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Joan Collins on UK TV

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Watch out for 'Hotel' next Thursday on BBC1 for Joan Collins in full length Fur. I understand she also appears in 'Footballer's wives' the same night.


Cheers for the heads up.


She's a damn fine woman, especially at her age. I cannot imagine how good she looks in fur...Sheesh.


"I'd do her."


Just my luck though, I'm in Germany for a week. I'm just hoping to see some fur on my travels.







Sorry to pre-emptively disappoint you guys but not only are both these shows on at exactly the same time (on different terrestial channels) but they are also both unlikely to feature Ms Collins or anyone else in real fur.


Oh - and of course they're also both rubbish shows. It's sad how poor UK television dramas are in general these days but perhaps that's a topic for the Off Topic forum.


You're probably more likely to see Ms Collins in fur or at least hear her talk about fur if you visit one of her UK tour dates this spring. Or indeed if you catch her broadway show ("Legends" I think) coming this summer with Linda Evans.



Mr Mockle


At the end of the last episode of "Hotel Babylon", the preview for next weeks episode showed the lovely JC wearing a rather nice blue fox stroller as she checked in.


This is definately one to record and, if you've not watched it before, the series has some pretty good story lines as well.


I've been a regular reader of the Fur Den for a long time but haven't posted for quite a while, in fact I don't even have a record of what my user ID was. The change of home is a good opportunity to change all that.


Question for the moderators: If I remember correctly, an individual with the initials HJ was banned from the old forum. Will this ban continue to apply to the new one?


Hi Foxglove... and welcome to the Den


In answer to your question, both Cookie and Dragon are members here.. and their pages are mentioned on our links page. So, if they are the folks of whom you speak, the answer is yes, links are permitted provided they are not of THEIR COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL, and fall within our CoC (Code of Conduct) which everyone should read along with FAQ as there have been changes and filling out in both.


No it's definately not Cookie or Dragon, I've always admired their work (keep it up chaps!)


The auto-censor thing seemed to object to the initials I posted. They were the eighth letter of the alpahbet and the tenth.


AAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh light dawns on diminished responsibility.


For the answer to that one, I have to defer to Admin, as I, to be perfectly honest, don't even know precisely what swear words have been censored. Judging by the stars though, mention of his name is still banned.


Mr B,


Maybe I can help here. I just went over that list as a newbie a few days ago.


So, if the word starts with an H and there is a J in it as well. Yes, he is banned. (To save the rest of you using your fingers )


I remember seeing his name on the list. The program here will put stars in automatically.



Excellent. Thanks for clearing this up.


Aint life grand? LOL

We are VERY VERY proud to be included!!!


Thanks for the vote of confidence friend!




I have heard a lot of great things about you. It is nice to see you here.


I actually went to your site to see our own Maribeth's pictures.


Had problems registering. A very nice gentleman helped me. Was that you?





Had problems registering. A very nice gentleman helped me. Was that you?




Yes maam that was me..

We try to please




Well you certainly went out of your way to help me. Appreciated that!




Maybe I can help here. I just went over that list as a newbie a few days ago.


Where exactly did you see this list?

Posted (edited)


Edited by Guest

Er....I dont know what you are talking about on this thread. Whats the objection to the 8th and 10th letters?


Am I being thick?


Also Dragon/Cookie welcome. I am also a member of pic post but never received an activation message on the forum so joined here instead.


I cant post just yet on pics either cos my disc drawer doesnt work, and I wondered if you have to post there before you can take part in the forum there.


Also as far as Joan Collins is concerned, does anyone have any of the many smoking secnes jpegs that were once available on the net with here in colored sheared furs etc aswell as the foxes from Dynasty, and does anyone know if the series is being repeated at all(on sky etc UK)?


And a very nice Blue fox it was too!!!


Trouble was Joany was looking her age a tad




It was pleasantly surpriing to see Ms Collins in fur again on such a mainstream show. It looked like a full length blue fox too from a long shot taken from outside the hotel. The three friends that visited her were also in furs (a dark mink coat, a mink stole and possibly a fox) and Joan also appeared holding a mink stole late in the show.


You're right that it wasn't the ultra-glam Joan from her Dynasty days but she was hardly dressing down and there's probably something in her contract that said that she had to wear less make-up than the three leading ladies in the regular cast. Perhaps that full glamour will return in her forthcoming appearance on Footballer's Wives, even if the fur does not.


Anyone going to see her during her latest tour of the UK. It's billed as including a series of anecdotes from her career (bound to involve a few from Dynasty) and a Q&A session - might be an opportunity to ask her about furs?



Mr Mockle


Okay so Joan is no spring chicken but seeing her makes me thing of that lasting image from "The B*tch" that will keep her in my affections for a very long time.


I'm in Paris at the moment and have not had a chance to watch "Hotel Babylon" yet but it sounds like it will be worth keeping.


BTW, if you get the opportunity to visit Paris at this time of year it's well worth it. Plenty of minks, sables and foxes on the Champs-Elysees (sorry for the spelling my French friends, I can't remember how to get accented characters out of a UK English keyboard).


Another good spot is the Rue Saint Denis near where it crosses Boulevard Saint Denis. A popular area for "Ladies of the night". Plenty of them are total mingers but they do wear some pretty stunning fur coats.


I've seen a long silver fox, a long blush fox and one very cute girl in a blue fox jacket as well as several black fox jackets and fox-trimmed mink.


All in all, a pretty good end to the day.

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