FurLoverinFL Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 Guys, lynxette is right here. Just about 2 years ago, while I was still living in New Jersey, I had a 'blind date' - well one of those dates set up through the dating service I was using at the time. The night we met turned out to be brutally cold and snowy. I finally had one of those 'what-the-fuck' moments and wore my full length, hooded red fox coat on our date. She was actually very cool about it and couldn't keep her hands off me (well, let's be honest, the coat) all night. Best of all was that it just got the whole 'fur-thing' out in the open right at the start of our relationship. Haven't seen her in a while now, although she has called a couple of times when she wanted advice on what kind of furs she should buy! FLinFL
Guest Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 Yes I second that post by Furlovin . I have been approached a dozen times here in the UK by girls. Two of them at first were like "omg is that real?" When I then pointed out it was far more eco friendly than their coats, that fur farms have the highest standards of welfare of any farmed animals and that it supports native economies, they said: "well when you put it like that...." and "well actually, it is beautiful..." Both then responded by wanting to feel it, and then a fur hug. Then four of the other girls did the same, and then two actually tried it on. All the rest asked could they touch it, said they wanted one (in a kind of yearning ecstatic way) or said it was beautiful. Now I am not exactly a good looking or hunky chap; but I guess the coat with broad shoulders, and worn with stylish attire, can create a powerful....and courageous...aura. Certainly I have never had such attetion from YOUNG women....particularly of the emo variety. If you are wearing a fur as a guy you can do one of two things. Camp it up: if you want to be a girl then hell be a girl. OR wear it with masculinity as a warrior; hunter. Blackfox always cuts a dash in his silver fox. Worn with an expensive Australian newbuck hat and leather trousers and big boots, and a casual plain jumper. Unless you are into the RandB music scene avoid the bling look; you won't get away with it. Don't look like a ponce. Wear something native with it. Many fur shops even sell a range of native items too; I have seen Evenk and Inuit stuff in European furriers and Cree and Dene stuff in Canadian furriers online. A coyote claw on a thong, or a fox bobtail suspended from a beaded belt or fur hat can look good. The other alternative is the alternative or fetish look; lots of leather and casual tops/shirts by gaultier, Gucci, Narcisse etc. Or riding boots for the cassack look. If you look weird enough people will not engage you anyway. You are dissident by even contemplating wearing fur; kick it in a bit. Pete murphy and Daniel Ash from Bauhaus: http://static.flickr.com/93/213303633_baffd9845e_m.jpg http://static.flickr.com/81/213303632_5959a43669_m.jpg http://rksguitars.com/agal/gallery/th_1150275653_bauhaus_norris_21.jpg Now Daniel Ash actually wore that at a gig with thousands of people and a massive PETA presence. He didn't give a f***, and just left PETA looking stupid and intolerant. Or go for the laid back cool Italian look. See Joe; with his shades and bobble hat. I bet he has the gait to go with it too. I haven't had one dirty look or bad comment; not one "disguusting" even; although a couple of sniggers which I stopped immediately with an icy glare. The thing is a large fox can make you look quite intimidating. Okay now I am going to get trouble at some point, but when it comes it is as likely to come from intolerant urban drone thugs (just becasue its different) as AR activists which actually seem quite thin on the ground. Apparently a recent anti fur demo in Cheltenham shopping precinct only had a handful of people and they got a roasting/ridiculing off many passers by. Remember that threats against you or your business; red paint; coat slashing etc from AR activists can also now be dealt with by the prevention of terrorism act. Be brave. After all if us guys are not brave enough why should we expecat women to be? In the UK the snow is down. It is ESSENTIAL that all of us here wear our furs out. Start by taking the fur in the car , then wearing it as you refuel the car, or pop to the rural post office, or rural pub. NAtional HUNT racing is definitely safe to wear fur at; there is a meeting every day in winter. Definitely to the restaurant. Call them in advance if you are unsure and ask if they are fur friendly (works especially well when you have booked a table for 10) on a quite night. Wear fur on the train if it is a quiet journey : if you get threatened on a train and report it, the British transport police will be waiting to arrest the culprit when you arrive. But you are unlikely to get accosted. Hold a "Save the Planet No central heating come in FUR dinner party" on a Russian theme, with selection of vodkas. Or have a "Fur and feather" party. Once you and your wife/girlfriend realise that you are in control, don't get the adverse reaction you were expecting, and start to feel confident then you will be bolder. Then when you do get hassle it will only stiffen your resolve; and you will be ready to reduce them to shame in a verbal tirade; or apt put down throwaway remark. "Who are you the F****** morality Police?" has been met by applause and cheers on the two occassions I have used it....and that was in the nineties to protect other women from hassle. Or point out if they are wearing leather ask them why a mink is more important than a fox and accuse them of speciesism. Or if they are in synthetics tell them that it is THEY who are causing massive eco damage to habitats and wiping out animals for good, and that fox and mink are the most common mammal predators on the planet BECAUSE man values them for fur and