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Saturday afternoon in Tescos, Coventry (UK) of all places.


Women around late 40s early 50s in a full length mink, and she wasn't even in the frozen food section...


And I thought supermarket shopping was a chore.

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A few years ago, I saw a lady, probably in her 30s, in a 3/4-length mink jacket in a Sainsbury's store in Manchester. I actually stopped to ask her where she'd got her coat from (Greece).


I think most people can't tell the difference between mink and faux fur, so ladies feel comfortable wearing it.


It was a very rare occurrence though. This store's not in the most upmarket part of Manchester!


Waitrose - Newark, last year, full length Grey Mink, down to floor - fantastic. Was too dumbstruck to say anything...


The UK is not fur barren, just fur hidden...... Anyway, cold snap coming this week - keep your eyes peeled...




Being with my girlfriend meant I couldn't say anything...




I saw a very elegant blonde lady in a very cute mink jacket in Hove station this lunchtime and have seen a few minks, foxes and rabbits in the Brighton and Hove area in recent years. Not bad for seaside towns.


Tomorrow looks even colder and I'm travelling through London during the rush-hours so may see a few more things at the bigger stations.



Mr Mockle


One of those ladies in Brighton mayhave been me.


I wore my silverfox jacket on the train to London on Saturday

One of those ladies in Brighton mayhave been me.


I wore my silverfox jacket on the train to London on Saturday


You were in London on Saturday? If only I had've known.. lol




Maybe it was although I can't recall any sightings of silver fox so far. Most of the foxes were blue - except for Ms Mockle's crystal fox jacket but I don't count our furs among sightings.


We were thinking about meeting up a few weeks ago but never sorted anything out. If still want to do so then drop me an email or PM and we'll see what we can arrange one evening or weekend while it's still fairly cold.



Mr Mockle


I agree with the statement that many women feel more comfortable in a fur coat such as mink or sheared beaver that looks like faux to the general public. I think it is a shame though to wear a particular fur for those reasons. If a person wears mink because it is what they like, so be it...but wear what you want not what others think you should.


Ah, wouldn't it be great if we could, or would, all wear what we want rather than what we think we should? I'd be able to walk around in a hooded blue fox coat without everyone thinking I was I weirdo


Instead I have to make do with sneaking around in a sheared beaver underneath an oversize padded down coat.


Mink is the probably the most common fur in the UK, if not the world, so let's let ourselves believe it was what she wanted to wear.


One of the most unexpected places to see a fur is on a college or university campus - especially on a member of the faculty or staff. Not because they can't afford one - IMHO it's mainly because college campuses are usually breeding grounds for bleeding hearts, including animal rights wackos. I'll occasionally see a bunny fur on a student.


I was in the lobby of the administration building of one of our local colleges the other day and I saw a woman (she was impeccably dressed, so that rules out faculty, who usually look like they just crawled out of bed and put on the first thing they could find on the floor . . . ) approaching me in a beautiful crystal fox stroller. When she was about six feet away from me, I stopped, smiled, and said, "Your coat is beautiful, and you look gorgeous in it!" (Actually, she was a very attractive woman . . . ) Her face lit up and she said with a big smile, "Why, thank you - very much!" She didn't stop to chat, but judging from her smile, she was pleased with the compliments.


It was my pleasure . . . !


I've seen two minks and one blue fox in the local Shop Rite (super market). All three were full length coats. Also two mink jackets in the local diner.



I agree with the statement that many women feel more comfortable in a fur coat such as mink or sheared beaver that looks like faux to the general public. I think it is a shame though to wear a particular fur for those reasons. If a person wears mink because it is what they like, so be it...but wear what you want not what others think you should.


No offence, but I kind of doubt that's the case. I think most fur wearers don't give a damn about the yahoos. Also I think you under credit mink. Really good mink, especially female skin mink, is wonderful to the touch. Mink is also on one of the most durable of all furs -- along with beaver. I really think that's why you see more of those.


Also, most people, my wife and I included, think beaver feels better and softer when sheared.




I saw the most beautiful Silver Fox stroller in Manchester on Saturday night.

Luckily for me it was my wife that was wearing it and my arm that was wrapped around her!


Saw a woman wearing a nice big fluffy fur coat today while driving around town. Don't know exactly what kind it was. It was long and fluffy fur. A little bit shaggy. The color was light brown/beige with darker streaks in it. I think it might have been coyote or some kind of fox.


We have a visitor from Sweden at the place I work. We were on our way to a restaurant to have lunch.


I was sitting at a traffic light and I looked in my rear view mirror. I saw a woman sitting in a Cadillac directly behind me. I saw the flash of fur as she raised her arm.


When the traffic light changed we proceeded down the road. The woman pulled up along side of us at the next light. I had already seen her from the previous stop but I turned to my guest and said, "Look at the fur coat on that woman!"


