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A rallying call to those that lurk here: Have Courage!

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Okay it has not gone unnoticed that 836 people have looked at Tryxie's avatar to see what she looks like.

Now. May I liken this to our brave newboy Scotty, who we have all encouraged to SPEAK to the onbject of his affections on the train, rather than not engaging her. He has decided to engage here, and we have given him the encouragement he needs to not live his life in the shadows.


Now I am not suggesting that 800 of you chat Tryxie up; merely that you are as brave as Scotty and Tryxie and come forward to this wonderful place and be counted.


This is NOT a place of perverts and sad people. It is a place of brightness and hope; of intelligent conversation and resistance to a vile ignorance that has swept the western world that hurts the animal dependant economies that leave little footprint on eco systems; and encourages damage to the planet through non renewable resource exploitation.

It is a place where high fashion and couture meets fine art photography and freedom of expression. It is a place where all people are welcome as long as they have an interest...whether it be fur fetishism, fur in fashion, fur as a renwable resource, fur as an expression of cultural or sexual identity, or fur as just something beautiful .

We have people from all walks of life from architects to fashion designers to models to building site labourers. From photographers to musicians , from artists to solicitors, form electricians to ski instructors.

We have all forms of sexaul gender here from male chauvenist pigs like me, to transexuals to gays and lesbians, from hookers to dommes to models to very very feminine traditional ladies.


And for most of the time, though we argue like hell on times, we are a Nation. A nation that crosses cultural and religious divide, that crosses incredible geopgraphical areas. That crosses political division. And together we are strong.


So it is up to you; but if you are indeed in the shadows, stay there no longer. You by even visiting here subconsciously know that fur is beautiful, and that you appreciate it. You know maybe thatin fact your sexuality is geared to it; as it was intended by nature: only those who were succesful at hunting furbearers and clothing their communities in fur and hide survived. So indeed it as 250 millenia of genetic link with fur; and indeed the whole of civilisation is built on it.

Until now. Until a few shrewd business people came together in an unholy alliance to foster use of petro chemicals and non renewable resources and o declare animal use as inhumane. It is this evil that is the perversion in western society not you.


When a chap caled Mr Mockle decided in 2000 that he rather liked the women he saw as a child and the fur fashion shoots with glamorous models, and committed himself to making a shrine to such iconograpphy by coming together with some beautiful models and creating an internet site that has hits from all over the world, he humbly became the kid that said the emperor was wearing no clothes. Anyone who looked at his site, and also the hundreds of designers who at the same time began to assert their belief in an entirely natural and beautiful resource began to put fur back on the catwalks in spite of fierce criticism by fascists, a resistance movement began to be born.


So join us. Join us and fight for Fur; and in doing so, protect animlas and their habitats from the evil wasteful consumerism of dumbed down society.


Join us, and be not afraid to say to all that actually you rather like beautiful girls in fur and you are not going to stand for a few power hungry hippy fascists to impose their warped morality on you as they do the drones through massive advertising and political corruption.


But more than this; join us because you don't want to live your life as a lie in the shadows. If we want fur back in our lives; we need to stand up and shout for its value; a value that for 250 000 years mankind has believed in and survived through and created beauty with.


Stand here and be counted. Cross the line in the sand, join the phalanx of liberty and free yourself from opression. I promise you you shall never regret doing so.


A new film is out soon. It immoratises the courage of 300 against the swarms of Persia. It takes but a few who believe and have courage to stop this swarm against fur too; as those who put their faith in lies will eventually realise that they are doomed:




True at Thermopylae betrayal led to defeat. But beware you antis who visit here looking for a way past our lines: there is NO pass. Because our virtue is truth; and our V will stand.


So take up your red cloak and stand here naked with us with plume of fur on your helmet and courage and fight. We cannot be defeated.


Okat thats a bit melodramatic but you get the idea.


Scotty and Tryxie the first over that line in the sand this week.....are you with them?


The most important thing that TOS said in that message is this.



This is NOT a place of perverts and sad people.


We here are all exactly like you folks who are looking in from the outside.


If you are a new member who has not yet posted, please jump in and participate. Folks we would love to have you posting here. If you are looking and have not registered yet, please do so. You will indeed love it here! In fact, if you register here in the next day or so you will quickly see our Gallery with almost 6000 fur photos! And believe me these are first class photos too! Yes, we do ask one thing of you though. That is that you come in and have fun! We do not charge. We do not ask you to do huge amounts of work. We just ask that you have fun!


Please come in and join us. We are all just like you.


White Fox


Thank you for the kind words ToS. I been in the shadows long enough, so who else who may be reading this is ready to come out to the light?


PS me thinks there is more fur over here..


I agree, which is the main non-personal reasons that I wear a fur coat from at least October through April, and am working on ways to wear furs on the outside through the summer months...vests, ponchos, etc. This will take some courage as even up North most people can hardly wait for warm weather, and will undoubtedly consider me a bit odd wearing fur on a cool July evening, but I will try this summer to persevere. Luckily that is till a loooooong way off though. BTW, can anyone imagine someone actually liking the time of year when it is too warm to wear most furs? I mean, who is really odd here eh?


Just an idea Lynxette. - my wife has a real mink elasticated hair tie back. But she often wears it as a bracelet at any time of the year.


It looks very fetching. And there is something a bit sexy about fur around the wrists. But more the point, it's like a signature or message going out, that although its too hot to wear fur, she still like fur and is a fur wearer.


Just an idea, but please don't let it stop you finding other ways to wear proper fur garments all year.!!!!


And once again a great idea and bit of information from a fellow denizen. Thank you ravens8! Any way to incorporate fur daily is a must as far as I am concerned.


My firend sold 15 to jockeys. Word spread obvilously over a three day meeting; apparently its for the wives/girlfriends benefits! Spikey spikey soft .


Oh... We thought it was for the horses!

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