hunting. Tell them that a great deal of furbearer meat IS eaten contrary to propaganda, especially by the 800 or so indigenous peoples of the world. Ask them if they realise that Fox furs from Norway Russia and Canada actually PROTECT the boreal forest (that word automatically makes them feel ignorant, as do tribal names like Sami Dene Evenk etc) from intrusion and destruction from the petro chemical companies which destroy the habitatas by fisrupting caribou (and therefore wolf) migration routes and putting animals like the Tiger and wolverine on the brink of extinction. But likelihood is you won't get it. I am buggered if I am going to let a few fascist thugs rule my life. And there are five million country sports people, the Royal family, millions who are sick of the nanny state, and the Fashion world with us. In answer to the question why have I begun to wear fur if I am not a fetishist is the same reason as most people wear fur. That they feel spiritually bonded to it, for a fashion statement, as a symbol of rebellion/subversiveness against fascism, and because it is beautiful, warm (we have no central heating and its minus 3 right now) and a status symbol that does not damage the environment. Status in terms of being different from the drones not as elitism. I will leave that to the "keeping up with the Drones'" mentality. And gradually, your courage will encourage others. There are MILLIONS of furs in the UK hidden in wadrobes as their owners longingly wait for the day where they can wear them again. The fashion world has begun the corageous revival. Now it is up to us. The line in the sand is drawn. If we are going down; we are going down fighting and spitting. Who is with me?
lynxette Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 THANK YOU GUYS I finally feel a bit of vindication on this theory of mine, but I just knew it had to be true. I have been saying it to guys who express interest in my furs, and suggesting that they get their own for a while now. Many are resistant with a smile, and others look thoughtful, and a few dismiss the notion out of hand. But I really think that one should wear what they want to wear when and where they want...boy or girl. Touch of sable, you keep right on wearing that fox, and elbas, maybe one day you will leave the cover jacket at home so others can see the beauty of what you are wearing.
elbas3175 Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 Oh FurLoverinFL, that's an inspirational story! One of those fantasy tales where you wish it were you. Makes me think I should follow suit next time I have a date... Hmm, maybe Lynxette! And TOS, you tell it straight! It's like a manifesto and lifestyle plan for the fur community. You should write a book. In fact, the reaction from the girls to you wearing the coat is exactly what that book I read described.
Guest Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 Two million years ago the first human like creature that worked out how to crawl in a dead carcass, or put his dying baby in one, to survive cold realised that the thing he carried with him rotted. The next worked out how to scrape it with a stone. We are all descended for them; because they survived. The second point of human evolution was the stage when we learned to sew furs into insulating garments 70 000 years ago andthe bottlenck. HUNDREDS of species of human like animals were wiped out. The only ones who survived were the ones that could fashion fur garments as we wre plunged into a nuclear winter. For 69900 years since the greta hunter warrior has been symbolised by his ability to fight kill and his wife skin a sabre tooth cat a woolly mammoth a fox or a mink. To protect his community from wolves and eventually show the wolf he was better off working with us. Then cam les than 100 years ago and invented by Buddhism in a vile co operation with the nazis and Nietsche, another phase in human evolution. On ethat claims that if we are enlightened we would not kill animlas fior fur. This period hs seen the greates damage to the planet ever committed by man, and damage to ourselves by two world wars too. If the Animal rights movement is not stopped now you truly will see a war to end all wars. NO WAY are we going to relinquish foxhunting. NO WAY are the Evenk going to relinquish their caribou and fox;NO WAY the Sami their reindeer and bear and Norwegian fox; NO WAY the Inuit and their seal; NO WAY are the Cree going to relinquish management of beaver and pine marten and bear to the PETAphiles; we see what westen civilsiation and its "enlightenment " does. This is a war. And in a war, warriors are distinguished by both their visibility on the battlefield and their adornment with furs. It is the ULTIMATE masculine statement to wear furs. Now you have to decide if you have the balls for it; and the balls to guard the woman of your dreams and wap her in the furs that will make her look good enough secure our future. I went out today with a full fox andmy girlfriend a full mink and fox. The zombies looked on; shivering. Most were overheard to say "wow". NOT ONE was brave enought to pass a negative comment. We walked everywhere, and ended up in a rough and ready pub. which we then treated as our place of conquer; spreading our furs and taking compliments from those who approached. Cost me a couple of drinks (problem is they think you're rich lol!) . NO PETAPHILES HERE encountered. We have now taken Monmouthshire home of red fox otter salmon and deer. Only the stupid and ignorant would suggest that the lands inherited by the archers that fought at Agincourt were anything else other than benign to animals after 600 years of hunting rights; taken from us by this socialist filth. And the Cree and the Evenk and the Inuit will tell you the same. If you value animlas, you keep the land for them. And PETA? If they come; they will get the biggest pasting here they could ever imagine.
