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masters of horror on Bravo tv

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a A horror about trying to make a perfect fur coat out of racoons. Going to investigate now.


well the usual anti fur message though they did use a real raccoon coat and very nice it was too. There was even a sex scene in the fur, and she even smokes in it.

Howver the good scene was then wrecked by the furrier skinning himself in a tasteless manner.


Oh oh...not another one of those. You know, this could casue a girl with a few closets full of furs and an overactive imagination...no I have not ooutgrown that one yet...to have some serious nightmares.


The truth though is lynxette that fur is not evil but good. Any time you need reminding of that just touch. There is no bad vibe from it; just positive energy.

The people who wear stuff made from oil "the black death" rotting in the ground for millions of years until no organic energy remains, are the ones who should be having nightmares. you only have to smell a pair of trainers after you have spent a few hours in them, or a nylon shirt, to know the suffocating evil of synthetics.

Oil is what is left over, that cannot be used by nature again. It is therefore negative energy.


Absolutely Touch of Sable...my furs have been my lifeline on more than one occasion...I just shudder when I see them turned into something evil that's all.


I feel the same about movies which represent cats and rats as something evil. They aren't and attempts to make them appear so just fuel ignorance.

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