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Heather Mills McCartney

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Heard on the UK radio today of a newspaper with a photo of her in a fur coat (old pic I understand) but anyone seen it? The link?


If we can find it, its fits with the title 'hypocrite'!!




That depends if the photo is pre or post PeTA conversion. Everyone is entitled to change their minds, you can't be a hypocrite before the event. If she's wearing her coat post conversion that's something else


Good argument, but that I believe is a term PETA has applied to Naomi Campbell et al in respect of their modeling furs now....


Whats good for the goose.....!




Naomi Campbell et al wore furs - then joined the Peta "I'd rather go naked" campaign, then rejected that view, and went back to wearing furs.


In Petas warped view this constitutes being a hypocrite. But as Tryxie says, they were just exercising their right to change their minds. We all have that right.


Hypocracy is when you believe something, but act in a way that goes against your stated beliefs.


It was on the front of the UK's Daily Mirror. A bit pointless really, the pictures were from 1989. She looked very classy, instead of the gaunt old hag she is nowadays. Hardly hypocritical, but then again any bad press against that money grabbing, ill-informed enemy of fur is always good.....


Apparently the article refers to pics from 1989.


But do you really think PeTA will care when it was! Despite their facade and the fact that it has been proven that most of the top brass of PeTA are dependant on products that would not be here without animal testing, and the figures of the animals they really kill! They will simply say that she is disgusting and retreat back into their fantasy world, where what they say rules and what they actually do never happens!


The former Mrs. McCartney is in the new edition of "Dancing with the Stars" here on ABC-TV (I think) in the States. I hope her leg falls off...



That depends if the photo is pre or post PeTA conversion. Everyone is entitled to change their minds, you can't be a hypocrite before the event. If she's wearing her coat post conversion that's something else


No they are not when thy condemn others for waht they have done. That is like allowing Rose West to become a nun. Its bollox

The former Mrs. McCartney is in the new edition of "Dancing with the Stars" here on ABC-TV (I think) in the States. I hope her leg falls off...





God, that's awful - but sick SOB that I am, I freaking love it!!


Which leg does FurloverinFL want to fall off?? --------- All these sick remarks about her false leg, I think it's prosthetic

And this one....boy when one searches google one finds absolute gems.....




So, a one legged fur wearing pathological lying hooker who married a beetle!






Thanks for the link, auzmink! Here's what I messaged ABC-TV:


In addition to the fact that I fail to see how ABC can justify that Heather Mills is a "star," in my opinion she was a fraud, is a fraud, and probably always will be a fraud when it comes to getting her way and making money any way she can. The following is a recent article from London's Evening Standard, "thisislondon.co.uk, The Entertainment Guide."




The article exposes many of her lies and exaggerations. According to The Evening Standard, she has stooped so low as to steal someone else's identity to further her "career" and even went as far as lying about her own mother!


Congratulations, ABC-TV! By inviting this liar and cheat to be on your show, you eliminated any remaining credibility this show ever had! I, for one, will not waste my time watching it!


They'll probably quake in their boots at the network . . .


I'm getting these flashes about the story, "Good Country People" by Flannery O'Connor.




Every time I read "Joy-Hulga" I think "Heather Mills-McCartney" instead. Then, I don't feel sorry for her when the story ends. I just laugh.


...And you guys thought FLinFL was a sick puppy!?


Nice line, goldsable


Surely I'm not the only one who found that amusing?


The thisislondon article is fantastic! She's an embarrassment.

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