lynxette Posted February 11, 2007 Posted February 11, 2007 For anyone to say that fur is only for girls is kinda like saying denim is only for boys...say what? Any guy can wear any fur he wants, so long as it is what he wants to do, and it is the style and type he feels comfortable in. Nothing makes a person, boy or girl, look worse than being uncomfortable in their skin so to say.
Guest Posted February 11, 2007 Posted February 11, 2007 Well said lynxette - I agree with every word. I just don't like the furs one sometimes sees pictured on the net that seem to shout out "this is a fur for a macho male that only a man can wear". All the furs that I wear in public - and here in the UK I do wear a fur coat in public all winter, and in sprilng and autumn too - are furs that could equally well be worn by a woman. That is what i enjoy - some people express a friendly interest, a few ask to feel the fur, but the majority make no comment at all.
lynxette Posted February 12, 2007 Posted February 12, 2007 That is so good to hear Lovingfurs...you know what yopu like and you Just Do It as the Nike commercials said. I have been thinking about this further though, and unfortunately I think for a lot of guys it has to start young...feeling okay about wearing furs I mean. If a guy gets too many messages that fur is "only" for women, than he will perhaps always be unfortable with it. A real shame indeed.
elbas3175 Posted February 12, 2007 Posted February 12, 2007 Good for you Lovingfurs. I bet you look great. Wearing furs in public is maybe like coming out as being gay. Although these days everyone is coming out, so maybe it's easier to do that! But I think it is a big decision. What if you were a full-blown transvestite - then you would have to feel comfortable about wearing skirts and dresses in public.
Guest Posted February 12, 2007 Posted February 12, 2007 To go out in a fur coat may be a big decision - but only before you have made it for the first time. Although it was a long time ago now, I can still remember the thrill of going out for the first time, far from home, in a fur coat - there was no going back - I was totally committed to wearing that fur coat wherever I went - there was no escape - and I had no wish at all to escape from being in a fur coat in public - and it was wonderful ! For my part, I have never had any desire to crossdress - only to be an ordinary guy wearing nice unisex furs in public - I can see no harm at all in that, and if it does sometimes give a little pleasure to others, so much the better!
lynxette Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 Elbas, I like your analogy that you present. The only unfortuneat thing is that being thought of as gay is the main reason I hear most often for why men will not wear a fur coat in public, even if they really want to. And that is a real shame. My response generally is, if you are not gay, and you and those who know you know this, so what if a stranger thinks you are...but apparently for men that IS a big deal. Oh well, all I can say is I am so glad I was not born a boy.
