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Gallery uploads are complete for now.

Actually ToS I have a pair of Mugler trousers.


Coming shortly


D&G, Gucci, Micheal Kors, Ungaro


Valentino is stunning but no furs this upload.


Just a thought, with everyone's wonderful contribution to this gallery, is this now the definitive collection of fur photos in the World?


The huge vintage photo collection and all Tryxie's additions surely makes this a site every potential fashion design student needs to see!








We are up there with our number of pictures and we have variety in depth that the others don't have.


We will continue to subdivide into speciallized categories as needed and special collections as they come along. This is something the other sites don't really do


There are certainly several very fine collections out there that are quite fine in their ways and there is certainly room for all










I feel we indeed have the classiest gallery on the net. Not to blow my own horn because I am only one of many, but all of us who post have tried hard to avoid repetition. Perhaps more importantly, we have very active and hard working moderators (Take a bow gang.) who's efforts keep the quality up. Compare the situation if you will to a certain other gallery where everyone is allowed to post willy-nilly resulting in endless repeats of the same small set of pictures, I've even seen cases where someone reposted pictures from the day before.


My point is, that as we expand, let's continue to keep the same (I think pretty much agreed on) values working. That way I think we'll make something very special.




I would like to nominate TrixyTrash for the Hall of Fame...


Hope some of you aren't offended if I don't pm you about my not posting your picture. If I DON"T it's most likely because it is a duplicate.


If you violated the CoC then I will pm you.


Sometimes for minor infractions like ToS' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! File names


Just a reminder .... NO .bmp files please.


Duplicates are acceptable if it is an improved or enlarged version of a previously posted picture. I began that practice myself a while back. Please note the Author of the original if you know it please.




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you Off!

Just kidding.

I will try next week to sort out my st moritz pics.


Anyone I know got a scanner? Wouldn't mind taking a day with someone to scan some of my complete collection of 1950s Vogues Tatlers Queens and a couple of awesome foreign Vogues. One Spanish one that is going to make people wet themselves. PM me if you have and are travellable to by train......please note it has to be someone that is a regular here; sorry newbies but we have to be careful. We could upload the st moritz lot at the same time; but it would take a day and night at least. I don't mind staying in a hotel nearby so don't worry about putting me up.


And may I say what a fab collection of new pics unknown to me most Tryxie; ace stuff again.


I hope our graphics gurus can come up with a


"Fashion Guru Moderator" label for Tryxie as a thanks.


That's the last of them uploaded for this time round


We are impressed with this individual's dilligence and she will be assimilated into our hive.


more images hopefully being posted later today. I have a mammoth 4000 image download happening right now, so there should be even more pics coming later, and these are extra to my normal source



We aren't worthy!


Don't forget any nice smoking ones will be gratefully received too.


Your hard work is appreciated Tryxie; thanks.


Can we have ya suicide girly avatar back please tryxie?


which one was that ToS? Oh and 39 images yesterday, you'll need to hunt, there was a lot of activity in the gallery.


Uh, oh! Tryxie is turning RED again! Better watch out!



I too love that avatar! Brightens up the place! Love the "attitude," too!




Sent it to my ex asking why she didn't look liket his when she's pissed


















Well I spent most of yesterday downloading 2000ish images and not one single fur. But the Spring Summer collections from the designers are truly amazing, some futuristic some just absolutely breath taking.


D is for DOUTZEN


More images on the way. Things are slowing down now, after all we are into the Spring Summer collections. There are a few nice pieces showing up though. The Autumn (Fall) Winter ones will be upon us soon.


It's a pity we don't have a small fashion section in the gallery, there have been soon truly beautiful outfits that would raise the guys blood pressure for sure.


I have access to images for the Fall/Winter collections for 07/08. You guys are going to cream yourselves. Hopefully by mid week I should have a good selection posted.


Hmmm...you may have a point.

An off topic gallery area for non fur images posted PURELY to illustrate discussion points. Fashion, personal, Art (one SF site has a post area just for ART not smoking related) current affairs whatever ....just to use, selectively, in such circumstances; or or other related images. Even if we are talking about a particular fashion collection or movie or person sometimes it wold be useful to post non fur images. Only if it was highly selective.


Like for example I wanted to post that robot image of Brigitte Helm to show how we all know her but not the name; I did; but it isn't really relevant to fur as such.


Likewise, if Tryxie wanted to indicate a point about the shapes/looks tailoring/ spirirt it would be nice to she what she is talking about. OR someone else may want to discuss other images they find erotic without fur; or particular actresses ...like Lynda carter for example. OR they may want to share something with the community...their new dog, car or something. As long as it aisn't abused and relevant to discussion; I think it would be an idea.

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