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New baby

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Well Iam back up on my feet and just stopped by to say hi. I had the baby on 2/5/07 Jenna Charlotte was born @104 pm and she is 7 lbs, and 5 oz and 20 inches long.


Iam going to post something else in another thread and you guys make sence of it.

Iam probaly going to leave the fur den due to some events in the past coulple of weeks I have a lot of things going on and getting attacke and blamed is not what I was here for!


I will make up my mind in the next week or two.



Congrats on the baby Hon, I'm glad you're up and bout again.


Congrats on the future fur lover Maribeth.


The other thread you speak of was locked and no judgements were made, so don't feel as if you've been run out of town.


The incident should be handled privately between you two and/or thru Ebay.


Not here and in public.


Welcome back.


Congratulations Maribeth


Hope you stay on in The Den. we dont attack our friends


Congratulations Maribeth! Glad to hear that you and Jenna are doing well! Don't disappear on us!




Congratulations, Maribeth!!


Glad to hear all is well with you and the baby!




Congratulations, Maribeth. Fantastic news! Hope everything's going very well.


I haven't followed whatever dispute's been going on, but please don't leave. We Denizens need to stick together.




We know you're going to be a great mommy!


We Bears will be cracking open another root beer to celebrate!



Great to hear that you are both doing well, and hopefully you will get her started early with a fur blankie.

Please decide to stay with us here at the den.


Fantastic news Maribeth. Congrats on becoming a mommy.







My daughter was the same size when she was born, well... she was only 19 1/2 inches, so your daughter is taller.


Indeed, Congratulations on having a new fur lover in the family! Always great to hear such terrific news!




Congratulations from this side aswell.No hard feelings.A new life is always terrific news.You will be a great mama.


Shucks, this is just like a family gathering, well done, congrats on the bundle of noise, poo and joy, may she enrich your life.....


Oh, and don't go, we need monthly updates on her - could this be the first birth on the Fur Den?






We're SO VERY glad to hear that you & your baby are healthy & safe! Congrats, Mommy!




Janey & Dave


Congratulations Maribeth - am glad both you and baby Jenna are doing ok!! Am sure she will grow up to be as beautiful as her mother


Shame to hear about you wanting to leave the Den - all I can say is that I hope you do come back, as I'm sure that many of us will miss you



2/5/07 Jenna Charlotte was born @104 pm and she is 7 lbs, and 5 oz and 20 inches long


Dont know if this struck you Maribeth, but numerology wise, look at the numbers


2/5/07. 7/5/20. 104, - all reduce to 5 Auspicious numbers!


Probably means nothing, but welcome to a great life anyway, Jenna Charlotte. (powerfull name too)


Hope you both doing well


Congratulations Maribeth!

Glad to hear that you and the baby are doing well.



You know, in reference to the question regarding whether or not this is the first birth in the Den, I think it may be...at least the first on publically announced anyway.


Congratulations Maribeth.


I am sure there was nothing personal in the dispute. Sometimes these things happen; even between friends. Try selling horses! But if both of you use someone to mediate either on ebay or here maybe a solution can be reached.


Yes as far as I can see this is the first birth in the den! A fur papoose may be in order!


Best regards Maribeth; and don't you DARE leave! We have all missed you anyway so pleeeeeeease stay around huh?


Congratulations Maribeth, to you and your husband! I never had the blessing of a little daughter sitting on my lap with her arms around my neck, looking up at me saying, "Daddy, pleassse . . . ?" I would have been such a sucker. My little daughter could have had anything she wanted. If only . . .


Three boys later, and one granddaughter later (born just 18 months ago) I still feel blessed. I finally have that little girl I can spoil - !


I know Jenna must be as nice and as pretty as her mom! Enjoy!



Hi, Maribeth!


Congrats on the birth of your baby girl, what a beautiful name!


Hope you both well,




Congratulations Maribeth!! This is wonderful news, glad to hear you and your family are doing well. We all hope you choose to stay with us here.




Maribeth, congratulations on your new baby. Enjoy the time while they are young as they grow up so fast. My daughter turned 15 and got her drivers learning permit just recently. It seems like only a year or two ago she was learning to walk.

Also, wait till they get to the dating stage Have fun with the new baby and take care.


Shelley and Kevin

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