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I had a furry valentine waiting for mewhenI got home from work


Anyone else




Not here Wife's out of town all week for school.


Nope, no furry valentine for me either...sigh.

Nope, no furry valentine for me either...sigh.


Will you be my furry Valentine...?


Dear Lynxette,

I`m sorry for you that no Valentine was waiting for you. But I hope that although you had a nice Valentine-Day ?!


Lots of regards, Dorian.


I would love to be your valentine earendil...our coats would even sort of match.

And yes Dorian, I did have a nice Valentine's Day. Got quite a bit of work done, and wore furs whilst doing it. Nice combination I think for any day of the year one can make that happen, wouldn't you agree?


I`m absolutely agree with you, lynxette. And it should not happen only on a day like Valentine, it should happen more often during the year. A man and a woman all dressed in a nice and soft furcoats and then enjoyimg each other.... mmmhhhhh. Nice imagination, don`t you think?


Soft regards, Dorian.

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