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Hunting/fur ethics: archive of links/essays. Need volunteers

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May I ask a question Touch of Sable? Do you hunt by any chance, and if so where and what? Just curious as you seem to do quite a bit of directed research in that area.


I do not Hunt Lynxette. However it NEVER made any sense too me that anyone who wants or needs to hunt would destroy waht it is he loves. Man has had a love affair with animlas, depending on them for everything, for two million years. Every mass extinction in that period affected man too; suggesting that climate change was the reason. Not over hunting. Early man, and the modern Hunter, has been done a very very grave miservice and if we do not correct it immediately then the menatlity of modern society and PETA ethics means that it is now that animals face their greatest danger, from a lover who know spurns them, and wants them out of his house.


I saw this in a very real way from childhood. I saw hunting land in the UK replaced by development. Wehere there were fiox hunts and amatuer settelpechasing there wre also otter and kingfisher and greta crested newts and hare and stoat etc etc. If the Hunts and the traditional animal farming had remained all would still be there. Now there is concrete and industry and intensive agriculture. All those animlas are gone, and the local governemnts who seized the farmers land with compulsory purchase orders have given millions of pounds to anti hunting organisations.


It is the gretaest swindle ever perpertarted to blame hunting for animal extictions. Hunting PREVENTS animal extinctions.


Even in Canada Lynxette you must see what is happening re the caribou wolf scenario. Caribou numbers are falling dramatically; their migratory paths disrupted by poil pipelines and other development. Trapped in certain areas, their food supply often poisoned (lichens are delicate and the base of the food chain there) their numbers fall. Wolf numbers, protected by well mening liberals, rise. Do the math.


Caribou: one calf a year; maybe two.

Wolf: 8 cubs a year.


Oh dear. Problems no?


Man as hunter is a hugely important part of the eco sytem and neglecting our role because of stupid modern notions is very very irresponsible.


Let the native people harvest the wolf for fur, give the caribou a break, keep the oil corporations out....maybe impose massive eco taxes on synthetic clothing and divert money to massive reserves controlled by aboriginal peoples (as the WWF have started to do in Russian republics).


The alternative is the hunting of wolf by helicopter and more liberal screaming.


What I think is neat about the wolf issue, is that since they are no longer endangered, I will soon have a wolf coat. Hope that doesn't sound selfish, and yes I do have coyote, but wolf is different...much thicker and more plush.


And it is better that they are culled by native people and the fur made into something beautiful which will bring them income, than be shot merely for population control I suppose.


Absolutely, but I am okay if they are trapped and sent to Montreal to make beautiful garments as well...so long as I can get on the list for one or three.

  • 2 weeks later...
What I think is neat about the wolf issue, is that since they are no longer endangered, I will soon have a wolf coat. Hope that doesn't sound selfish, and yes I do have coyote, but wolf is different...much thicker and more plush.
It's all about having priorities

Yes, and my priorities are in the following order: Fur coats, Fur jackets, Fur blankets, etc.


I found particularly interesting the portion by Eric Fromm on Hunting and Sadism .. NOT!!!!















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