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The Surprise Mentioned. We have a new mod.

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Posted (edited)

Folks, I mentioned a day or two back that we had a surprise coming for you. Well now here it is. We have a new mod. It is indeed one of our gals.


She does not have a huge number of posts but has spent a lot of time here. She is very fashion oriented, and she certainly understands the world of fur from the fashion aspect.


She has mentioned that two of her concerns with this site are to try to make it an even more friendly place for our gals, and to try to get those members who are not posting to realize what a great place this is. That they are just like us, and would enjoy the place so much more if they join in.


Guys and Gals, our new mod is Tryxie Trash. We are very glad that she has joined our mod crew at the Den and we really are looking forward to working with her.


White Fox

Edited by Guest


Congrats and welcome, TT! I'm sure you'll be a terrific addition to our staff!




Tryxie Trash, I am THRILLED to have you as a fellow mod!!


Thank you for agreeing to accept the position!!!




HEY!!!! TRIXIE!!!! congratulations.


(Err... so what were you saying about the limelight? Growing to like it eh? )


I'm finding the whole thing very scary so far. I have to get my stabilisers fitted soon, so it will be awhile before they turn me loose. They want to check out my megalomania quotient first.


Bernadette is working hard on post as I type, she refuses to show me. Bad sign.




Do keep an eye out for the delivery man. He will be bringing your official Fur Den Moderator's uniform to your door, either tomorow or the next day. It's a beautiful full-length fur coat.


Pay no attention to the buckles in the back or the leather straps hanging from the sleves....


All hail the Fuzzmeister, All hail the Fuzzmeister


I'm not so sure moderating Tryxie is such a good idea. It worries me that she's going to turn into one of those namby pamby Liberals, and you know what that means? Carrot sticks, thats what! No more steak and kidney pie with that thick pastry that sticks to my teeth, no more stew and dumplin's, I love dumplin's, no more meat pies, doughnuts, cookies or chocolate. You realise that I'll fade away to nothing without any proper nourishment, I'll go all baggy and to small for my skin. She's going to get me up really early to, like before lunch, to go for a run. Bears don't run, they saunter purposefully, in the search for goodies. I do not do carrot sticks. Next doors cat is looking incredibly tasty already.


If you have to modulate anything can you please turn down her snoring.


Now if you'll excuse me, I must lay down to conserve my strength, "carrot sticks... mutter mutter mutter".


Hard to believe that your bear has more posts than the vast majority of our membership...


C'mon lurkers! If a bear can post here so can you!!!!!!!



All hail the Fuzzmeister, All hail the Fuzzmeister


I'm not so sure moderating Tryxie is such a good idea. It worries me that she's going to turn into one of those namby pamby Liberals, and you know what that means? Carrot sticks, thats what! , no more doughnuts, cookies or chocolate. Now if you'll excuse me, I must lay down to conserve my strength, "carrot sticks... mutter mutter mutter".


If Bernadette will excuse my edit (for brevity only my dear bear). Tryxie munching on carrot sticks--no chocolate or doughnuts? HAH! That will be the day.


But be careful gang. I saw her with a cat of nine mink tails.


Seriously, great choice!




A BEAR eating carrot sticks? NO WAY!


Our digestive systems are optimized for cookies and chocolate! Not carrots!

We'd rather eat TOFU!


Welcome to the staff Tryxie!!! What is really neat is that we get two for the price of one with you...and one with built in fur to boot.




Not certain if I have welcomed you to the Fur Den!


Hope we continue to hear from you. Love your avatar!




Welcome Trixy! This is what we need here on the Fur Den. More womenand their opinions! I'd love to see more women here for the good and respectful men to chat with!




Posted (edited)

Well done, White Fox! A very talented lady, who joins a fantastic Board of Moderators! A great addition!


I must say that the last several additions to our "Mod Squad" have been excellent - I can't remember the order in which they joined the team, but their work has been very evident, very dedicated . . . and very excellent! Here's to . . .


OFF or Old Fur F**t




Worker 11811



Edited by Guest
Well done, White Fox! A very talented lady, who joins a fantastic Board of Moderators! A great addition!


I must say that the last several additions to our "Mod Squad" have been excellent - I can't remember the order in which they joined the team, but their work has been very evident, very dedicated . . . and very excellent! Here's to . . .


OFF or Old Fur F**t




Worker 11811



I'll Drink to That!!!!!


Not certain if I have welcomed you to the Fur Den!


Hope we continue to hear from you. Love your avatar!




Thank you Linda,


I have no intention of going away so you're all stuck with me. The avitar believe it or not came from a deoderant ad!



Well done, White Fox! A very talented lady, who joins a fantastic Board of Moderators! A great addition!


I'll Drink to That!!!!!


While I agree etirely with the elevation of Tryxie, It must be pointed out, Dodge, that you would drink to the sun comming up.




Bernadette's reservations aside you've already done a marvelous job.


Just keep up the high standards you've already set for yourself





Oh no...............








Welcome Tryx

good and respectful men


TOS. Did you see what they just called us? Man. Good and Respectful! Talk about a curse!


Are you going to stand for that?!!!




I think its a sign of a good place when women can come here without getting too much hassle re stalkers. Hopefully it will remain that way and many more ladies will become involved. Indeed I think most of us men are good and respectful.....I think that it is a mark of respect actualy that we actually come here to pay homage to iconic glamour epitmised by some women, and therefore yes are respectful of them.


I still think Tryxie needs to be put over my knee and have a damn good thrashing before she takes up full moderator duties however.


No No ToS. You've got it all wrong!! She's in charge of YOU now. It's her that does the spanking from now on.


Thinking isn't your strong point ToS. Don't give up practising though.

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