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Fake fur, Is it the real alternative?

Guest Tryxie Trash

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  • People tend to fear what they don't understand.
  • People tend to condemn what they fear.
  • People tend to paint what they condemn with a broad brush.


Growing skin (and theoretically, fur) under laboratory conditions requires nothing more than a small sample of tissue, taken from a donor. I could go to a doctor's office and he could snip off a small piece of my skin then put it in a beaker with a solution containing the correct nutrients and my skin would just grow all by itself.


There is no genetic modification involved. You can not equate growing skin cells under laboratory condition with genetically modified food crops or the criminal use of genetic technology by large corporations. It is simply a non-sequitur.


Enhancing growing tissue with other biological traits has been done for YEARS without harm. Scientist have implanted cells that make luciferin from fireflies into mice. When the cells take root, the mice glow in the dark!


There's NO reason why we can't grow fur in the laboratory and use the technology at-hand to modify it to suit our own desires.


Polychlorinated biphenyls have noting to do with fur manufacture. Another non-sequitur.

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Quote frugal fur guy:

But I'm wondering how an animal's environment shapes what we know as fur. Could it grow right if there's no animal inside that knows where it needs to be scratched and licked to maintain its loft?

end quote


This is my main point. I belive an animals fur is a product of its pride, need to display, ability to work beneath water, etc. You can't grow that which makes the fur beautiful, and I think you will be left with something thin and limp and without the "experience".


Quote worker:

People tend to fear what they don't understand.


People tend to condemn what they fear.


People tend to paint what they condemn with a broad brush.


end quote.

The "fear" I have of such bio tech advances are based on the appaling eco record of companies like Monsanto, not on fear of the unknown.


And my love of fur is also based on my love of very real, very proud, animals. I have no fear of ral animal fur ; that is for those that feel guilt about fur. While we need and value animals, they are safe. Fox and mink are not the most common mammal predators on the planet for nothing.....it is because they are valklued for hunting and fur and thus "protected".

Attempts to reintroduce beaver into the UK are already causing problems as they are flooding areas where they have expanded into. They will become a pest and this is the reason they were eradicated here and in Canada in the first place, NOT through fur trade. They had NO problem in Cree areas whre they continue to thrive.

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Look folks. I am a Libertarian. If you want to grow fur then fine; I ain't going to stop anyone through eco terrorism I am just making clear we don't have a hugely succesful record without dire consequences often.


I will continue only to love the real thing that has come from a beautiful alive and proud animal that has lived a reasonable quality of life.


Similarly, when I want to eat fowl, I will eat a pheasant that has been shot, and it tastes wonderful; or eggs that have been laid by ducks and chickens on the farm and continue to do so because the Hunt keeps the fox at bay.

If you want to eat bernard Matthews avian flu infected poultry, the result of overcrowding and dodgy breeding, or southern fried chicken that are bred without beaks so they can't peck each other or eat anything and whose legs collapse under their own weight because of steroids, and are killed, arteficially grown, after 6 weeks or less, then do so. BUT DON'T try and tell me it tastes as good as what we have okay?

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Our actions always have inintended consequenses.


Biofuel for instance. Everyone is all for it. That is, except for the Dairy Farmers and domestic meat animal raisers,


Saw on the news a few nghts ago their feed stock prices are going through the roof because they have to compete with the the grain sellers selling to the biofuel refiners.


I was wondering when that one would work its way into the financial records.


Of course in the mean time there are enormous mountains of available energy sitting in and around every major city in the world. Garbage dumps. And no one is doing a thing about then except complain and get sick.




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The engineering and equipment designs are available to process the garbage in real time [not wait for decomposition and pollutant runoff] to get the gas out and produce electricity efficiently and essentially for free, without pollution.


Recycle + gas extract = electricity + clean fertilizer + reusable materials [metals, paper and glass]


Tires, plastics, rubber and other bio-products are converted efficiently to "fuel" as well.


Just need the "Politicians" and "special interest" groups to pull their collective heads out of ther asses and get with the program.


The world of 'unintended consequenses'.






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There's so much text here that I get spastic compulsions.


Tryxie, will you never learn to not put coins in ToS' slot?


You miss the point I think Earendil.


Bear baiting is illegal, ToS is best legal alternative.

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  • 11 years later...

The US state of Louisiana recycles crops of corn and sends their crops off to fuel refineries for bio fuel consumption for diesal trucks and passenger buses.....louisiana is a huge agricultural state..

Half is corn and others are cattle and beans and wheat..

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