He turned to me and, in a very serious tone of voice he said, "I'd love to F*** her in that fur coat!"


I just looked back and smiled. 8)

I agree with the statement that many women feel more comfortable in a fur coat such as mink or sheared beaver that looks like faux to the general public. I think it is a shame though to wear a particular fur for those reasons. If a person wears mink because it is what they like, so be it...but wear what you want not what others think you should.


No offence, but I kind of doubt that's the case. I think most fur wearers don't give a damn about the yahoos. Also I think you under credit mink. Really good mink, especially female skin mink, is wonderful to the touch. Mink is also on one of the most durable of all furs -- along with beaver. I really think that's why you see more of those.


Also, most people, my wife and I included, think beaver feels better and softer when sheared.




No offence taken MrC...I was simply commenting on my personal experiences and what others have told me. Of course there are many people who wear a particular fur, be it beaver, mink or fox, because it is exactly what they want to be doing. But there are others who do want to blend in so to say, and not make waves and do chose the furs they wear with that in mind. I will say that the latter are not necessarily furfanatics though, which may be a basis for their feelings.


As a part-time sales clerk in a fur store, I have frequently heard women say that they might like to wear fur, but are afraid of the anti-fur wackos. Or that they prefer short hair furs because they think the long hair furs make them look chubby or fat.


On the other hand, many men say they prefer the look of a long hair fur like fox or coyote on a lady.


AK, nice job you got there! Tough job, but someone's gotta do it, right?


Do you get many men in the store shopping for furs?


Hopefully the answer to that question is a definitive YES

Yes, I think many of you will gather by now that my quest in life is to get more men to wear furs in public, and I take every possible opportunity to do what I can to help make that happen.

If I may be so bold guys, but perhaps the best way to meet that girl of your dreams who loves furs is to clearly demonstrate your interest? I mean, how are we going to be able to find you if you are hidden so to say eh? 8)

Do you get many men in the store shopping for furs?
We have sold 3 mens fur jackets in the last 2 months, but we do not see many men openly shopping for a fur for themself. Most men shoppers are looking for something for their wife or girlfriend, or just looking with no intent to purchase anything.

It's very hard to argue with the logic of your argument! It would certainly be a very effective filter - anyone who like fur would make a bee-line for you. And no need for that awkward conversation where, having got to know each other for a while, you finally broach the subject of fur, praying that she likes it.


I read a book about a very successful pick-up artist who ended up rubbing shoulders with the likes of Tom Cruise and Courtney Love - this is the kind of high-brow book I read. He seemed to have 2 key tips - have some great pick-up lines/stories, and dress outrageously. Stand out from the crowd. I guess wearing furs would qualify.


But the practicality? I find it bad enough having to explain to friends that I don't drink alcohol. What would it be like trying to explain a fur coat? I'd be far too embarassed.


I take it you really think men look good in fur? I'm not sure I do. Much as I love fur, it just looks wrong, weird, unnatural. Fur on a lady makes perfect sense. It's glamorous, sensuous, sexy. And feminine.


Maybe I need to experience it more and then I'll grow accustomed to it. Afterall, that's what my friends tell me about alcohol!


Believe me I have only just taken to wearing a full fox fur. I am not a touch fetishist...I just like the look of it on women. BUT; having now worn one, the difficulty is NOT wearing it....it becomes taking it off!


As for the conformity v individuality thing this is indeed the main thing that stops people wearing furs. We have become a society of drones; afraid to be different for fear of victimisation. Well if we want things to change we here must all be a bit braver, a bit bolder.

I agree with the statement that many women feel more comfortable in a fur coat such as mink or sheared beaver that looks like faux to the general public. I think it is a shame though to wear a particular fur for those reasons. If a person wears mink because it is what they like, so be it...but wear what you want not what others think you should.


Sad but true. At this point wife pretty much stays with black mink leaving a fantastic blue fox stroller, one yr old,for home use, as well as her crystal and GI fox. Only when we are in mtns skiing does she feel up to the attention (100% positive over 15yrs) that the flashier ones bring. Or if going out to upscale clubs or to friends houses. She used to wear the foxes to the school she teaches in,but only mink now


TOS, hats off to you for wearing a fox coat. I admire your bravery.


If you are not a touch fetishist, I take it you started wearing it for practical purposes? Do you wear any other furs?


Now I've acquired a down/puffer coat big enough to conceal another coat underneath it, I've started wearing my knee-length sheared beaver jacket under it. It feels great. Keeps me warm in this chill. The collar covers my neck and ears perfectly.


And it feels quite liberating actually wearing a fur out in public - albeit it's mostly concealed and I still wouldn't dare wear it in front of friends! Progress, but slow progress.

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