminded me very much of Bubble in Absolutely Fabulous, a bit ditzy, totally naive, yet worldly wise and deeply profound on occasions that she makes you stop and think. Apart from which Jane Horrocks who plays the character is a Lancashire lass, like me, and we share an accent, though for comedic effect she lays it on a bit. I think it was destiny that I became Tryxie and I'm so glad I received that ever so forgettable email. In a PM earlier this week I was told that, our self image can be self fulfilling, and I believe that to be true. But my image of Tryxie is not what others perceive. She was seen a bit of an airhead when she arrived here, with hardly enough brain cells to chew gum, let alone fart at the same time, the typical male stereotype of the dumb blonde. That has never been my self image. That's others judging me on the strength of a name, preconception, and they didn't even bother to read the dust jacket, more fool them. My first few posts, met with little response, and those that did reply were mildly patronising. It was later that I had the effrontery to take issue with one of your more outspoken members, and by the end of that day I was begging the admin for a bigger mail box 'cos mine was full. That day ToS changed his opinion of me, it was a bloody fight, but Tryxie's handy with a knife. The rest is history. In just under a year and a modest 200 posts, I've made a lot of friends here, hopefully won your respect, and made some impact on your thinking. I'm not planning on going anywhere so ya stuck with me, so to the new members I'd say "get some body armour" I'll be gentle with you, honest, I'll only use a blunt knife. Sorry Linda, but Tryxie Trash is here to stay. Right, to the important bit. Avatars. Starting this Friday 00:00 am to 24:00 gmt, pics will be cycled at least 2. maybe 4. Call in if you're curious. Tryxie
ReFur Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 I have found this thread very interesting. I did not want to comment until now because I was afraid that I might influence the outcome of the thread. Tryxie Trash it is! If you haven't guessed, I was one the one that suggested that "Trash" was just not good enough for Tryxie. But, that is probably becasue I have quite an attachment to "Tryxie". ...and, too much of a "Mom". Look forward to the new avatar Tryxie Trash. Linda
Guest Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 SHE'S MINE!!! I SAW HER FIRST I RESPECTED HER FOR HER INTELLIGENCE SO BACK OFF NOW YOU LOT!!!!
FurLoverinFL Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 " title="Applause" /> I think that sums it up! Lovely photo - thank you for sharing! FLinFL
ReFur Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 (edited) Tryxie Trash. What a beautiful woman you are!! Also, great photography! MissT would approve. (Sure miss her ) Linda Edited January 26, 2007 by Guest
Guest Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 me too Linda. I think tryxie would make a great understudy domme to her that is for sure. And just think folks tryxie could be a big fashion designer one day too.
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