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I'm Back, Too!

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I'm baaaaack!!!



Thanks, everybody, for all of your thoughts and prayers and special thanks to Refur and White Fox who called while I was in the hospital! You guys can't imagine how that cheered me up! And I also have to send out special thanks to the legions of bears around the world who worked in unison to watch over me. (This is true!) When they wheeled me to my room after I was in the recovery room (the surgery and recovery lasted for about seven hours) the Duchess was waiting for me, but my boss was also there, and guess what he gave me? A bear. With a T-shirt that had "Get Well!" on the front of it! It came with a card signed by everyone in my office who said that bear was there for them to watch over me and to get me out of the hospital in record time. Well, guess what? It was in record time! I was discharged yesterday afternoon, just four days after my surgery. I remember having a conversation with one of my nurses, and I told her that the doctor told me that I would probably be getting out of the hospital in four or five days and she just sniffed and informed me that patients who had the procedure I'd had stay in the hospital a minimum of five days, and that I shouldn't count on getting home any earlier than next Monday or Tuesday.


The bears knew better . . .


So here I am - The first time since I've been home that I have been able to get on my laptop, but I wanted to let you know that I am alive, well (still a bit stiff and sore) and back home again. Just a couple more tweaks to this old guy (including one more minor surgery) and he'll be almost as good as new!


Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!


Oh - and BTW - Happy Birthday To Us!!


Great to have you back again BrGr.


And thanks for making this great place possible.


Welcome back my good friend!! I certainly prayed for you and am so happy you are well and back on your feet!! Time to enjoy some fur, huh? You know, I think you are ending up having more lives than a cat!!! Lucky for all of us that you are well!! I hope this is the last time for you to go thru all this "crap" for awhile! You are deserving of break. Take it easy for awhile and great to have you back!




Great News FrBrGr. So glad you've bounced back so rapidly

And never underestimate "bear power" + a little bit of help from all your friends in the Den Of course.


welcome back frbrgr!

Remind the Duchess of the recouperation powers within furs spoken of by the shamens of every primitive peoples the world over.


Glad your back from surgery & back home.

You beat me by a few days.


Welcome back. Please avoid this hospital stuff in the future. And thank you for the wonderful site.




>> The Bears are glad you're home and getting better! <<


Some people just dismiss it out of hand. Some people call it synchronicity. But the truth is that there is ALWAYS a Bear looking out for us humans, even if we don't know it, he's there!


There have been several situations when times were tough but a Bear showed up and I knew everything was going to be okay.


You just take care of yourself and try to stay healthy. The Bears will take care of the rest!


The blue one in front, Worker . . . The poor thing is having a seizure . . .


He's waving to you!

If you look carefully at the Bears in the background you can see them giggling.



Glad to have you back, buddy. As one who experienced a quick turn around following some major surgery, I can appreciate your enthusiasm and gratitude to your many friends and some pretty fine doctors and nurses too.


Keep pecking away at the laptop, we'll be watching, Big Brother !




Welcome home you old scallywag yarrr

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