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Half a Million!

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We have broken the 500,000 mark!

Half a Million!


Viewers, that is! 500,867 to be exact.


Yes, folks! The pictures in our gallery have been viewed THAT many times!


And, with pictures like THIS:



thumb_r2512661212.jpg thumb_15.jpg thumb_EagleRockAfternoon-560.jpg



Why would anybody have a doubt?!


BTW! The picture count is 9030... Only 70 more to go before we hit 9,000!


Who is going to be the 9,000th picture poster?


" title="Applause" /> Very impressive indeed! And exactly how long has the gallery been opened???? 500,000 hits in a short time is quite a feat!




Worker, explain our picture numbers again?


500,000!! That is a lot of views!!






Every time a visitor clicks on a picture to look at it, the counter gets another click.


The number has gone up!


A gain of 924 in only 11 hours!

That's 84 viewers per hour! One viewer every minute and 24 seconds!


501,791 pictures have been displayed to visitors of the Fur Den Gallery!



The total number of pictures in our gallery has increased by 9 since the last count!






25 new visitors in only 7 minutes! 8)

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