ReFur Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 (edited) :toothy1: ...and we will never be the same!! That is when our shy-member-of-few-words, TouchofSable joined. TOS, immediately caught my attention (and, others!!). ...and, slowly we developed a friendship. I remember one day we spent the entire day emailing back and forth on an issue that he felt we differed on. He was so disappointed when I kept responding, "TOS, I AGREE!!" Believe it or not, I believe he finally ran out of words!! ..but, probably not!! He was just having pity on me!! Before TOS, the Off Topic area was used seldom, and more as a place to "put posts" rather than used as an area to "post to". But, not for TOS. It became his pulpit!! ..and now one of the favorite forums for us all; a forum that has allowed us to experience our family even more, without getting in the way of the purpose of our site. We mods all believe that their would be no Pub Forum today if he had not forever transformed it. IF any member was rated on per word post, there is no doubt ..he has no competitors! His smoking thread in the Pub has had more hits than many forums have. MANY of us are very much against smoking, but we profess openness. He has taught us that even we who view ourselves as "open" we must sometime realize that we aren't. If you have the time, ...even if you are not a smoker, look at the incredible picture collection that he has worked endless hours collecting. Many are not of just smoking . So, ...TouchofSable, today we would like to honor you!!! ...and let you know your contribution here cannot be ignored, ...any more than you can be!! Thank you!! Your friend, Linda:walk: Edited January 27, 2007 by Guest
White Fox Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 Yep, agree totally Linda. Glad you did this. Great idea! Indeed it is members like him who really keep this place going! Great to have you as a member here Guy! You have contributed so much to this place over the last year. White Fox P.S. Just too bad all of his posts are so short! W
wallee Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 So true Linda. Try not to be such a wall flower in the future TOS
Guest Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 I agree to, Well done. I'm pleased to have you as one of my fiends. Are we having a party? Will there be cakes?
Guest Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 ToS is at a loss for word NAH. Well done guy. OFF
Ravens8 Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 P.S. Just too bad all of his posts are so short! Don't know why, White Fox, but a still small voice keeps telling me that you might regret saying that!!! Well done ToS - I had no idea it's only a year. I always had the impression that you were an old hand. Keep 'em coming! From Bernadette - I'm pleased to have you as one of my fiends. Clever bear Bernadette an ambiguity?. Intentional? Mistake? we will never know. Does the Truth lie in a Mistake, or are mistakes but the cloaks of Truth. Therein lies mystery. And the mystery shall remain in the annals of the ToS world. Who's the teacher of who? Bernadette/Tryxie? or Tryxie/Bernadette? Don't answer that -methinks I already know May all your horses be winners on Saturday ToS, and forever more
FurLoverinFL Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 Too bad you're such a shy, retiring, fellow ToS... Congratulations and thank you for all the life you breath into this place! FLinFL
ReFur Posted January 27, 2007 Author Posted January 27, 2007 Eric, If we measure his time here in number of words posted, ...he has been!! Linda
lynxette Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 Here Here Touch of Sable! Your posts are always an interesting and thought provoking read. I have learned much from them.
White Fox Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 Lynxette I agree totally. We have a few times made fun of TOS's long posts, but indeed there is a lot of very well thought information there. He takes a lot of time to make them, insert the links, etc., and it is indeed easy to see. I think that the reason for making this thread originally was to let Touch know that we do realize that. W
ReFur Posted January 27, 2007 Author Posted January 27, 2007 Exactly, WF!! Many times we assume that someone knows how much we appreciate them, much their contributions add to our lives. But, there are times that we need to stop and say, "Hey!! You make a difference!! ..and, THANK YOU!!" Linda
LordTheNightKnight Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 Lynxette I agree totally. We have a few times made fun of TOS's long posts, but indeed there is a lot of very well thought information there. He takes a lot of time to make them, insert the links, etc., and it is indeed easy to see. I think that the reason for making this thread originally was to let Touch know that we do realize that. W Some seem thoughtful, but a lot of his posts are loaded with logical fallacies, and when he's called on that, he uses further fallacies to defend those. This isn't all the time, but when we don't have an opinion that he likes, his rants take on the tone of delusion. I don't mean to attack him, but he needs a reality check once in a while, like the time someone said fox hunting was cruel, and tos said that poster was infringing on his rights. The logical fallacy was that the poster was not physically stopping tos from doing that, just expressing an opinion, but tos reacted as such. Now I am not saying he doesn't have a right to do such things, but likewise, I have a right to point out how wrong they are.