Guest Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 Again I feel I must follow lynxette in this thread because once more I find I am in total agreement with her. I too thought that elbas' analogy was probably a very good one because, as a fur lover who has enjoyed furs in private ever since early childhood, I have found it liberating as well as being supremely enjoyable to go out wearing furs in public as well. I can see that this perceived connection between being a fur lover, which I am and always have been, and being gay, which as it happens I am not, is of importance in the eyes of some people, although this assocation has never been a source of concern for me. I am often asked whether I am bi or gay when chatting online with other fur lovers, and I always reply that I am just a passionate fur lover which, for me, is far more important than any question of sexual orientation. I am equally delighted to chat and sometimes even to share furs on cam with any committed fur lover, whether male or female, gay or straight. I have to say, however, that this thread has really made me think ! I have in the past felt uneasy at what I have thought of as the tendency for gays and lesbians to seek to convert others to their form of sexuality and to their lifestyle which, after all, is probably genetically determined. Now I have to look at my own position as one who has had an obsession with furs ever since my first encouter with the magical feel of a soft fur while still a very young child. So often do polls of fur lovers on different furfan websites show that for most of us our love of fur was love at first sight, or at first touch, that I cannot help feeling that this is genetically determined as well. Why then do I love to be seen wearing furs in public as well as enjoying them in private ? While there is satisfaction in giving the opportunity for gaining an appreciation of furs by those who have not met them before, this does not reflect a wish to spread the love of furs far and wide - after all what would happen to the price of furs if everyone was seeking them ? I just know that I am defined by being a fur lover and I am glad of that, and I am happy for anyone who is interested to know it. I have no wish to persuade anyone to wear furs who does not wish to do so, but I do hope that by going anywhere and everwhere wearing a fur coat, I can encourage others who would like to wear furs in public, and it is men in particular who may need encouragement and the reassurance of seeing others enjoying doing so, to start wearing furs in public as well.
Guest Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 lovingfurs; Like you I have had this extreme fondness for fur since I can remember [18 mo. or earlier?]. I think it is actually part of the human condition [conditioning?] as has been discussed in some of ToS's tomes on hunting and the history of furs. I'm far more inclined to believe it is actually denial on others part, not something we are unique in knowing. Humans surprise me constantly with denials of the most obvious things in their lives, often to their detriment and pain Go figure, as they say. OFF
lynxette Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 Wow lovingfurs, we really have a conversation started here don't we? I must agree with you on the genetic...or at least the biochemical linkage to waht turns a person on sexually. Your last post got me thinking, and it is my belief that a person is either truely into furs on a basic level or they are not. How many times do we hear of people in the den who long to share their fur passion with the right someone, and not just in the sense of "I'll do that for you if you want me to", but in a meaningful and shared way? Maybe we fur lovers are a rare breed so to say, and of course our passion can run on so many levels. But maybe, just maybe it is truely an essential part of who we are at a core level.
Guest Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 Help I am getting accosted by women all the time since I am wearing a full fox fur.
elbas3175 Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Wow, I didn't expect quite such a reaction! I think, possibly, I was misunderstood. I don't really associate loving fur with being gay at all. And I don't really think it means you want to cross-dress either. I just meant that they're comparable difficult, embarrassing situations to overcome. To me, putting aside the people in this forum, I imagine most people's perception is that wearing furs is something that women do if they want to look glamorous, that men do if they're black rap artists/sportsmen with more money than sense, and that Russians do because they'd die if they didn't! Loving furs as I do, I know that that is not the whole story, but we're talking about perception and reasons for guys' awkwardness with furs. If you're gay, a cross-dresser, or love to wear furs, you might want to come out and be free to show your inner feelings but you're worried what people will think. It's the same principle, but they're independent. I'm not saying that being a cross-dresser makes you gay, that loving furs makes you gay or a cross-dresser, or that other people might think that. I'm saying that you might be worried because people will look at you funny if you say you're gay, a cross-dresser, or love furs. Mmm, that's a very long-winded explanation! My reticence to wear furs in public is that I feel people will regard me as a weirdo, look at me funny. If I did it in front of friends, word would soon spread, and soon loads of people in the office would know. Every time the vaguest of acquaintances saw me, they'd look at me and think, he's the one who wears furs. In front of people I don't know, it wouldn't be so bad. In another country, even better! It's just so unusual for men to do it. To my mind, certainly in this country, wearing furs is associated with women. So if I wear a fur coat, I imagine people will think I'll be wearing dresses next (never mind what they might think I do to poor little animals). They might not think that at all, but it's my perception, and until loads of people (not members of this forum) come out and say they don't think like that, I will go on believing it. I'm not sure I agree about the genetic thing. My mum had a sheared beaver coat which I discovered when I was young. If that coat hadn't been at home, would my affection for fur have developed in the same way? I wouldn't have known how it felt. Without that I wonder whether, when I saw a lady walking down the street with a fur on, I would have swooned so much. I suppose it can be a genetic thing - like a switch waiting to be flicked. So you have a gene which gives you a predisposition to liking furs. But you won't actually like them until you experience them for the first time. So, if my mum hadn't had that coat, the gene wouldn't have switched on at that age, and I would have had to wait until I happened to walk by a lady in furs. Is that what we're suggesting? Whatever, once you've been gripped by fur fever, you can't shake it. I'm sure of that. I love fur but still have residual feelings of guilt about the animals. Now, TOS and anyone else, please don't leap in here with a lecture Whatever the rights and wrongs of the trade, just as I can never shake my love for fur, I don't think I will ever be convinced that it's a saintly thing to wear the skins of other animals. Anyway, we all have different views and experiences. That's my tuppence worth... What I definitely do agree with Lynxette on is that this love of fur really makes me wish I'd been born a girl. And that I lived in North America. Life would be sooooo much easier!!!! And TOS, again, I wish I had your boldness, your devil-may-care attitude. It certainly seems to work.
