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this is a shame: destruction of fur

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I recently alerted a seller on eBay to change her description of what was obviously Lynx from Snow Leopard.


Mentioning a possible PeTA attack had her changing it in an instant and thanking me.






I have always been a little at odds with my love of fur and my love of animals. But whatever your opinion the fact remains that fur is a natural, renewable resource. And it's not going out of stle anytime soon, so why not make practical use of old/unwanted/unfashionable furs? I have been doing this for a while....


I started with collar & cuff sets for coats, and selling them on ebay. I included a little printed card & label stating that the items had been made from 100% recycled, pre owned fur (incase the wearer got hassled on the street.)


I moved on to muffs, scarves, pillows and other bits & pieces and couldn't believe how much people responded. This was a few years ago now, and sadlv my living situation changed and I just didn't have the space or the means to keep up with demand.


I am slowly getting back into it now, however, and just love working with all kinds of fur. I even made *blush* a prototype fur masturbation sleeve, ha ha! I use it a lot on my boyfriend (who LOVES it, by the way) and have considered making them to order... but my point is this:


Destroying existing fur is pointless. It doesn't change anything, and just means you made a space that needs to be filled by MORE fur... so sad. And counter-productive. And disrespectful to individuals who choose to wear and enjoy fur - no-one destroys leather in such a manner!




I'm in total agreement with you and I practice what you/I preach.


At first it was because it was the most affordable way I could get furs I could wear daily. You can lookup some of my past posts on making fur lined jackets. They're VERY nice and I get a lot of compliments.


I'm branching out now into other fur items. Even my keyboard pad is sheared Beaver that I'm resting my wrists on while typing this.


Today I came up with the 'hairbrained' idea to make a Linux Tux [stuffed fur penguin]. Worker and Tryxie have their furry stuffed bears so I'll do a Linux pengin.


Fox lined bib overalls anyone












Hey OFF when I was on the plane I stretched my neck to read this german guys german magazine, which had a piec on "organic" influences in architecture/interiors. One of the things that caught my eye was the incredibly theraaputic use of natural furs in the human environment. After all, they were our first homes, furnishings and beds. Again to try and replace these with hard unatural things ...its no wonder people are so miserable.



Quote helen:

"Destroying existing fur is pointless. It doesn't change anything, and just means you made a space that needs to be filled by MORE fur... so sad. And counter-productive. And disrespectful to individuals who choose to wear and enjoy fur - no-one destroys leather in such a manner!"


Well said helen. And the MOST disrespectful to the animal to waste its being like that. Evil I would say.


Give me a snowleopard area and traditional land management and I could get up the poulation of snowleopard to sustainable use within 20 years. And the dali lama? he will ensure with his ignorance and "non interference" attitude their complete extinction. Zoos are their only hope.


BUT we should NEVER use snowleopard until such time they are sustainable, and then only for their own good. They should maintain a $500 000 price tag and ALL that money should be used to protect their habitat.

But to destroy vinatge ones like that is the ultimate ignorance. Like Nazis burning books. For me now the whole concept of buddhism is filth.




I make some architectural and interior design comments in my story "Grace and the Magic Bed".


The use of furs with their psychological impacts on us and Design styles to avoid.


You might enjoy it.








OFF, is there any chance you could let me know where you got your fur mouse pad...or was it specially made? More furs in my interior design is always a good thing I think.

  • 4 weeks later...
Question guys: I know that snow leopard is currently on the endangered species list, and rightfully so unfortunately, but does anyone know if it has ever been used in making fur coats...and if so has anyone seen and/or experienced same?

I have a favourite picture of my snow kitties above my bed, and even in the painting the fur looks to be rather like lynx. I would imagine with the larger skins it would make an absolutely lucious fur coat.


see ne pic in the Et Cetera Album. not a coat, but gives you an idea....


It just came along as an upload.


I put it there specifically as an example.





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