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Happy Birthday Liz Taylor

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Looks absolutely amazing decked out in whie fox for her 75th birthday bash.

For me she looks a hell of a lot more sexy than she did when winning the Grand national on the Pie when she was just a slip of a girl.


Beautiful. And may I lead the Birthday wishes for this stunning icon for here services to our own love of Furs Fashion. I am particularly reminded of Butterfield 8, and The VIPs, both of which movies she smokes in the furs.

Many Happy returns Elizabeth; you are as gorgeous as ever.










http: //www.lovegoddes.


Yes, thank you, ToS - Liz is in a league all of her own. She is "la creme de la creme" of all celebrities - She epitomizes the meaning of celebrity, and she's always done it with something that is so lacking in modern era celebrities - class! She was never afraid to wear fur, and wow - ! Does she ever wear it well - even at 75!


Happy Birthday Liz! You're one of a kind!


How is that a troll link? If it is then the stills of Liz from butterfield 8 are too.


You got me, dude - I'd already clicked on it before I saw the caveat and nothing happened to my computer . . .


Touch and all....


ToS's last link is perfectly safe to click.


All of the recent troll attacks we've had here involved links to sites that ended in .info.


Therefore AK changed the way the forum software handled the posting of links to these sites to include a clear warning to all of us to be careful when clicking links to this kind of site.


If this kind of link shows up in a post by a new member or someone you are not formiliar with DO NOT click the link until a mod or admin has had a chance to check it out.


If you do, you run the risk of infecting your computer.


Problem has been fixed.


We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...


Has anyone got a photo of that wonderful sable coat Dicky Burton bought here that cost big bucks - it did always look amazing ...




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