furcrazy Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Interesting ideas everyone. I remember when I first wore my nutria lined leather to a friends house. He did ask "what are you gay?" It perplexed me. Just because I wear fur, you think I'm gay? I didn't continue the conversation. I can see how some people look at fur at something a women would wear but I don't see it that way at all. Fur is a wonderful, versitile and wonderful fabric. I also heard the same sentiment when a co-worker and I were coming into work and Marshall Fields was having a fashion show next to our store. During the fashion show, men and women were in fur at the end. He said the same thing. I often wonder if I was able to buy the fox fur I want, what would the reaction be? It would not cause me to not wear it, just wondering. Furry Dreams, Furcrazy
Guest Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 When you put on a mink; you BECOME a mink" "Elegance" by Katherine Tessarro. Yes; when you begin to wear fur it defines who you are. UNTIL that moment you are part of the herd. QUOTE: My reticence to wear furs in public is that I feel people will regard me as a weirdo, look at me funny. If I did it in front of friends, word would soon spread, and soon loads of people in the office would know. Every time the vaguest of acquaintances saw me, they'd look at me and think, he's the one who wears furs. end You have to decide Elbas. I am not even into fur in the same way as you are.; but it certainly has given me "definition". It is also very masculine. I guess it depends how you wear them. But it can be that rather than feminine. If you want to blend in with the crowd you will never be free; never lead, never stand aloof. You don't have to do it; but in your case I would think it would be liberating. Who gives a f*** what the drones think? Say who you are. Announce it. Be free. The question will eventually become NOT why does that guy wear furs; BUT...well...actually....why don't I? I was a punk...others followed. A mod...others followed A new romantic others followed a goth...others followed. When these things became "mainstream" and yes I took a few beatings and funny looks until then.... then it was time to move on. When I see a horse dominate, I see his power; his difference. He celebrates it and others follow him. He is the one who passes on his genes; has aura. The others sit in behind, fearing; needing protection; weak. If you love furs this much elbas you must be free to be yourself. Doesn't mean you have to wear them to work; but certainly when you have the opportunity socially why not? You ARE different. Celebrate it.
