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Hello all. Im just a lurker comming out of the shadows

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Hello everyone. My name is scott and Im from the NYC. I been in these forums for years now, but I have a little story to tell.


It was a close encounter of the furry kind. Over the past week when I am waiting for the subway I have seen this very stunning lady about my age who is wearing a sheared brown (possibly mink)fur coat. The exact type I couldn't tell. Being on a crowded subway platform I decide not to invade her personal space, untill we are all smashed into a crammed subway car. I glace over admiring her coat, her face. She looks up, looks around, Im not sure if she noticed. So this little looking game happened for a few days, the subway would come, she was pushed in apart from me. But then I notice she gets off the same stop as me. Life goes on.


This morning however, a little diffrent. I am next to her on the platform, the subway comes and we all cram on. IT is very packed in there, and I was maybe an inch from her jacket. she was turned sideways to me. As the train starts to move, she reaches for a corner, her fur clad arm is now almost right across my shoulder, inches away from my face. I keep taking admiring glances at her coat, and noticed her glancing from the corner of her eye. Im going insane in my head, every ounce of will power keeping me in check. Then before the last stop it gets a little rockier. I turn away and its like she almost knew what she was doing, she gently elbowed me in the shoulder to turn my attention back to her. So subtile, very coy. Was it intentional or her just trying to balance herself. As I turned it almost seems like her arm moved up a little more, as the subway car rocked again my chin grazed gently on her fur. a little more rocking and alittle more innocent grazes. Sadly then the doors open , and we were swept away in the crowd.


Well tommorow is another day. Perhaps more, perhaps none. Who knows maybe she is amongst us now. Well if so. I hope we meet again tommorow, Same time, same train. As for me, I will probably let this go unmentioned. NYC morning rush hour, crowed subway, I doubt she would hear a compliment, especially with her headphones on.


Welcome Scottyfur!!


Thanks for sharing your story.




welcome scottyfur!


Ask her out you daft sod; don't be a lurker in life too! Most probably she will be flattered at least; and even if she is not available you can compliment her on her fur, ask her what fur it is etc.

She won't completely knock you back because she sees you too regularly; so don't be overbearing, smile and be confident; don't letch or touch.


At the very least you will probably get to be friends.

The city is a strange place that we can be in someobody's everyday proximity and yet never speak; okay people wear personal stereos to keep unwanted attention away in part....but just as often its because otherwise they endure journey in lonely silence.


If you get to join the special forum here you can read my real life story of a train encounter and where it can lead!


Welcome to the den and hope you now enter a new phase in you life and come out of the shadows a little. Keep us informed!


Hi Scottyfur, welcome to the brighter side of life.


Welcome Scottyfur


I second TOS's advice. At least a sincere compliment would be appreciated on a crowded commute.


Let us know what happens!


Oh man, life is full of the 'Maybe@ people!!!!


Try a 'hello', and a 'thats a beautiful coat you are wearing', you might just be surprised by her answer. But to never ask............oh the agony of the LOST.




Welcome Scottyfur and thank you for this good story.

I hope you'll see her soon.


So right Auxmink. Welcome scottyfur.


Best advice I ever had in my life. "If an opportunity presents itself to you - take it. Sort out any damage limitation later - if it happens"


The worst she can do to a friendly hello and complement from you is to reject you. Nothing else will have changed except you can bet your life she will be glowing inside and you will have made someone happy.


Just dont try too hard. If you see her frequently it's the most normal thing in the world to smile anb say hello.


(not sure if this is true, I reckon it is, but eye contact from girl of more than four seconds means she's interested in you - it's one of those subliminal signals)


Welcome scottyfur.


Don't let good opportunities pass you by















Yeah! Seriously! Don't be a wallflower!


Next time you meet her tell her how beautiful her coat is!

Be polite. Just tell her in a nice, casual voice but don't act like a stalker.


Now, here's where the game gets tricky. You have to carefully gage her reaction. If you get just a polite smile before she walks away, abort. If you get a receptive reaction, tell her something like, "I always look forward to seeing you in your coat."


If you get any "red lights" from her, BACK OFF!


She might be married. She might have a boyfriend who bought her that coat. You don't know these things and you have to watch out for them.


Look for a wedding ring or a >>Claddagh<<


On the other hand, it's just as likely that she's single. Who knows... she may just as well have bought that coat with her ex-husbands alimony checks!


Moral of the Story: You'll never know unless you talk to her!


I agree, just say hi, nice fur, is it real, etc. Start out slow. You migh even be neighbors.


I will add my welocme to the den as well, and second the comment that you should ask her out...nothing ventured nothing gained as they say. Also sounds like a great begining to a romantic fur story. Please keep the details coming.


Welcome out from the shadows, scottyfur! Great to see you post! Gotta love those crowded subway trains in NYC - I saw many a fur wearing lady on those trains when I lived in the metro-area... only wish I had an experience to match yours! Not much for me to add to what the others have said - just hope you see her tomorrow!




Welcome to The Fur Den!!!


We hope you will visit often, scottyfur, and that you will grace us with many thoughtful posts!


BTW - Nice story. As I finished it, only one piece of advice came to my mind. I was going to immediately click on the "Post Reply" button and in my most encouraging and convincing sotto voce tell you, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!" Instead, I scrolled down to see how other Denizens had welcomed you, and what sage advice they had to offer. Once again, the venerable and very lovely Lynxette stole my thunder. (That's OK - If anyone steals my thunder, I would rather it be her . . . 8) )


C'mon, scottyfur - You have to go for it, man! If you don't, you'll always wonder what might have been . . .


Welcome Scotty!


Let me add my voice to the chorus urging you to pluck up the courage to introduce yourself. You have had so many close encounters with this young lady already that it seems the logical step to take.


I have to say I'm incredibly jealous of your situation! My god, man, what are you waiting for?!


Best of luck, and keep us posted...


OK OK - please give us an update to the story.....whatever happens (its just like a soap opera with lots of Denziens anxious to know the outcome), this coming week.......




Well I sprung out of bed this morning, felt the bitter cold wind (-11F with the wind chill) feeling a little giddy, a little nervous. I got the platform with some time to spare just incase. one train goes by, well it was probably too early, Then the usual trian I take arrives, but no sign. So I wait for one more train. but sadly on this day where she would be sure to wear the fur she did not show. Having a job to goto, I hop on. Admire the other furs in the subway car all well out of my reach, lucky for them. LOL but none of them had as much excitement as the girl in the brown fur. Well Monday starts a new week and hopefully our cold front will stay with us.


Sorry for the let down. but maybe next weeks episode will be better.


Well that was sure a downer Scottyfur. Do you by any chance have some type of fur that you wear out when it is that cold outside?


Don't worry Scotty. Your day will come.


I know the excitement you feel as you anticipate the day when you will meet her again. But remember the words of Mr. Spock.


  Mr. Spock said:

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.


-- Amok Time


What Spock is telling us is that we should understand our emotions before we get into a situation and find out that things are not as rosy as they seem.


Yes! Be excited! But don't let your excitement get the best of you!


Take your time. Play it cool. Don't rush in like a fool. Things will work themselves out as God intended.

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