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which is your favourite avatar?

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I was wandering through the posts and came across Janey's avatar. That hood and that generous abundance of fur. I think its my no.1 vote as an avatar.


That's a difficult one as there have been so many nice ones. Some of Off's are excellent. I like Tryxie's art ones. Then the classic Linda ones say something wonderful about women and fur. So many nice ones...


However....and I know some of you are tired of it...my fave is still my own. Simply because I took it myself and it has a sense of defiance about it.


Thought I'd switch to a party Avatar for the Site ISP switch.


She looks like she's havin' fun






















There are certainly some great ones out there! Although I don't recall seeing it posted, charliefox's avatar in the gallery rocks! The light, the hair, the outdoor setting, and of course the fox.


However for all around consistency in my mind OFF always has the best avatars!


While I'm at it....thanks TOS for posting Paulina....I have settled on this stunning avatar untill I get the nerve/permission to use my wife's furry portrait as my avatar.



Yes Icepilot Paulina rocks don't she? Plenty of pics of her in furs in the smoking lounge of yel olde denne pub btw if you go back a few pages.


Look forward to seeing your wife pics though! Remind her she can always wear sunglasses for the shots!


Thanks, Furlickle, it sure is wonderful to wear!





Posted (edited)

Of course, I'm partial to the Den's logo, which I use as an avatar, but I must say that I have enjoyed several of OFF's avatars, and so far, Ravens8 is batting 100% . . . (!)

Edited by Guest



I vote for Off's myself. he has had some great ones, And of course Tryxie Trash's on magic Friday!


Yes I have magic friday's saved to my puter


And yes Janeys is very lovely too; an air of coy mystery and a stunning coat.


ps Ravens is that your wife in your avatar? A very cheeky shot; cute.


btw what has happened to furelli lately; he had a nice oriental lady in silver fox as I remember. I saw a korean lady in a gorgeous f/l black mink today too.


'Fraid not ToS she's not my wife. I would die in my sleep (probably painfully)if I ever posted a fur shot of my wife up on the den.


Nevertheless I agree, the avatar is a very cute shot. But if I was walking in the street with my wife, and my eyes strayed to such a vision, my ear would be twisted painfully until I was brought to my senses!


hmmm. come to think of it, it would probably be worth it !


Well, my top 3 are Janey's, ToS', and probably Miss T. Bringing up the rear in last place is my own - am not really that photogenic of a bloke. But everyone else's avatars are a damn sight better than mine!!


Yes UncleJoe but at least you have the balls to put it up so kudos to you.


Sorry OFF re: what i said earlier. Miss T's just blown you right out the room

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