Guest Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 There are several parts to this issue and I'll state them as separate thoughts or issues for clarity though we think and feel them all togehter. 1-Ones internal feelings about fur itself. Your personal fetish aspect as something more than a garment for warmth. It may be related to seeing others in fur, such as a beautiful woman for instance. 2-Owning the object of your afection. Actually having furs for your personal pleasure. 3-Wearing fur publicly for personal pleasure and warmth. I've said not one word about personal sexual orientation. Why? Because it's totally meaningless. It had no meaning historically and its only been discussed because someone? thought it might indicate a male wearing fur would possibly??? be considered gay?? Preposterous!!!! My personal fear was my fetish feelings would be found out I finally came to the conclusion it to was preposterous. Only by speach or demonstration could anyone else know WHAT we think or feel. We personally give away our feelings. Cases in point: Today I stopped at a Teryaki Restaurant for lunch. I've only been to this place once before several years ago. I went in and ordered at the counter and sat to wait for my food. There were several folks sitting at another table who soon left. Several white women came in to pick food they had ordered. They ignored me except one comented on my using chop sticks to eat. My Lynx lined jacket was laying over the other chair, furnot grosly 'exposed'. They said nothing and didn't seem to notice my jacket. One had a cell phone sticking out of her head and jabbering away. When I got up to leave and swung my jacket on the Korean woman owner went bonkers over my jacket, saying how warm it must be!! and how beautiful it was. It was like she had just gotten one for herself. "Oh yes ma am, it's real warm." with a smile, wrapping it around me snugly. Later today at the Safeway as I was checking out [same jacket] the very tall back woman checking me out said how fantastic my jacket was and took her time pronouncing my last name from the receipt. She slowly and carefully said it with a big smile and a grin. "Sooo Coool and you have a very nice day." her parting comment. I thanked her with a smile. They do that since your savings card prints out your name on the slip and it's store policy for the check out clerks to say your name. They usually butcher it or are embarrased over not getting it right. Not a hint of sexual preferences nor anything other than admiration and an obvious "I want one real bad" perspective. There are more. So even if your fur is a 'discrete' lining in a jacket it will be noticed. OFF
AKcoyote Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 For me, wearing fur has become almost as much to get the ocasional compliment from a lady as for warmth and personal enjoyment. In winter I frequently wear my arctic style coyote parka. I have even had a lady yell across a parking lot "I love your coat". I find this interesting because in the same locations when I am not wearing fur I am almost totally ignored. The complements are a great ego boost and definately a positive reinforcement for my decision to wear fur.
Guest Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 quotes: Not a hint of sexual preferences nor anything other than admiration and an obvious "I want one real bad" perspective. (OFF) In winter I frequently wear my arctic style coyote parka. I have even had a lady yell across a parking lot "I love your coat". I find this interesting because in the same locations when I am not wearing fur I am almost totally ignored. The complements are a great ego boost and definately a positive reinforcement for my decision to wear fur (AK) So its not just me that is finding this. Women like fur and appear to like men in it...for whatever reason. Again have a look at Vin Diesel. Woul anyone think this is a gay look? http://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/xxx/biolist/bio-VinDiesel.html and Janelle brown commentating: For the women who confess to loving him, Vin Diesel exudes an odd sort of sexual charisma. No woman I know would actually call him good-looking, but several confessed to melting over his softer-edged version of beefy masculinity. This is a man, after all, who shows up in his latest film wearing a fur coat, a fashion statement that is at once openly effeminate and self-consciously masculine (only a man confident enough with his own testosterone levels would don a fur). article source: http://archive.salon.com/people/feature/2002/08/09/vin_hot/index.html these guys don't look affeminate either: http://www.library.state.ak.us/hist/cent/020-0041.jpg Then just over the border In Canada of course the Mounties, the RCMP; always wore fur. Specially for you Tryxie (she has a thing for mounties): http://www.mts.net/~mbvet/img/mountie1.jpg here a special valentine for Tryxie!: http://www.infendo.com/uploaded_images/stuffed-beaver-rcmp-791736.jpg http://www.martinhousedolls.com/shop_image/product/d14aa043d8c749ce97f6fa90eeca42e5.jpg And if anyone wants to get me a gift you Canadian folk some of these or the striped jods would be nice; http://www.hotboots.com/pix89.html Or go direct to the RCMP store for the fur hats; certainly nothing effeminate about them. http://dictionary.laborlawtalk.com/prev_wiki/images/thumb/0/09/180px-Rcmp_sled_dogs_1957.jpg nice: http://www.muskokatradingpost.com/Coyote-Mountie-P33C6.aspx?UserID=117856&SessionID=Jxf35KkS33w33uxQstw2 Anyway this has gone off on a slight tangent but this is an important item; a request from the nunavut for the mounties not to ditch their hats. I hope they listened. http://www.nunatsiaq.com/archives/31031/news/nunavut/legislative.html
lynxette Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 Since I am not a male, I cannot even pretend to understand some of the things you guys are talking about...and I am more than a little happy that I don't. I have tried to imagine what it would be like to worry about what others would think of me in a fur coat if I were not a girl...and then it hit me. I do sort of have an understanding, but from a different perspective. There are times when I wonder whether people are whispering behind my back "who does she think she is, showing off by wearing that expensive coat", or "boy, what a rich b**ch". In other words, women worry about being thought uppity or a showoff by wearing a fur coat especially when no one else is. I know this by the way because I have been asked by people where I wear my furs, as if there aren't enough places where it would be appropriate to do so. When I got my first furs (a coyote parka, jacket, and f/l coat), even though I had always wanted them and did wear them, I felt less comfortable in the coat than the less showy shorter ones. That was only a few years ago, and I have since outgrown any reticence I may have had, but I can still remember the feeling. My advice is to just wear your furs guys, and push through the barriers. Yes, there may be some negatives, but the positive of being wrapped in something you want to be in will far outweigh them. Life is just too short.
