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story telling

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Seems to be a little quiet in The Fur Den. Wonder why? I posted a story in literotica, actually an old story "Winter". Am a little annoyed with myself though for not putting in a better effort of proof reading.. some grammer and typo errors. Oh well!


Oh! So that WAS your story I read!


I did notice a few typos but no more than I make. Nice work.

Seems to be a little quiet in The Fur Den. Wonder why? I posted a story in literotica, actually an old story "Winter". Am a little annoyed with myself though for not putting in a better effort of proof reading.. some grammar and typo errors. Oh well!


Things start to slow down here as fur season winds down.


ON the typos I use google's tool bar and it has a built in spellcheck. I have found it to be a wonderful versatile tool. I use it here all the time.




Hey, folks! If you want to read furlickle's story, click the link below:




If you read the story, please take a moment to register a vote.

I think we need to encourage more people to write fur stories and post them on Literotica. The more people vote on them, the more these stories will float to the tops of the popularity lists and the more people will read them.


If we get enough people reading and writing fur stories, we can lobby for our own category: Furotica!


I appreciated the feedback too. There's a great deal of fun to be had in storytelling.




You have more chapters .. right?


Feedback is always appreciated.


Writting is a new addiction for me. I didn't start until very late in life .. writing stories that is. I've writen all my life but not stories.


Looking forward to more from you.









I was just surfing around on the net and I stopped in to Literotica to see how things are. I noticed that your story has an average score of 4.50. That's just over the line to hit the "Hot List"!


Can you tell us how many readers you've been getting? How many votes? And, most importantly, will there be more?


To date there have been 769 readers and fifteen votes. I'm pleased with the number of readers. I must get around to writing some more and seeing where the imagination leads.


There were more chapters in the original. They sort of spun off tangentially from the first story somewhat, naturally some of the stories worked better than others.




Think I have those in my files. I'll reread them but I htink they are totally sufficient to post as well.




  • 2 weeks later...



I love reading fur stories and I'm very jealous of anyone with writing talent.


Keep up the good work!




Thanks Velvet_Tigress - hope you enjoyed the story.




Have you ever tried?






I like the second story even better than the first!




Why don't you try to write a story? We could all swap ideas.


I just posted a link to furlickle's story index at Literotica.com in the Fur Den's directory of links.


CLICK HERE to go to the links page.


I also put furlickle in my Favorites List on Literotica. People who view my profile can see that list. If they like fur stories, they will be able to find more by checking the list. I think everybody who writes fur stories at Literotica should do this.


Fur people gotta' stick together, don't ya' know!


Thanks Worker



















Thanks again for the positive feedback and the reference Worker. This second story seems to have grabbed quite a bit of attention - around 5,500 readers in the first couple of days. I couldn't believe it when I saw that.


I think you've got a hit franchise on your hands!

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