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I will accept taht compromise. Waht i don't like is when fuctionality (Timerland North Face etc PRETNDS to advocate functionality when theyr are NOT actually that functional outside the urban environment, and COMPLETELY rejects any aesthetic or meanigful expression in the items...not just fur; any modern design in any theatre.


Incidentally thought you may like this:

The Kaska Dena community of Ross River, Yukon, has teamed up with prominent Canadian architect Douglas Cardinal to plan a new subdivision that both parties say will respect traditional values and the environment.


"It's a genuine effort to bring about something that will really speak to us as a Dena," Ross River Chief Jack Caesar said Thursday at a public unveiling of Cardinal's design concept.


Cardinal, an Ottawa-based aboriginal architect, is best known for the trademark swooping curves of the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Que. He said Thursday that he is pleased with his partnership with the First Nation.


"They came to my office and asked me if I would serve them in developing their new subdivision, which is actually on their traditional land," Cardinal said. "They want to be able to develop a self-sufficient community that's more respectful of the environment. "


Ross River is located about 360 kilometres northeast of Whitehorse, near the junction of the Campbell Highway and the Canol Road.


Cardinal's idea for Ross River's subdivision is to create small circles of eco-friendly houses grouped by matriarchal extended families, and arrange the entire subdivision in a large circle — a representation of the sacred circle.


"The houses will be in clusters and circles, in family circles, so that the mothers will participate in the raising of the children that are at the centre of the community," he said.


It would mark a change from the First Nation's past. In 1962, the federal government relocated the community across the Campbell River to the town of Ross River "and put them in a neat little row without consultation with the people and without respect for their traditions," Cardinal said.


"And so the people want to return home and make this a new start for themselves and for Ross River."


Community plans to relocate to traditional lands

Band Coun. Gordon Peter said the community's plan is to build the new subdivision back across the river on traditional lands.


"A lot of the elders are very excited about that," Peter said.


"What we're envisioning now, it's for the future … and with this subdivision and everything that'll be ... everything new for us."


Not all the funding for the project is confirmed.


Cardinal plans to return to the Yukon sometime this summer to continue his planning work.



ALSO: Native womens costume:




yes OFF. Tradition...therefore cultural meaning, functionality, innovation and aesthetics. That is ALWAYS going to be the best when all are considered. And the Western global culture...in architecture, Art , fashion etc sells us short because global corportions want us to forget most of it and go for "cheapness".

Posted (edited)

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Edited by Guest



Glad to hear


I don't care how careful you are around a construction site it's just that and abusiness suite or similar clothing is just not .. suitable


Not all my jackets are either which is why I did the Carhartt. My Buckskin/Bobcat is suitable as well. Both have been worn hiking and are fantastic for the purpouse.












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