Guest Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 Well said Lynxette. "Fools only laugh cos they envy you" (Art School , The Jam) I remember taking a modette out in a blue fox jacket in bristol in 1979. She had a black mini dress with a white keyhole on the front, false eyelashes, a french bob, jade green winklepicker kitten heels, a bag and gloves that actually matched her shoes, and I had bleached blonde hair, granny takes a trip specs, a green suede jacket skin tight black and white striped strides and black pointed chelsea boots. My friend had a crombie and bowler hat, and his girl a parka with a FULL pelt fox fur hood. Then the two girls we met at the station had a black mouton coat gloves and beatles boots, and the other a sixties pastel mink jacket. We fixed them up with two other mods. At this time, we were very avant guard and four were at fashion college. Hell the rest of the country were only just getting into punk. Biut when they were selling bondage trousers in woolworths, and the hardcore punks looked in severe need of a bath, it was time for a return to a smarter, more ostentatious style statement. We took our lambrettas on the train and went to london to see Secret Affair. And it seemed like this song was specially for us: Time For Action (Dave Cairns) Standing in the shadows, Where the in-crowd meet We're all dressed up for the evening We hate the punk elite (who are the punk elite) So take me to your leader Because its time you realised... CHORUS That this is the time This is the time for action (time for action) This is the time to be seen (time to be seen) This is the time for action Time to be seen They can laugh in our face Cos we know we're right Looking good's the answer And living by night So take me to your leader Because its time you realised... REPEAT CHORUS Look at Sweet Julia Speeding on the late night train They're laughing at the way she dresses Too smart and clean But she don't care because she know's she's right And you know we're only two steps away REPEAT CHORUS AS LIB TO FADE Be nice to have a youth movement like that again. The new "mods" of course are nothing of the kind. They are reactionary revisionists; hiding in mass produced inferior quality ben shermans. I have seen a few well dressed emo girls in fur and hope it will develop. Tryxie too has an avant garde look, and a few at the local fashion college don't seem afraid to glam up and wear fur either. But as far as the masses are concerned, the need they feel to conform will stop any big return to fur. BUT that is NO excuse for those of us who love furs; indeed; if we want a revival, we must take a full part in it. As lynxette says; life is too short not to do what you want. Let's make it happen. Ourselves. Don't be intimidated by fascists or worry what other people think. Nervous laughter is just the resort of the timid, intellectually challenged, or drone mentality. "errrr...right so YOU are going to give me fashion advice??????" is a good answer to those you catch laughing. or one of my Russian friends said when someone said that she was ostentatious wearing fur in Harvey Nicks 5th floor bar a couple of years ago (indeed "ritch bitch" was overheard) "it is sable; it is not expensive hey! It is even cheaper than an apartment in the worst part of London! Personally I would rather live in my coat". But mostly, you will get oohs and ahhs and compliments. And those who resent you for wearing fur? Well they are going to scratch your car too.
lynxette Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 Everyone knows my feelings on wearing what one wants, when one wants, but there might be one exception I can think of. I would hate to have on of my furs destroyed by walking into a situation where I know beforehand there will be great hostility. Of course, I would never knowingly put myself into such a situation, but I do have the fear in the back of my mind at times of the unknown. Had a situation in Stockholm a couple of years ago that was my first such time of real fear, and it is not something I would want to repeat.
Guest Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 yes it can happen ; and anywhere (who'd have thought stockholm?). But if we are careful where we are wearing it it does minimise the chance of it happening. My friend actually wore a silver fox to a football match without trouble recently; but that isn;t something i would generally advise!
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