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Site Update

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Ah Good ol' Geocities and it's bandwidth limitations.


BTW BW, technically this should be moved to the "No Spam Zone" for promotion of own website, but *writing out violation ticket and handing it over* shall let it pass.



This time


It's a nice site. Too bad geocities is so restrictive though. Thanks bw



Right now it is really difficult for us to tell new members from those how have posted before. Am I right that you are a brand new Den member? If so I could certainly like to welcome you to the new site!


Also folks. If we have any new members who we have missed I really hope that each of you will feel welcome here and feel great about posting on the New Den. With so many new members and with our posts counts somewhat "out of sync" right now it is very hard to know who the new members are here. Welcome one and all!



Sorry Mr Barguzin,


It was not my intent to promote my site. I know I welcome new material and I'm still getting used to the new format. I'll post further site updates in the No Spam Zone. Geocities is possibly the worst location for hosting, however it remains Free. Possibly at some time in the future I might consider paying to host, but only if there was real interest for doing so.


Hi to White Fox and all the rest of the New Fur Den members.


No, I am not a new member. I have posted the odd thing in the past on the Old Den. I usually enjoy keeping a low profile and enjoy reading the contributions of others more than my own input. Thanks for welcoming me and I'll try to be a more active contributor in the future.


thanks, bw



As long as you don't actually have any banners on the site that bring you money then it is ok to post in the Den. There are times on these sites where we do not quite know if a banner is posted by the member or by the web host.

Don't worry about your post.


Ah Good ol' Geocities and it's bandwidth limitations.


BTW BW, technically this should be moved to the "No Spam Zone" for promotion of own website, but *writing out violation ticket and handing it over* shall let it pass.



This time


Isn't that rule just for commercial sites?


"Posts that are appropriate here but not elsewhere include those promoting your own fur website"


The next bit is after an "OR" (about commercial links). Ergo, technically, that is where any posts I make about MY sites should go, even if they do not have any commercial links embedded (OOO famous word that WEG).


However if, say, Ms T found out that I had updated my site and posted it in this forum, that would be okay.


Only problem is.... haven't updated it fur quite a while *grin* Ah well, one of these days I'll git round to it.... maybe

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