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...it's like going to Chicago to get to New York!

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Buonamattina, amici, (good morning, friends),




And just like that, I'm in New York! Mamma mia! When I have a bit more time, I'll share a few tales from the American highwayscape out in the main Den. This past week contained some of my all-time greatest fur memories: being in it, seeing people enjoy it, and really !@#%&ing needing its warmth. I arrived in Manhattan yesterday afternoon by car after nixing the idea of driving it straight. First priority was a technology rescue mission: retrieve my Nikon from camera purgatory...and more auspiciously, rescuing my MacBook Pro from its sojourn at the Apple Store, Fifth Avenue, where it has been since I hit the States. I'm not sure what feels better: being able to wear my black fox parka out and about on the streets, or not having to use my 2002 Dell Inspiron notebook (the one with more add-ons and upgrades than Joan Rivers) every day. Oh, merda. I've become one of those Mac users again. Well, at least now I can actually learn how to really use OS X. Allora, c'e perfetto. Yesterday's driving was fantastico, from stopping in Flemington to visit in my fox coat, to the random 6'5" bearded gentleman in Times Square who happily agreed to pose in his full-length coyote coat for me...as long as he could take a picture of me in my coat with his camera as well! Talk about a bear hug...I think I know what my next next fur will be! Another highlight was probably meeting the freezing, underdressed group of American high school girls (in those flimsy Abercrombie faux-fur-lined hooded sweatshirts...) who took the train in for the day. I happened to be wearing a t-shirt with the Manhattan Subway Map graphic printed on it under my fox coat...when they asked me directions to Penn Station, I was happy to oblige. Next thing I knew, all the girls were trying on my coat and we were doing pictures together in Rockefeller Center. Even when I wore my leather coat with my alaskan mink/fox mittens, I got positive vibes from those around me who were courageous enough. Like I said in Chicago, it is fascinating to be a sort of spectacle...but I don't want it to become too much, or even worse, something too idyllic that I'll be in danger of becoming nostalgic about in the future! I tend to become very tired of anything over-the-top...incredibly fast.


ciao ciao




Okay, why is it that everytime I am in NYC there are no men out and about in furs, and yet everyone else seems to get to experience this phenomenon? Talk about conspiracy theories...I am starting to wonder if all the fur clad men in the world know when I am around, and go into hiding.

So good to hear that you were in your fur Joe, and that there were two of you in the same place at the same time.


Ahhhhhh...so it is at least some of your doing that there are fewer furs in NYC eh F/L?


Yes, I took my huge collection of 4 coats and headed south!


One of the strangest things I found in the fur district, is the furrier's seldom wear furs. I always thought this was so dumb!! If they won't wear them, why do they think their clients would?


I wear furs everywhere. The only time I don't is when the snow is wet or it is raining.


I am like you Lynxette, I would love to see men in furs. The only ones who seem to embrace furs are black men.



Posted (edited)

Linda, you are exactly right! But add to that, that on runway shows, photo shoots, etc., they do not wear fur either. How often have you seen photos of models with furs and the store owner was standing there without fur?


Just imagine. If you owned a grocery store, and went to someone else's grocery store to buy food. What would people think? It is the same thing exactly. They refuse to use their own product.


When they do that they are telling people that they do not believe in the product that they sell! And, if the store does not believe in the product that they sell, then they should not be in the business. Above all the store owner should wear furs.


I always remember one time when I was in a store and the employee said "Gee I am cold today" and she put on a fur vest. Mentioned something like "You are never cold when you work in a fur store!" Now that is an employee who knew her business! But I will bet that the boss would not do that. He would sit and be cold, rather than using his own product. What signal does that give?


I always find it so frustrating to see that. I am certain that there would not only be more men wearing furs if those people did, but more women as well. One simple act would improve their sales. Yet they refuse to do it.


So very strange... Totally Confusing.

Edited by Guest

You see this through the fashion design industry generally though. How many catwalk shows have wonderful collections of men's and ladies wear and the designers come out looking like they dressed from a skip (dumpster). It's almost an anti design culture that they promote in their appearance. What you have to remember is that these are "arty" people, a group well known for their eccentricity. Look at Galliano, or Lagerfeldt.


Even at University all the girls without exception wore high street rubbish, the latest fashion throw away, only a couple had any individual style of their own and could put an outfit together with any panache. And the number who poo poohed certain retailers as not wearable because they catered for a different age group or more discerning shopper, and never looked for an individual garment from a range. I found it all very strange that they could dismiss fashion as not being fashion. I'm waffling.


You also need to consider, the image these retailers/ wholesalers want to convey. To be taken seriously as a professional, one must still look the part. In a lot of cases this means a suit or smart casual, people have a perception which must be met. The millionaire is unlikely to by from a retailer who dresses like a bag lady, no matter how good the items, similarly if you wear your own creations it looks as if you can't afford a good suit, so are you successful?


It's mostly a state of mind, however its not unusual for staff to wear the garments, its good advertising within the store and a visual display of how an item looks when worn, sometime they look total shite an the hanger so would easily be dismissed, a lost sales opportunity there.


Linda, I get around the wet weather problem by wearing only shorter ones outside, and dodging raindrops with my innate cat-like reflexes.


That is truely one of the interesting thins about threads here...how sometimes they take off, and metamorphosise into something completely different than what was the origional intent. Oh well, that is one of the great things about a forum like ours eh?


As many of you know, there is a forum here where staff keep others informed of messages moved, problems arising, etc. A very few times there have been threads that we thought should have been here. This is one.


Thus we are moving this from our mod forum to the Den.


We hope that you all enjoy this and will post replies!




Well I did meet a furrier in London about 15 years ago who I asked this very question. He had two gorgeous girls working in the store and not in fur. I asked him why and he said that many of his clients wouldnt appreciate being "outdone" by younger girls swanning around in the furs.


Not that I agree with that...but it is the reason he gave. In fact i think hat attitude...and indeed he said it like it was industry practice...probably contributed to the idea that furs were only for older women and had a counter productive effect.


So much sales practice is based on stupid ideas from marketing people. Classic is how they keep changing the food department layout in MandS. It does NOT make me look around more it makes me pissed off that I cant find stuff, and LESS likely to look at other stuff. It doesnt work...dont do it.


It is depressing to hear Tryxie that even in fashion college there is a mentality of conformity and dressing down. One thing for sure is that those people will never produce anything that will lead fashion. I agree that one should dress reflecting your spirit; Lagerfield always looks stylish though.

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