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Good show of furs at Chepstow Races

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On a freezing day at Chepstow with only about 1000 in attendance, it was nice to see about 30 real furs.

One of them was a sheared blonde mink with a colossal blue fox collar and cuffs worn by a gorgeous top welsh lady trainer. With Julien macdonald also firing a few good shots at the antis this week it seems I am not alone in fighting; at least some of my country folk are with me and that makes me proud( not forgetting Catheirne Zeta Jones too) Welsh women are coming out of the closet and wearing their furs with pride. A lot of them are young.


Champion rachorse trainer paul Nicholls fired a warning shot at the press last week too about giving AR people too much press. He has told them that they will get a mouthful from him about antis if they try to interview him.



Slowly it changes; slowly we come togethr.

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