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I never thought I would be so relieved to be back in the States, even if it's for a short time. As my plane touched down at Newark, the weather report barely audible over the all the noise, I thought, "I can't wait to read the Fur Sightings threads at the Den!..."




Granted, it's been an uncomfortably warm winter in many places, but now there's no excuse, at least in the Eastern US & Canada, to wear furs! I managed to take my black fox, full-length eBay blue fox & unfortunate otter coat to Flemington Furs...I'll have just enough time once they're cleaned & conditioned to finally bust out the fox this season. Speaking of busting out the fox...




...is this...one of us?







a presto,




Well if it is or even if it is not...nice silver fox! BTW, welcome back to this side of the pond Joe.


one of my classmates came into class this morning round 10am central us in Texas here in waco, texas this time wearing a full lenght faux lynx coat. Very nice guy and he actually looked nice in it. African American student that i know. He's one of the MCI classmates that i know here. Didnt get a chance to say any thing to him but will later.


Damn you, Joe! Now you made me homesick again! I miss Flemington Furs!!!




Come on, folks, any sightings to report? It's winter! There weren't too many furs in Cincy yesterday, other than a couple college-age girls in short rabbit jackets and one enormous silver fox jacket on a man (!) downtown near the Rosenthal art museum. Well, the only other major fur sighting I can think of is...me. Oh, well. I'm sure I'll see plenty of furs (and wear my black fox out!) in Chicago this coming week.






Okay, believe it or not, but I have yet to see anyone else in furs this winter in my area besides me...and I do not count fur ruffs, etc., just full fur coats and jackets. Travelling I ave seen mostly mink and beaver...a couple of very nice sheared phantoms, one platinum, and a couple of raccoons.

The male side of things is disappointing, but not a total loss...couple of mink reversible bomber jacets and one natural beaver of the same type.


And they said fur made a comeback this year. Actually, I've grown quite tired of the ubiquitous faux-fur "ruffs" on nearly every teenage girl's jacket in this country...back in Rome, when we play "spot the American tourists", those horrendous jackets are a dead giveaway. And in my opinion, they used to be cute...they still can be, if done right! The Italians are doing real rabbit-fur-lined hoods, cuffs, collars and even zippered sweaters this year, even for guys!


I just got back from an afternoon shopping downtown. I spotted half a dozen boring full length minks, a couple mink jackets, one full-length tanuki coat, on a diverse mix of middle aged women. I'm surprised that downtown Cincinnati isn't more fur-filled, especially with this weather. I feel like a little kid, hoping to see some massive fox coats...this is semi-depressing. Oh well, at least the architecture here is starting to get interesting, OFF...






I was in Harrods (London!) on friday last week and after repetedly walking through the rather small fur department I saw a fantastic sable coat on a rather attractive middle aged women, although she wasn't wearing it (trying on shoes!) it was probably the nicest coat I had seen in a long time! Fur is definatley back in the UK and here to stay!


That does it...I am definitely taking furs to the UK when I vist next month. Now that it sounds safe that is.


Ive seen quite a few ladies in fur in the past two weeks at various times when Ive been at the hospital for outpaitent treatment.

A couple of blue foxes, a mink and a few rabbits on girls in the 20"s.

With the colder weather here, more furs have apperead .


Lynxette, you're visiting the UK? We are indeed honoured! Is it your first time over here? Are you visiting relatives or seeing the sights?


We're certainly enjoying a colder period now. They're talking about snow both north and south later this week. Hope it stays like this for your visit.


I might have to make the reverse trip. I've just seen how cold it is in New York and Montreal! I visited at the end of November hoping for snow and all I got was 15C and sunshine


You're coming in March lynxette? You HAVE to come to the cheltenham festival . Its four days of fabulous steeplechasing 60 000 people a day and if cold there will be hundreds of furs.


I wore fur in my smal town today and on the train . Must have been sen by a few hundred people and din't get so much as a dirty look. About twnety compliements of women though....half of them asking to touch. And also a few compliments from guys which surprised me. Straight guys too.

As robsouthuk syas, its slow, and only in certain places but there is a revival.


Actually end of march, early April. It is both a personal and business trip. Not sure how much time I am going to have "for fun" so to say, and yes it is a firt time visit.

Elbas, thank you for your kind words...I am blushing.


My pleasure, lynxette!


Exciting times in frozen England. I saw a full length raccoon coat in town today. Exciting, that is, until I saw it was an elderly gentleman wearing it. Good for him, I guess. I'm sure it was keeping him warm. But it would have been nicer on a young lady!


Apart from that, only a few faux coats and jackets on view.


And no snow! You wait for months for snow, it covers most of the country, but not here. Ho hum.


But I'm always complaining! At least it's freezing cold



Be still my heart...WOW...that is wonderful news indeed. I had really gotten the impression from past posts (recent past) that fur was dead in Britain, and so was anyone who thought of wearing it.

Very happy to know this is NOT the case indeed.


You're not forgetting TOS, are you??


This was a *very* elderly gentleman. I don't think the sight of him in the coat was likely to spark a buying frenzy amongst the rest of the population. But you never know...


Not for a moment would I forget Touch of Sable...and older or young, it is the example set that counts I think. So I still thank you for the good news.


Stephen Little, the famous British Bookmaker, is often to be seen this time of year in a fur. It is musquash. No net pics of it it seems, but here he is:



Everybody at the races accepts it and he says he has never had any problems. Racing in general is a far more tolerant society than the normal town. Not just with fur but also with individuality. Look at John McCrirrick:




scroll down to see mccrirrick in a huge fur hat.


Lots of guys at the races wear fur hats. And as I often say its the one place where lots of women feel safe in furs. Antis are not interested in going horse racing because they don't really like animals.


So Lynxette you HAVE to have a day at the races! Same goes for any other visitors to the UK; or indeed anyone here. The Cheltenham festival is a MUST. There are about a dozen stalls selling fur of some description for one thing.


The Cheltenham festival is in the middle of March, isn't it TOS? If lynxette is coming at the end of the month, I think she will miss it.


But perhaps with your encouragement she can be persuaded to lengthen her trip over here so that she can take in at least one day of it


Was in London last 2 weeks of May last year. Saw 5 or 6 girls wearing coney jackets. Mostly around Covent Garden and the West End. Enjoy your trip Lynxette, I'm very envious.




ust to give you a flavour of Cheltenham. No antis here.






The hat:



There are jumps meetings everyday through the winter somewhere in the UK . Some possible meetings are Chepstow on the 21st march or 10th April; Newbury 23 and 24 March, and Cheltenham on the 18 and 19 April.


But obviously the cheltenham festival is best. There are also Ascot and Sandown jumps fixtures. MAy be an idea for a few of us to meet up with Lynxette and take her racing. Blackfox and Mr mockle have been, and I keep trying to get Tryxie to come. A den trip may be in order.


Prince William's girlfriend should of course be APPLAUDED for setting exactly the right example in her choice of hat, and Selfridges needs to change their silly policy or I know of one person who will not be shopping there.


Don't worry Lynxette. Either their spokesperson is a half wit PR person or they are lying. Selfridges sell MOST of the current collections by design houses and have sold fur throughout the nineties when every on else was afraid too. What is shameful is their denial of that; so unless they have changed thier policy in the last couple of years, they are lying. FEAR and lies ("oh its faux") etc just fuel the antis guns.


Whew...thank you for that bit of info Touch of Sable. Now I can remove one retailer from my do not shop list.

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