ReFur Posted January 27, 2007 Author Posted January 27, 2007 Lord, I have put a lot of thought into the few words I am going to post here. This is the nice version: This is a thread I started to thank TOS for all that he has done and all that he contributes. Not to discuss what you don't happen to like about him, or anyone else. Is he perfect? ..uh, NO! Am I perfect? ..not even close!! Now, to the punchline: Are you perfect? ...uh, I don't think so. So, would you please go rain on somebody else's parade? Linda
Guest Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 (edited) Thanyou everyone. I am ALMOST speechles. BUT I must again take issue with this; and I don't mean to get at you Lord: QUOTE: I don't mean to attack him, but he needs a reality check once in a while, like the time someone said fox hunting was cruel, and tos said that poster was infringing on his rights. The logical fallacy was that the poster was not physically stopping tos from doing that, just expressing an opinion, but tos reacted as such. I don't give a flying F*** about anyone disagreeing with me. In fact; being proved wrong is whay enables us to form opinions based on widespread input and opinion....that is the way we should in a FORUM come to was the Roman model. BUT what IS an UNDOUBTED form of opression is that the whole culture of rural Britain is under attack form urban based socailsim which has based legisaltion on PREJUDICE that totally ignored the findingso f it own multio million pound study: The Burns report; whic found foxhunting to be the MOST human method of fox control as it is discrimatory, the object of the chase is deispesal not death; and death is INSTANT when it happens. AGAIN I point out the EXPERT opinion of Vets that gave evidence; vets that know FAR more than you or I about whether it is cruel or not: For all that, if I felt that hunting foxes with hounds was significantly cruel, that would, for me, trump liberty. As the Burns report made clear, however, that is simply not the case. Some 560 vets, all qualified at the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, made that clear in a leaflet that many will have received. The report includes the submission of 560 of the country's top VETS, people who give their lives for a love of animals, assering that: "hunting by hounds is the natural and most humane way of controlling the population of all four quarry species". Source and interesting view: Thta is the point. I may go on a bit of a loon for fun sometimes BUT , when all is said and done we MUST respect the opinion of experts. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion; but not everyones opinion is of the same worth. If uou have any evidence at all that foxhunting is cruel then you if your argument has any worth must produce it; but, NO evidence has EVER been put forward. It is EXACTLY the same prejudiced opinion based on fallacy theat opposes fur...and Lord, opposes anime. Anime is viewed by many ignorant people in positions of power as a method of sexualising children. That is CRAP and I will if necessary give a massive rant on that if you one day find the fascist knocking at your door. Sorry bout that......but you can NEVER allow opinion based on ignorance to reamin unchallenged. If foxhunting and the fur trade had got their shit together years ago and challenged the rubbish that was once regarded as "lunatic fringe" maybe we would not have any of these problems of prejudice and injustice and attack on peronal liberty today. Foxhunting is regarded as the most humane way of fox management as submitted to the Burns report by the UK's top vets; 560 of them. Full stop argument over. Your Opinion is not opressing me; the LAW is....and that is a result of opinion based on ignorance. Now for those of you who believe because I express my opinions at lengh rather thah stating well thats what I think so there everyones entitled to their own opinion " lark, that I am a bigot, that is an error. For example, the most rigorous intellectual debate I have ever had on this forum was with Tryxie trash. It was rigorous to the point of what would be regarded by many Americans as agression...but that is how we debate in the UK. The argumnt concerbed whether MAN has dominion over animals or not...essentailly it was about speciesism...whether we are superior to them Tryxie assertained that we do, and I asertained that as just another animals we are part of the same cycle of life and death as others. We thrased and thrashed this out; without resolve. BUT one thing for sure is that whichever is true, either of us can beat the hell out of PETA on EITHER premise BECAUSE we were forced to refine our arguments at intellectual knifepoint. THAT is what debate is about; do not take us the wrong way. Once again thanks for this recognition; I am stunned frankly. You have a lot of other things from me that you have to put up with too which I apologise about btw. Re the smoking forum yes; what I like about it is that All the secret smoking fetishists who visit here...and there are millions of them in the world....are encouraged to accept our assetion that respecting another person's culture/way of life/sexuality and opjecting to all opressive legislation, is the key to Liberty for all of us. Oh , and as Linda says it must be one of the archives of quality fashion photography much of which is banned in the UK and USA; not that that is my doing; we have herfamedgoodlooks to thank for incredible research and dedication. Edited January 27, 2007 by Guest
Ravens8 Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 This is a great parade Linda. Aint nobody going to p**s on it. This is a good time to be in the Den at the moment. A lot of fun going on
ReFur Posted January 27, 2007 Author Posted January 27, 2007 That's right ravens8!! Damn it TOS!! Don't mess up your parade here!! This is about thanking you!! You and Lord can "discuss" your mutual admiration later! OK, guys? Linda
Guest Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 My English teacher used to "ask" me like that too and I obeyed like a good boy. Sorry Lord; but I have not given fallacy in this case but expert opinion and that is why this law will be repealled within a few years. We shall no doubt meet again on this but okay Not here.
ReFur Posted January 28, 2007 Author Posted January 28, 2007 Thank you! So, TOS!! Did this thread make you feel all warm and fuzzy and appreciated!!??? Well!! I think with that I will end the parade and lock this thread!! It has been fun!! last salute ...and, hurrah!! ...that's all folks!! Linda
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